# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ## File Operations (Libuv-based) ## module Filesystem const S_IRUSR = 0o400 const S_IWUSR = 0o200 const S_IXUSR = 0o100 const S_IRWXU = 0o700 const S_IRGRP = 0o040 const S_IWGRP = 0o020 const S_IXGRP = 0o010 const S_IRWXG = 0o070 const S_IROTH = 0o004 const S_IWOTH = 0o002 const S_IXOTH = 0o001 const S_IRWXO = 0o007 export File, StatStruct, # open, futime, write, JL_O_WRONLY, JL_O_RDONLY, JL_O_RDWR, JL_O_APPEND, JL_O_CREAT, JL_O_EXCL, JL_O_TRUNC, JL_O_TEMPORARY, JL_O_SHORT_LIVED, JL_O_SEQUENTIAL, JL_O_RANDOM, JL_O_NOCTTY, S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR, S_IXUSR, S_IRWXU, S_IRGRP, S_IWGRP, S_IXGRP, S_IRWXG, S_IROTH, S_IWOTH, S_IXOTH, S_IRWXO import .Base: IOError, _UVError, _sizeof_uv_fs, check_open, close, eof, eventloop, fd, isopen, bytesavailable, position, read, read!, readavailable, seek, seekend, show, skip, stat, unsafe_read, unsafe_write, write, transcode, uv_error, rawhandle, OS_HANDLE, INVALID_OS_HANDLE if Sys.iswindows() import .Base: cwstring end include("path.jl") include("stat.jl") include("file.jl") include(string(length(Core.ARGS) >= 2 ? Core.ARGS[2] : "", "file_constants.jl")) # include($BUILDROOT/base/file_constants.jl) ## Operations with File (fd) objects ## abstract type AbstractFile <: IO end mutable struct File <: AbstractFile open::Bool handle::OS_HANDLE File(fd::OS_HANDLE) = new(true, fd) end if OS_HANDLE !== RawFD File(fd::RawFD) = File(Libc._get_osfhandle(fd)) end rawhandle(file::File) = file.handle # Filesystem.open, not Base.open function open(path::AbstractString, flags::Integer, mode::Integer=0) req = Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_fs) local handle try ret = ccall(:uv_fs_open, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Cstring, Int32, Int32, Ptr{Cvoid}), eventloop(), req, path, flags, mode, C_NULL) handle = ccall(:jl_uv_fs_result, Cssize_t, (Ptr{Cvoid},), req) ccall(:uv_fs_req_cleanup, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), req) uv_error("open", ret) finally # conversion to Cstring could cause an exception Libc.free(req) end return File(OS_HANDLE(@static Sys.iswindows() ? Ptr{Cvoid}(handle) : Cint(handle))) end isopen(f::File) = f.open function check_open(f::File) if !isopen(f) throw(ArgumentError("file is closed")) end end function close(f::File) check_open(f) err = ccall(:jl_fs_close, Int32, (OS_HANDLE,), f.handle) uv_error("close", err) f.handle = INVALID_OS_HANDLE f.open = false return nothing end # sendfile is the most efficient way to copy a file (or any file descriptor) function sendfile(dst::File, src::File, src_offset::Int64, bytes::Int) check_open(dst) check_open(src) err = ccall(:jl_fs_sendfile, Int32, (OS_HANDLE, OS_HANDLE, Int64, Csize_t), src.handle, dst.handle, src_offset, bytes) uv_error("sendfile", err) nothing end function unsafe_write(f::File, buf::Ptr{UInt8}, len::UInt, offset::Int64=Int64(-1)) check_open(f) err = ccall(:jl_fs_write, Int32, (OS_HANDLE, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Int64), f.handle, buf, len, offset) uv_error("write", err) return len end write(f::File, c::UInt8) = write(f, Ref{UInt8}(c)) function truncate(f::File, n::Integer) check_open(f) req = Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_fs) err = ccall(:uv_fs_ftruncate, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, OS_HANDLE, Int64, Ptr{Cvoid}), eventloop(), req, f.handle, n, C_NULL) Libc.free(req) uv_error("ftruncate", err) return f end function futime(f::File, atime::Float64, mtime::Float64) check_open(f) req = Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_fs) err = ccall(:uv_fs_futime, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, OS_HANDLE, Float64, Float64, Ptr{Cvoid}), eventloop(), req, f.handle, atime, mtime, C_NULL) Libc.free(req) uv_error("futime", err) return f end function read(f::File, ::Type{UInt8}) check_open(f) ret = ccall(:jl_fs_read_byte, Int32, (OS_HANDLE,), f.handle) uv_error("read", ret) return ret % UInt8 end function read(f::File, ::Type{Char}) b0 = read(f, UInt8) l = 8(4-leading_ones(b0)) c = UInt32(b0) << 24 if l < 24 s = 16 while s ≥ l && !eof(f) p = position(f) b = read(f, UInt8) if b & 0xc0 != 0x80 seek(f, p) break end c |= UInt32(b) << s s -= 8 end end return reinterpret(Char, c) end read(f::File, ::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractChar} = T(read(f, Char)) # fallback function unsafe_read(f::File, p::Ptr{UInt8}, nel::UInt) check_open(f) ret = ccall(:jl_fs_read, Int32, (OS_HANDLE, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), f.handle, p, nel) uv_error("read", ret) ret == nel || throw(EOFError()) nothing end bytesavailable(f::File) = max(0, filesize(f) - position(f)) # position can be > filesize eof(f::File) = bytesavailable(f) == 0 function readbytes!(f::File, b::Array{UInt8}, nb=length(b)) nr = min(nb, bytesavailable(f)) if length(b) < nr resize!(b, nr) end ret = ccall(:jl_fs_read, Int32, (OS_HANDLE, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), f.handle, b, nr) uv_error("read", ret) return ret end read(io::File) = read!(io, Base.StringVector(bytesavailable(io))) readavailable(io::File) = read(io) read(io::File, nb::Integer) = read!(io, Base.StringVector(min(nb, bytesavailable(io)))) const SEEK_SET = Int32(0) const SEEK_CUR = Int32(1) const SEEK_END = Int32(2) function seek(f::File, n::Integer) ret = ccall(:jl_lseek, Int64, (OS_HANDLE, Int64, Int32), f.handle, n, SEEK_SET) systemerror("seek", ret == -1) return f end function seekend(f::File) ret = ccall(:jl_lseek, Int64, (OS_HANDLE, Int64, Int32), f.handle, 0, SEEK_END) systemerror("seekend", ret == -1) return f end function skip(f::File, n::Integer) ret = ccall(:jl_lseek, Int64, (OS_HANDLE, Int64, Int32), f.handle, n, SEEK_CUR) systemerror("skip", ret == -1) return f end function position(f::File) check_open(f) ret = ccall(:jl_lseek, Int64, (OS_HANDLE, Int64, Int32), f.handle, 0, SEEK_CUR) systemerror("lseek", ret == -1) return ret end fd(f::File) = f.handle stat(f::File) = stat(f.handle) end