\name{rq.fit.ppro} \alias{rq.fit.ppro} \title{ Preprocessing fitting method for QR } \description{ Preprocessing method for fitting quantile regression models that exploits the fact that adjacent tau's should have nearly the same sign vectors for residuals. } \usage{ rq.fit.ppro(x, y, tau, weights = NULL, Mm.factor = 0.8, eps = 1e-06, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Design matrix } \item{y}{ Response vector } \item{tau}{ quantile vector of interest } \item{weights}{ case weights } \item{Mm.factor}{ constant determining initial sample size } \item{eps}{ Convergence tolerance } \item{\dots}{ Other arguments } } \details{ See references for further details. } \value{ Returns a list with components: \item{coefficients}{Matrix of coefficient estimates} \item{residuals}{Matrix of residual estimates} \item{rho}{vector of objective function values} \item{weights}{vector of case weights} } \references{ Chernozhukov, V. I. Fernandez-Val and B. Melly, Fast Algorithms for the Quantile Regression Process, 2019, arXiv, 1909.05782, Portnoy, S. and R. Koenker, The Gaussian Hare and the Laplacian Tortoise, Statistical Science, (1997) 279-300 } \author{ Blaise Melly and Roger Koenker } \seealso{ \code{\link{rq.fit.pfn}}, \code{\link{boot.rq.pxy}} } \keyword{regression}