This program is written by Clément Cazorla and Quentin Delannoy and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3 license. # Watervoxel algorithm This Python 3 program performs a 3D MRI image segmentation using the watershed algorithm. ### Installing First install all the requirements: ``` cd /project/repository/ pip install -r requirements.txt ## Running the code ``` python3 -p "image/path/" ``` All optionnal arguments can be seen using command ``` python3 --help ``` Example: ``` python3 -p "/home/user/image.nii.gz" -d 9 -a 0.7 -rn "result" -se 3 ``` You can try to run on Images folder test images with all the dafault parameters and compare with the result you should obtain which is stored in the same directory.