import os import sys import urllib3 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET http = urllib3.PoolManager() if len(sys.argv) > 1: # TODO: check if begins with http etc url_parts = sys.argv[1].split('/') base_url = '/'.join(url_parts[0:3]) # check BBB version if "/2.0/" in sys.argv[1]: bbb_id = url_parts[len(url_parts) - 1].split('=')[1] elif "/2.3/" in sys.argv[1]: bbb_id = url_parts[len(url_parts) - 1] else: print("WARNING unsupported version") exit(1) shapes_url = base_url + "/presentation/" + bbb_id + "/shapes.svg" r = http.request('GET', shapes_url) if r.status == 404: print("WARNING 404") exit(2) shapes ='utf-8') shapes_xml_root = ET.fromstring(shapes) print("wget " + base_url + "/presentation/" + bbb_id + "/video/webcams.webm") print("ffmpeg -i webcams.webm -vn -c:a copy audio.ogg") # read webcams write no video use same audio codec with open(os.getcwd() + '/parts.txt', 'w') as f: for child in shapes_xml_root: if 'image' in child.tag: # this ignores polls, drawn elements etc start_str = child.attrib["in"].split(".")[0] end_str = child.attrib["out"].split(".")[0] print("wget " + base_url + "/presentation/" + bbb_id + "/" + child.attrib['{}href'] + " -O " + child.attrib["id"] + ".png") print("ffmpeg -loop 1 -i " + child.attrib["id"] + ".png -c:v libx264 -t " + str(int(end_str) - int(start_str)) + " -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 15.000150 " + child.attrib[ "id"] + ".mp4") # read image write using H264 use duration from shapes file, use frame rate from webcam file f.writelines(["file '" + child.attrib["id"] + ".mp4'\n"]) print("ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i " + os.getcwd() + "/parts.txt -c copy slides.mp4") # read list from file, use same codecs print("ffmpeg -i slides.mp4 -i audio.ogg -c copy final.mp4") # read video-only and audio-only, output using same codec else: print("No argument supplied, call with BBB URL")