Raw File
"""Tests for uvdata object."""
import nose.tools as nt
import os
import numpy as np
import copy
import ephem
from pyuvdata import UVData
import pyuvdata.tests as uvtest
from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH

class TestUVDataInit(object):
    def setUp(self):
        """Setup for basic parameter, property and iterator tests."""
        self.required_parameters = ['_data_array', '_nsample_array',
                                    '_flag_array', '_Ntimes', '_Nbls',
                                    '_Nblts', '_Nfreqs', '_Npols', '_Nspws',
                                    '_uvw_array', '_time_array', '_ant_1_array',
                                    '_ant_2_array', '_lst_array',
                                    '_baseline_array', '_freq_array',
                                    '_polarization_array', '_spw_array',
                                    '_integration_time', '_channel_width',
                                    '_object_name', '_telescope_name',
                                    '_instrument', '_telescope_location',
                                    '_history', '_vis_units', '_Nants_data',
                                    '_Nants_telescope', '_antenna_names',
                                    '_antenna_numbers', '_phase_type']

        self.required_properties = ['data_array', 'nsample_array',
                                    'flag_array', 'Ntimes', 'Nbls',
                                    'Nblts', 'Nfreqs', 'Npols', 'Nspws',
                                    'uvw_array', 'time_array', 'ant_1_array',
                                    'ant_2_array', 'lst_array',
                                    'baseline_array', 'freq_array',
                                    'polarization_array', 'spw_array',
                                    'integration_time', 'channel_width',
                                    'object_name', 'telescope_name',
                                    'instrument', 'telescope_location',
                                    'history', 'vis_units', 'Nants_data',
                                    'Nants_telescope', 'antenna_names',
                                    'antenna_numbers', 'phase_type']

        self.extra_parameters = ['_extra_keywords', '_antenna_positions',
                                 '_gst0', '_rdate', '_earth_omega', '_dut1',
                                 '_timesys', '_uvplane_reference_time',
                                 '_phase_center_ra', '_phase_center_dec',
                                 '_zenith_ra', '_zenith_dec']

        self.extra_properties = ['extra_keywords', 'antenna_positions', 'gst0',
                                 'rdate', 'earth_omega', 'dut1', 'timesys',
                                 'phase_center_ra', 'phase_center_dec',
                                 'zenith_ra', 'zenith_dec']

        self.other_properties = ['telescope_location_lat_lon_alt',
                                 'phase_center_ra_degrees', 'phase_center_dec_degrees',
                                 'zenith_ra_degrees', 'zenith_dec_degrees']

        self.uv_object = UVData()

    def teardown(self):
        """Test teardown: delete object."""

    def test_parameter_iter(self):
        "Test expected parameters."
        all = []
        for prop in self.uv_object:
        for a in self.required_parameters + self.extra_parameters:
            nt.assert_true(a in all, msg='expected attribute ' + a +
                           ' not returned in object iterator')

    def test_required_parameter_iter(self):
        "Test expected required parameters."
        required = []
        for prop in self.uv_object.required():
        for a in self.required_parameters:
            nt.assert_true(a in required, msg='expected attribute ' + a +
                           ' not returned in required iterator')

    def test_extra_parameter_iter(self):
        "Test expected optional parameters."
        extra = []
        for prop in self.uv_object.extra():
        for a in self.extra_parameters:
            nt.assert_true(a in extra, msg='expected attribute ' + a +
                           ' not returned in extra iterator')

    def test_unexpected_attributes(self):
        "Test for extra attributes."
        expected_attributes = self.required_properties + \
            self.extra_properties + self.other_properties
        attributes = [i for i in self.uv_object.__dict__.keys() if i[0] != '_']
        for a in attributes:
            nt.assert_true(a in expected_attributes,
                           msg='unexpected attribute ' + a + ' found in UVData')

    def test_properties(self):
        "Test that properties can be get and set properly."
        prop_dict = dict(zip(self.required_properties + self.extra_properties,
                             self.required_parameters + self.extra_parameters))
        for k, v in prop_dict.iteritems():
            rand_num = np.random.rand()
            setattr(self.uv_object, k, rand_num)
            this_param = getattr(self.uv_object, v)
                nt.assert_equal(rand_num, this_param.value)
                print('setting {prop_name} to a random number failed'.format(prop_name=k))

class TestUVDataBasicMethods(object):
    def setUp(self):
        """Setup for tests of basic methods."""
        self.uv_object = UVData()
        self.testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'day2_TDEM0003_10s_norx_1src_1spw.uvfits')
        uvtest.checkWarnings(self.uv_object.read_uvfits, [self.testfile],
                             message='Telescope EVLA is not')
        self.uv_object2 = copy.deepcopy(self.uv_object)

    def teardown(self):
        """Test teardown: delete objects."""

    def test_equality(self):
        """Basic equality test."""
        nt.assert_equal(self.uv_object, self.uv_object)

    def test_check(self):
        """Test simple check function."""

    def test_nants_data_telescope(self):
        self.uv_object.Nants_data = self.uv_object.Nants_telescope - 1
        self.uv_object.Nants_data = self.uv_object.Nants_telescope + 1
        nt.assert_raises(ValueError, self.uv_object.check)

class TestBaselineAntnumMethods(object):
    """Setup for tests on antnum, baseline conversion."""
    def setup(self):
        self.uv_object = UVData()
        self.uv_object.Nants_telescope = 128
        self.uv_object2 = UVData()
        self.uv_object2.Nants_telescope = 2049

    def teardown(self):
        """Test teardown: delete objects."""

    def test_baseline_to_antnums(self):
        """Test baseline to antnum conversion for 256 & larger conventions."""
        nt.assert_equal(self.uv_object.baseline_to_antnums(67585), (0, 0))
        nt.assert_raises(StandardError, self.uv_object2.baseline_to_antnums, 67585)

    def test_antnums_to_baselines(self):
        """Test antums to baseline conversion for 256 & larger conventions."""
        nt.assert_equal(self.uv_object.antnums_to_baseline(0, 0), 67585)
        nt.assert_equal(self.uv_object.antnums_to_baseline(257, 256), 592130)
        # Check attempt256
        nt.assert_equal(self.uv_object.antnums_to_baseline(0, 0, attempt256=True), 257)
        nt.assert_equal(self.uv_object.antnums_to_baseline(257, 256), 592130)
                                            [257, 256], {'attempt256': True},
                                            message='found > 256 antennas'))
        nt.assert_raises(StandardError, self.uv_object2.antnums_to_baseline, 0, 0)

def test_known_telescopes():
    """Test known_telescopes method returns expected results."""
    uv_object = UVData()
    known_telescopes = ['PAPER', 'HERA', 'MWA']

def test_phase_unphaseHERA():
    Read in drift data, phase to an RA/DEC, unphase and check for object equality.
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'hera_testfile')
    UV_raw = UVData()
    # Note the RA/DEC values in the raw file were calculated from the lat/long
    # in the file, which don't agree with our known_telescopes.
    # So for this test we use the lat/lon in the file.
    status = uvtest.checkWarnings(UV_raw.read_miriad, [testfile],
                                  {'correct_lat_lon': False}, known_warning='miriad')

    UV_phase = UVData()
    status = uvtest.checkWarnings(UV_phase.read_miriad, [testfile],
                                  {'correct_lat_lon': False}, known_warning='miriad')
    UV_phase.phase(0., 0., ephem.J2000)

    nt.assert_equal(UV_raw, UV_phase)
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