Raw File
Version 13.0

Version 13.0 contains a new version (V5) of the protocol environment,
which is the set of functions that protocols can call. This new
version is used by protocol Jakarta, which is a proposal for the
successor of Ithaca. This release also contains Jakarta itself as well
as its daemons.

Note that starting from Jakarta, the baker requires you to specify
your vote for the liquidity baking toggle, see :ref:`the changelog <changes_13_0_rc1_baker>`.

Update Instructions

To update from sources::

  git fetch
  git checkout v13.0
  rm -rf _opam _build
  make build-deps
  eval $(opam env)

If you are using Docker instead, use the ``v13.0`` Docker images of Tezos.


- `Version 13.0 <../CHANGES.html#version-13-0>`_
- `Version 13.0~rc1 <../CHANGES.html#version-13-0-rc1>`_
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