Tip revision: a34738fe34a051760b4042dc9d740231e511fec1 authored by Nico Schertler on 31 October 2020, 07:04:57 UTC
Updated access token
Updated access token
Tip revision: a34738f
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include "PatchSet.h"
#include "TexturePatch.h"
#include "ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap.h"
#include "Singularity.h"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <nsessentials/util/Observer.h>
class MotorcycleGraph
//Represents a motorcycle that travels across the mesh together with its trail.
struct Motorcycle
Motorcycle() { }
//Instantiates a motorcycle
//h - The current position of the motorcycle
Motorcycle(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, bool highPriority)
: currentPosition(h), highPriority(highPriority)
{ }
//The current position of the motorcycle. The motorcycle is assumed to sit
//at the beginning of this halfedge and is going to traverse it.
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle currentPosition;
//saves the locations on the path where other motorcycles crashed into this motorcycle
std::set<size_t> crashesOnPath;
//Index of a motorcycle that continues in a 180° angle (not a 90° angle as usual) at
//the start of this motorcycle. This happens when two motorcycles collide head-on or
//if a valence-2 singularity is introduced. A value of (size_t)-1 specifies no continuation.
size_t straightContinuationStart = (size_t)-1;
//Index of a motorcycle that continues in a 180° angle (not a 90° angle as usual) at
//the end of this motorcycle. This happens when two motorcycles collide head-on or
//if a valence-2 singularity is introduced. A value of (size_t)-1 specifies no continuation.
size_t straightContinuationEnd = (size_t)-1;
//Determines if this motorcycle has already terminated and will not move further.
bool terminated = false;
//Determines if this motorcycle collided with the padded boundary.
bool collideWithPaddedBoundary = false;
//Determines if this motorcycle start from the padded boundary.
bool startInPaddedBoundary = false;
bool highPriority = false;
//Determines if this motorcycle is ignored for patch extraction.
bool isDeactivated = false;
//temporary data, only used for sorting
int temporaryContextEdge;
//The multiplier of the parametric sizes between the two sides of the motorcycle.
float multiplier = 1;
//Returns a list of all previously traversed halfedges.
const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& Path() const { return path; }
//Adds a halfedge to the path of this motorcycle.
void AddToPath(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const HEMesh& mesh);
//Removes the last halfedge from the path of this motorcycle.
void RemoveLastPathSegment(const HEMesh& mesh);
//Returns the number of non-boundary edges in the path of this motorcycle.
size_t NonBoundaryEdges() const { return nonBoundaryEdges; }
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> path;
size_t nonBoundaryEdges = 0;
//Represents a point on the path of a motorcycle
struct MotorcycleStop
MotorcycleStop() = default;
MotorcycleStop(size_t motorcycleId, size_t locationInMotorcyclePath);
//The id of the motorcycle
size_t motorcycle;
//The index of the location on the motorcycle's path in [0, n], where n is the
//number of path halfedges. 0 specifies the start of the path. n specifies the end.
size_t locationInMotorcyclePath;
//Represents a directed location on the path of a motorcycle.
struct LocationOnPath
//The id of the motorcycle
size_t motorcycle;
//The number of the halfedge within the motorcycle's path
size_t pathSegment;
//Determines if this location is directed in the same direction as the
//original halfedge. If so, the location specifies the beginning of the
//halfedge (going forward). Otherwise, the location specifies the end
//of the halfedge (going backward).
bool goForward;
LocationOnPath(size_t motorcycle, size_t pathSegment, bool goForward);
bool operator==(const LocationOnPath& other) const;
//Holds data gathered during patch extraction
struct ExtractionStatistics
//The total number of faces covered by patches
size_t totalFaces = 0;
//The total number of open patches (i.e. patches whose
//extraction failed).
size_t openPatches = 0;
//The maximum degree of all extracted patches.
int maxPatchDegree = 0;
//The number of patches, grouped by their degree
std::vector<uint32_t> patchCountPerNumberOfCorners;
//The total number of faces covered by patches of the respective degree
std::vector<uint32_t> patchSizesPerNumberOfCorners;
//A list of all patch sizes (number of covered faces)
std::vector<size_t> patchSizes;
void Clear();
//Represents a half arc of the patch graph. The arc itself is made up of partial
//motorcycle trails.
