SigPy ===== .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status .. image:: :target: `Source Code `_ | `Documentation `_ | `MRI Tutorial `_ SigPy is a package for signal processing, with emphasis on iterative methods. It is built to operate directly on NumPy arrays on CPU and CuPy arrays on GPU. SigPy also provides several domain-specific submodules: ``sigpy.plot`` for multi-dimensional array plotting, ``sigpy.mri`` for MRI iterative reconstruction, and ``sigpy.learn`` for dictionary learning. Installation ------------ SigPy requires Python version >= 3.5. The core module depends on ``numba``, ``numpy``, ``PyWavelets``, ``scipy``, and ``tqdm``. Additional features can be unlocked by installing the appropriate packages. To enable the plotting functions, you will need to install ``matplotlib``. To enable CUDA support, you will need to install ``cupy``. And to enable MPI support, you will need to install ``mpi4py``. Via ``conda`` ************* We recommend installing SigPy through ``conda``:: conda install -c frankong sigpy # (optional for plot support) conda install matplotlib # (optional for CUDA support) conda install cupy # (optional for MPI support) conda install mpi4py Via ``pip`` *********** SigPy can also be installed through ``pip``:: pip install sigpy # (optional for plot support) pip install matplotlib # (optional for CUDA support) pip install cupy # (optional for MPI support) pip install mpi4py Installation for Developers *************************** If you want to contribute to the SigPy source code, we recommend you install it with ``pip`` in editable mode:: cd /path/to/sigpy pip install -e . To run tests and contribute, we recommend installing the following packages:: pip install coverage flake8 sphinx and run the script ````. Features -------- CPU/GPU Signal Processing Functions *********************************** SigPy provides signal processing functions with a unified CPU/GPU interface. For example, the same code can perform a CPU or GPU convolution on the input array device: .. code:: python # CPU convolve x = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) y = numpy.array([1, 1, 1]) z = sigpy.convolve(x, y) # GPU convolve x = cupy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) y = cupy.array([1, 1, 1]) z = sigpy.convolve(x, y) Iterative Algorithms ******************** SigPy also provides convenient abstractions and classes for iterative algorithms. A compressed sensing experiment can be implemented in four lines using SigPy: .. code:: python # Given some observation vector y, and measurement matrix mat A = sigpy.linop.MatMul([n, 1], mat) # define forward linear operator proxg = sigpy.prox.L1Reg([n, 1], lamda=0.001) # define proximal operator x_hat =, y, proxg=proxg).run() # run iterative algorithm PyTorch Interoperability ************************ Want to do machine learning without giving up signal processing? SigPy has convenient functions to convert arrays and linear operators into PyTorch Tensors and Functions. For example, given a cupy array ``x``, and a ``Linop`` ``A``, we can convert them to Pytorch: .. code:: python x_torch = sigpy.to_pytorch(x) A_torch = sigpy.to_pytorch_function(A)