struct HalfArc
//Iterates the halfedges of a halfarc
class PathSegmentIterator : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, LocationOnPath>
PathSegmentIterator() = default;
PathSegmentIterator(int iMotorcycle, int iPathSegment, const HalfArc* arc);
bool operator==(const PathSegmentIterator& other) const;
bool operator!=(const PathSegmentIterator& other) const;
LocationOnPath operator*() const;
PathSegmentIterator& operator++();
int iMotorcycle;
int iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle;
const HalfArc* arc;
friend struct HalfArc;
//Represents a segment of a halfarc, i.e. a contiguous set of halfedges on a single motorcycle
struct Segment
LocationOnPath location;
size_t length;
Segment() = default;
Segment(const LocationOnPath& location, size_t length);
//The segments that constitute this halfarc
std::vector<Segment> segments;
//The id of the patch incident to this halfarc
size_t face = (size_t)-1;
//The parametric size multiplier for this halfarc. All multipliers are 1 except the ones that
//have been introduced by patch splitting.
float multiplier;
HalfArc() = default;
HalfArc(const PathSegmentIterator& first, const PathSegmentIterator& last);
//Returns the length (number of halfedges) of this halfarc.
size_t Length() const;
//Merges two consecutive halfarcs into one by moving the segments of the provided
//argument to this halfarc.
void MergeWith(HalfArc&& merged);
//Returns the last halfedge of this halfarc
LocationOnPath LastPathSegment() const;
//Trims the halfarc by removing everything before start. start must be
//part of the halfarc.
void SetStartInclusive(const PathSegmentIterator& start);
//Trims the halfarc by removing end and everything after end. end must
//be part of the halfarc.
void SetEndExclusive(const PathSegmentIterator& end);
PathSegmentIterator begin() const;
PathSegmentIterator end() const;
friend class PathSegmentIterator;
//Represents the various states that a motorcycle graph might be in.
enum TracingStatus
//The graph is in the process of being calculated.
//Graph construction is finished.
//There was an internal error while calculating the graph.
//Graph construction failed because a motorcycle could not be traced through
//a certain fenced region. Try again after removing MotorcycleGraph::ProblematicFencedRegion().
//Constructs a new empty motorcycle graph. After construction, add motorcycles with AddMotorcycle() or
//AddMotorcycleWithHistory() and call AdvanceToEnd() to calculate the graph.
//mesh - The mesh on which to build the graph
//patchSet - A set of all fenced regions
//metaSingularities - A set of all meta singularities
//vertexToMetaSingularityIndex - A map from vertices in the mesh to the corresponding meta singularity index
//isOriginalEdgeProp - A mesh property that determines if a given edge is original (and not introduced by Catmull-Clark subdivision)
//lengthMeasure - The measure that determines if patches should be split
MotorcycleGraph(const HEMesh& mesh, PatchSet& patchSet, const std::vector<MetaSingularity>& metaSingularities,
const ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<size_t>& vertexToMetaSingularityIndex, const OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool> isOriginalEdgeProp, LengthMeasure lengthMeasure);
//Returns the index of the halfarc opposite to the provided halfarc.
size_t OppositeHalfarc(size_t arc) const;
//Adds a new active motorcycle starting at the given halfedge to the graph. If the halfedge has already been used
//in the same direction, an exception is thrown. If the halfedge has already been used in the opposite direction
//and the other motorcycle terminated just after that, the new motorcycle is merged with the other one and made
//Returns the index of the added motorcycle (can be (size_t)-1 if the motorcycle could not be added).
size_t AddMotorcycle(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, bool highPriority);
//Adds a new pair of motorcycles starting at the given halfedges to the graph and marks them as straight continuations
//of on another. If the halfedge has already been used in the same direction, an exception is thrown. If the halfedge
//has already been used in the opposite direction and the other motorcycle terminated just after that, the new motorcycle
//is merged with the other one and made inactive. This function is used for artificial valence-2 singularities.
//Returns the index of the first added motorcycle. The index of the second added motorcycle is the return value + 1.
size_t AddMotorcyclePair(const std::array<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, 2>&, bool highPriority);
//Adds a new motorcycle with an existing path to the graph. The path must not be occupied by any other motorcycle. The
//motorcycle is marked active if collideWithBoundary is false and if it does not immediately collide with another motorcycle.
void AddMotorcycleWithHistory(const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& path, bool highPriority, bool collideWithBoundary);
//Returns if there are active motorcycles in the graph.
bool HasActiveMotorcycles() const;
//Continues motorcycle tracing for a single step for every motorcycle.
void AdvanceAllMotorcycles();
//Continues motorcycle tracing until all motorcycles have terminated.
void AdvanceToEnd();
//Returns a list of all motorcycles.
const std::vector<Motorcycle>& Motorcycles() const;
//Returns a list of all extracted patches. These are only available after a call to ExtractPatches().
const std::vector<TexturePatch>& Patches() const;
//Tries to extract the texture patches from the finalized motorcycle graph. The graph must be in
//the Finished state. The provided statistics object is filled during extraction. The extracted
//patches are available via Patches()
void ExtractPatches(ExtractionStatistics& statistics);
//Returns a list of all halfarcs of the patch graph.
const std::vector<HalfArc>& Halfarcs() const { return halfArcs; }
//Returns the halfedge corresponding to a location on a motorcycle's path
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle MotorcycleHalfedge(const LocationOnPath&) const;
//Returns the current status of this motorcycle graph.
TracingStatus Status() const { return status; }
//Returns the index of the region that caused the CannotTraceThroughRegion status.
size_t ProblematicFencedRegion() const { return problematicFencedRegion; }
//Deactivates all unnecessary motorcycles, i.e. those that have no collisions on their path.
//These motorcycles will be ignored during patch extraction.
void DeactivateUnnecessaryMotorcycles();
//Splits highly non-rectangular patches into multiple patches in order to reduce parametric distortion.
void SplitNonRectangularPatches();
//Loads an external graph into this data structure. No processing functions can be used on this graph.
//It is only available for visualization.
void LoadExternal(std::vector<TexturePatch>&& patches, std::vector<HalfArc>&& halfarcs);
//This event is raised whenever the set of patches of this motorcycle graph changes.
nse::util::Observer<> PatchesChanged;
//Describes the result of a routing process (through a fenced region)
enum RouteResultType
//Could not find a route through the region
//Could find a valid route where the motorcycle leaves the region on the other side
//Could find a valid route where the motorcycle collides inside the region
//The motorcycle enters the region at an edge where another motorcycle is just leaving it
//Describes the result of a routing process (through a fenced region)
struct RouteResult
//The type of this result
RouteResultType type;
//The calculated route through the region
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> route;
//If the route ends with a collision with another motorcycle, this
//is its motorcycle index
size_t collisionWith;
RouteResult() { }
RouteResult(RouteResultType type) : type(type) { }
RouteResult(RouteResultType type, std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>&& route) : type(type), route(route) { }
RouteResult(RouteResultType type, std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>&& route, size_t collisionWith) : type(type), route(route), collisionWith(collisionWith) { }
//Stopping condition for CirculateForwardUntil that continues as long as the current halfedge
//has not been visited by a motorcycle. Objects of this struct will save the first motorcycle
//location that they encounter during circulation.
struct CirculateUntilMotorcycleCondition
CirculateUntilMotorcycleCondition(const MotorcycleGraph& graph)
: graph(graph)
{ }
//A list of motorcycles that passed through the target vertex of the query halfedge.
//This must be set by the caller before circulation in order to be able to find the
//required motorcycles.
const std::vector<MotorcycleStop>* motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex = nullptr;
//This member holds the first encountered motorcycle after circulation.
LocationOnPath result;
const MotorcycleGraph& graph;
bool operator()(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h);
//Represents a pair of stopping motorcycles and their validity. They are used as a
//fallback strategy for tracing motorcycles through fenced regions. If the pair is
//spawned at the mesh boundary, one of the two motorcycles can be left away.
struct StoppingMotorcycles
//Instantiates a pair of stopping motorcycles
//mesh - the underlying mesh
//stopBeforeEdge - the halfedge whose traversal to prevent
StoppingMotorcycles(const HEMesh& mesh, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle stopBeforeEdge, OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool> isOriginalEdgeProp);
//Tries to find a route for the motorcycle pair until both are inside a regular region.
//The motorcycles might be in a regular region right from the beginning.
//graph - the underlying motorcycle graph
//tryAlternative - determines if a route with stopBeforeEdge as the motorcycle direction should be attempted
void TryToRoute(MotorcycleGraph& graph, bool tryAlternative);
//Realizes the routes for the pair of stopping motorcycles.
void Realize(MotorcycleGraph& graph, bool highPriority);
//The edge whose traversal to prevent
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle stopBeforeEdge;
//The two halfedges along which the motorcycle pair starts
std::array<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, 2> newSingularityH;
//The calculated routes for the motorcycle pair
std::array<RouteResult, 2> newSingularityHRoutes;
//Set in the constructor; determines if the motorcycle pair uses non-original edges.
bool useNonOriginalEdge;
//Set in TryToRoute(); determines if all motorcycles have a valid route.
bool hasValidRoute = false;
//If the pair has an invalid route, determines the index of the motorcycle that failed routing (either 0 or 1)
int failedStoppingMotorcycle = -1;
//Extracts all arcs from the current motorcycle graph and stores them in halfarcs.
void ExtractArcs();
//Partitions the path of a given motorcycle into its arcs.
//iMotorcycle - the motorcycle index to process
//arcMerges - Output variable. If the motorcycle has continuations at the start or end, stores pairs of halfarc indices that can be merged
//checkCollisionPoins - If set to true, checks all recorded collisions on the path and creates a new node only if there exist non-deactivated motorcycles.
// Otherwise, all recorded collisions become nodes.
void ExtractArcsForMotorcycle(size_t iMotorcycle, std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& arcMerges, bool checkCollisionPoints = true);
//Splits the halfarc and its opposite halfarc after the specified segment. Reassigns the faces and replaces the arc with two split arcs in the referenced faces.
void SplitArcAfterSegment(size_t iArc, HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator it);
//Determines if a given location on the path of a motorcycle is about to collide with the bounary (either directly or
//through a straightly continuing motorcycle with an empty path)
bool CollidesWithBoundary(const LocationOnPath& location) const;
//Returns the index of the next unterminated straight continuation of the given motorcycle in the given direction.
//If there is no straight continuation, motorcycleIdx is returned. This process skips any motorcycle with an empty
//motorcycleIdx - the index of the initial motorcycle to check
//forward - the direction in which to continue on the motorcycle's path
size_t FindStraightContinuation(size_t motorcycleIdx, bool forward) const;
//Returns the index of the next unterminated straight continuation of the given motorcycle in the given direction.
//If there is no straight continuation, motorcycleIdx is returned. This process skips any motorcycle with an empty
//motorcycleIdx - the index of the initial motorcycle to check
//forward - the direction in which to continue on the motorcycle's path
//outForward - Output variable. Determines if the returned motorcycle path is traversed in its forward direction.
size_t FindStraightContinuation(size_t motorcycleIdx, bool inForward, bool& outForward) const;
//Calculates the possible exits for a motorcycle entering a patch at a given location.
void FindPossibleExits(const FencedRegion& patch, const std::pair<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, EnteringEdge>& enteringInfo, std::set<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& possibleExits, bool verbose = false);
//Calculates a route through a fenced region. The last path segment will be inside the region with its target vertex on the fence.
RouteResult RouteThroughPatch(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge, const FencedRegion& patch, const std::pair<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, EnteringEdge>& enteringInfo, bool desperate = false, bool verbose = false);
RouteResult RouteThroughPatch(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge, const FencedRegion& patch, const float minCosDeviationAngle, bool allowTurnsOnRegularVertices, const std::set<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& possibleExits);
//Performs all necessary changes for a motorcycle to follow a calculated route, i.e. marks the corresponding vertices and halfedges as visited,
//records straight continuations for head-on collisions, adds the edges to the motorcycle's path, and terminates the motorcycle if the route
//ends with a collision.
void RealizeRoute(size_t cycleIdx, const RouteResult& route);
//Finds the motorcycle whose path contains the given halfedge (either in forward or backward direction).
//h - the edge to check
//motorcyclesAtSourceVertex - a list of motorcycle stops for the from vertex of h
//outForward - Output variable. Determines if the motorcycle traversed this edge in its forward direction.
std::vector<MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleStop>::const_iterator FindMotorcycleAtEdge(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const std::vector<MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleStop>& motorcyclesAtSourceVertex, bool& outForward) const;
//Converts an edge that has been traversed by a motorcycle to its corresponding LocationOnPath.
//h - the edge to convert
//motorcyclesAtSourceVertex - a list of motorcycle stops for the from vertex of h
MotorcycleGraph::LocationOnPath EdgeToMotorcycleLocation(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const std::vector<MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleStop>& motorcyclesAtSourceVertex) const;
//Returns an iterator to the next recorded collision on a motorcycle's path starting at (but not including) the given location.
std::set<size_t>::iterator NextCrashSite(const LocationOnPath&) const;
//Returns the next edge on the boundary of a patch in counter-clockwise direction. The search can skip open boundaries that
//have no motorcycles.
//current - the current location on the patch boundary
//outOrientationChange - Output variable. Determines how many topological turns have been made in order to go to the next edge.
//skippedMotorcycles - Output variable. A list of deactivated motorcycles that have been skipped.
LocationOnPath NextEdgeInPatch(const LocationOnPath& current, int& outColorChange, std::vector<size_t>& skippedMotorcycles, bool verbose) const;
LocationOnPath NextEdgeInPatchInternal(const LocationOnPath& current, int& outColorChange, bool verbose) const;
//Extracts all patches enclosed by the given set of halfarcs. Separate connected components are emitted as separate patches.
//PatchOutput: void(std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>&& patchSides, std::set<OpenMesh::FaceHandle>&& faces, std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>&& openBoundary)
//halfarcs - the halfarcs to process. This list must be ordered by their orientation (and usually resembles a rectangle). There may be halfarcs with a
// zero orientation at the end of the list
//halfarcOrientations - The integer arc orientations for the final patches.
//firstArcOnFirstSide - Index of the first arc on the side with a zero orientation (usually 0 except if there are halfarcs with a zero orientation at the end of halfarcs)
//maxOrientation - maximum of halfarcOrientations
//additionalBoundaries - additional boundary edges that border the final patches (edges that are not part of halfarcs)
//patchOutput - callback that is called once for every extracted patch
template <typename PatchOutput>
void BuildPatchesFromArcs(const std::vector<size_t>& halfarcs, const std::vector<int>& halfarcOrientations, int firstArcOnFirstSide, int maxOrientation, const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& additionalBoundaries, PatchOutput&& patchOutput) const;
//Assigns the given patch index to all halfarcs comprising the given patch.
void AssignFaceIndexToHalfarcs(size_t patchIdx);
//Calculates if the transition from a given motorcycle to a given edge on the boundary is valid. A transition
//is considered valid if one of the following applies:
// - This motorcycle collided with a singularity or starts there and the singularity has an outgoing edge to the boundary
// - The motorcycle collided with the boundary directly
// - The new motorcycle collided with another motorcycle that immediately collided with the boundary
//location - the incoming motorcycle to check
//edgeOnBoundary - the prospectice edge on the boundary
//motorCyclesAtTransition - a list of all motorcycles that passed through the transitioning point (i.e. the source vertex of edgeOnBoundary)
//forward - determines if the motorcycle is traversed in its forward direction.
//outOrientationChange - Output variable. Determines the number of turns that are required to make the transition.
bool IsValidTransitionFromMotorcycleToBoundary(const LocationOnPath& location, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edgeOnBoundary, const std::vector<MotorcycleStop>& motorCyclesAtTransition, bool forward, int& outOrientationChange, bool verbose) const;
//Marks a given edge as occupied by a given motorcycle
void OccupyEdge(HEMesh::EdgeHandle, size_t motorcycle);
//The internal status of this graph
TracingStatus status = InProcess;
//The problematic fenced region. Only set if the according state is set.
size_t problematicFencedRegion;
//The patches extracted from the graph.
std::vector<TexturePatch> patches;
//Determines if there are motorcycles with high priority in the graph
bool hasHighPriorityMotorcycles = false;
//Reference to the underlying mesh
const HEMesh* mesh;
//Reference to the underlying set of fenced regions
PatchSet* patchSet;
//Property that determines if an edge is original (i.e. not introduced by subdivision)
const OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool> isOriginalEdgeProp;
//Set of all motorcycles, both active and terminated
std::vector<Motorcycle> motorcycles;
//Indices of active motorcycles
std::vector<size_t> activeMotorcycles;
typedef std::vector<MotorcycleStop> VisitedEntry;
//Stores for every vertex the motorcycles that passed through it and when
ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<VisitedEntry> visitedVertices;
//Stores all halfedges that have been visited by any motorcycle
std::set<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> visitedHalfEdges;
//Set of all halfarcs extracted from this graph
std::vector<HalfArc> halfArcs;
//Maps the first halfedge of every halfarc to the halfarc index.
std::map<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, size_t> firstHalfedgeToHalfArc;
//Maps occupied edges to the according motorcycle's id
std::map<HEMesh::EdgeHandle, size_t> occupiedEdges;
//reference to the underlying list of meta singularities
const std::vector<MetaSingularity>& metaSingularities;
//reference to the underlying structure that maps vertices to meta singularities
const ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<size_t>& vertexToMetaSingularityIndex;
//The length measure to use in order to determine patch splits
LengthMeasure lengthMeasure;
extern std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const MotorcycleGraph::ExtractionStatistics& s);