/* * coms.c program execution control module dvb * * Copyright (C) 1993 by the Regents of the University of California * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #ifdef HAVE_WX #define fgets wx_fgets extern int check_wx_stop(int force_yield); #endif #define WANT_EVAL_REGS 1 #include "logo.h" #include "globals.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef ibm #include "process.h" #endif #ifdef mac #include #include #endif #ifdef __RZTC__ #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_TERMIO_H #ifdef HAVE_WX #include #endif #else #ifdef HAVE_SGTTY_H #include #endif #endif NODE *make_cont(enum labels cont, NODE *val) { #ifdef __RZTC__ union { enum labels lll; NODE *ppp;} cast; #endif NODE *retval = cons(NIL, val); #ifdef __RZTC__ cast.lll = cont; retval->n_car = cast.ppp; #else retval->n_car = (NODE *)cont; #endif settype(retval, CONT); return retval; } NODE *loutput(NODE *arg) { if (NOT_THROWING) { if (ufun == NIL) { err_logo(AT_TOPLEVEL, fun); } else if (val_status & OUTPUT_TAIL /* This happens if OP seen when val_status & STOP_OK */ || !(val_status & OUTPUT_OK)) { /* This happens on OP OP 3 */ if (didnt_output_name == NIL) didnt_output_name = fun; if (didnt_get_output == UNBOUND) { didnt_get_output = cons_list(0,theName(Name_output), ufun,this_line,END_OF_LIST); /* Not quite right; could be .maybeoutput */ didnt_output_name = fun; } err_logo(DIDNT_OUTPUT, NIL); } else { stopping_flag = OUTPUT; output_unode = current_unode; output_node = car(arg); } } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lstop(NODE *args) { if (NOT_THROWING) { if (ufun == NIL) err_logo(AT_TOPLEVEL, theName(Name_stop)); else if (val_status & OUTPUT_TAIL || !(val_status & STOP_OK)) { didnt_output_name = fun; err_logo(DIDNT_OUTPUT, NIL); } else { stopping_flag = STOP; output_unode = current_unode; } } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lthrow(NODE *arg) { if (NOT_THROWING) { if (isName(car(arg), Name_error)) { if (cdr(arg) != NIL) err_logo(USER_ERR_MESSAGE, cadr(arg)); else err_logo(USER_ERR, UNBOUND); } else { stopping_flag = THROWING; throw_node = car(arg); if (cdr(arg) != NIL) output_node = cadr(arg); else output_node = UNBOUND; } } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lcatch(NODE *args) { return make_cont(catch_continuation, cons(car(args), lrun(cdr(args)))); } extern NODE *evaluator(NODE *list, enum labels where); int torf_arg(NODE *args) { NODE *arg = car(args); while (NOT_THROWING) { if (is_list(arg)) { /* accept a list and run it */ val_status = VALUE_OK; arg = evaluator(arg, begin_seq); } if (isName(arg, Name_true)) return TRUE; if (isName(arg, Name_false)) return FALSE; if (NOT_THROWING) arg = err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg); } return -1; } NODE *lgoto(NODE *args) { return make_cont(goto_continuation, car(args)); } NODE *ltag(NODE *args) { return UNBOUND; } NODE *lnot(NODE *args) { int arg = torf_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) { if (arg) return(FalseName()); else return(TrueName()); } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *land(NODE *args) { int arg; if (args == NIL) return(TrueName()); while (NOT_THROWING) { arg = torf_arg(args); if (arg == FALSE) return(FalseName()); args = cdr(args); if (args == NIL) break; } if (NOT_THROWING) return(TrueName()); else return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lor(NODE *args) { int arg; if (args == NIL) return(FalseName()); while (NOT_THROWING) { arg = torf_arg(args); if (arg == TRUE) return(TrueName()); args = cdr(args); if (args == NIL) break; } if (NOT_THROWING) return(FalseName()); else return(UNBOUND); } NODE *runnable_arg(NODE *args) { NODE *arg = car(args); if (!aggregate(arg)) { setcar(args, parser(arg, TRUE)); arg = car(args); } while (!is_list(arg) && NOT_THROWING) { setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg)); arg = car(args); } return(arg); } NODE *lif(NODE *args) { /* macroized */ NODE *yes; int pred; if (cddr(args) != NIL) return(lifelse(args)); pred = torf_arg(args); yes = runnable_arg(cdr(args)); if (NOT_THROWING) { if (pred) return(yes); return(NIL); } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lifelse(NODE *args) { /* macroized */ NODE *yes, *no; int pred; pred = torf_arg(args); yes = runnable_arg(cdr(args)); no = runnable_arg(cddr(args)); if (NOT_THROWING) { if (pred) return(yes); return(no); } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lrun(NODE *args) { /* macroized */ NODE *arg = runnable_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) return(arg); return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lrunresult(NODE *args) { return make_cont(runresult_continuation, lrun(args)); } NODE *pos_int_arg(NODE *args) { NODE *arg = car(args), *val; FIXNUM i; FLONUM f; val = cnv_node_to_numnode(arg); while ((nodetype(val) != INT || getint(val) < 0) && NOT_THROWING) { if (nodetype(val) == FLOATT && fmod((f = getfloat(val)), 1.0) == 0.0 && f >= 0.0 && f < (FLONUM)MAXLOGOINT) { #if HAVE_IRINT i = irint(f); #else i = (FIXNUM)f; #endif val = make_intnode(i); break; } setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg)); arg = car(args); val = cnv_node_to_numnode(arg); } setcar(args,val); if (nodetype(val) == INT) return(val); return UNBOUND; } NODE *lrepeat(NODE *args) { NODE *cnt, *torpt, *retval = NIL; cnt = pos_int_arg(args); torpt = lrun(cdr(args)); if (NOT_THROWING) { retval = make_cont(repeat_continuation, cons(cnt,torpt)); } return(retval); } NODE *lrepcount(NODE *args) { return make_intnode(user_repcount); } NODE *lforever(NODE *args) { NODE *torpt = lrun(args); if (NOT_THROWING) return make_cont(repeat_continuation, cons(make_intnode(-1), torpt)); return NIL; } NODE *ltest(NODE *args) { int arg = torf_arg(args); if (ufun != NIL && tailcall != 0) return UNBOUND; if (NOT_THROWING) { dont_fix_ift = arg+1; } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *liftrue(NODE *args) { if (ift_iff_flag < 0) return(err_logo(NO_TEST,NIL)); else if (ift_iff_flag > 0) return(lrun(args)); else return(NIL); } NODE *liffalse(NODE *args) { if (ift_iff_flag < 0) return(err_logo(NO_TEST,NIL)); else if (ift_iff_flag == 0) return(lrun(args)); else return(NIL); } void prepare_to_exit(BOOLEAN okay) { #ifdef HAVE_WX extern void doClose(); doClose(); wxLogoExit (0); #endif #ifdef mac if (okay) { console_options.pause_atexit = 0; exit(0); } #endif #ifndef WIN32 /* sowings */ #ifdef ibm ltextscreen(NIL); ibm_plain_mode(); #ifdef __RZTC__ msm_term(); zflush(); controlc_close(); #endif #endif #endif /* !WIN32 */ #ifdef unix #ifndef HAVE_UNISTD_H extern int getpid(); #endif char ef[30]; charmode_off(); sprintf(ef, "/tmp/logo%d", (int)getpid()); unlink(ef); #endif } NODE *lbye(NODE *args) { prepare_to_exit(TRUE); if (ufun != NIL || loadstream != stdin) exit(0); #ifndef WIN32 if (isatty(0) && isatty(1)) #endif lcleartext(NIL); ndprintf(stdout, "%t\n", message_texts[THANK_YOU]); ndprintf(stdout, "%t\n", message_texts[NICE_DAY]); #ifdef __RZTC__ printf("\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_WX wx_leave_mainloop++; return UNBOUND; #else exit(0); return UNBOUND; /* not reached, but makes compiler happy */ #endif } NODE *lwait(NODE *args) { NODE *num; unsigned int n; #if defined(unix) && HAVE_USLEEP unsigned int seconds, microseconds; #endif #ifdef mac long target; extern void ProcessEvent(void); #endif num = pos_int_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) { /*#ifdef HAVE_WX n = (unsigned int)getint(num) * 10; // milliseconds wxLogoSleep(n); return(UNBOUND); #endif*/ #ifndef HAVE_WX #ifdef WIN32 win32_update_text(); #else fflush(stdout); /* csls v. 1 p. 7 */ #endif #else //doesn't seem to work in WX. now done in wxLogoSleep //fflush(stdout); /* csls v. 1 p. 7 */ #endif #if defined(__RZTC__) zflush(); #endif fix_turtle_shownness(); #ifdef HAVE_WX n = (unsigned int)getint(num) * 100 / 6; // milliseconds wxLogoSleep(n); //check_throwing; return(UNBOUND); #endif if (getint(num) > 0) { #ifdef unix #ifdef HAVE_USLEEP n = (unsigned int)getint(num); if (seconds = n / 60) sleep(seconds); if (microseconds = (n % 60) * 16667) usleep(microseconds); #else n = (unsigned int)getint(num) / 60; sleep(n); #endif #elif defined(__RZTC__) usleep(getint(num) * 16667L); #elif defined(mac) target = getint(num)+TickCount(); while (TickCount() < target) { if (check_throwing) break; ProcessEvent(); } #elif defined(_MSC_VER) n = (unsigned int)getint(num); while (n > 60) { _sleep(1000); n -= 60; if (check_throwing) n = 0; } if (n > 0) _sleep(n*1000/60); #else /* unreachable, I think */ if (!setjmp(iblk_buf)) { input_blocking++; n = ((unsigned int)getint(num)+30) / 60; if (n > 0) sleep(n); } input_blocking = 0; #endif } } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lshell(NODE *args) { #if defined(mac) printf("%s\n", message_texts[NOSHELL_MAC]); return(UNBOUND); #else #ifdef ibm NODE *arg; char doscmd[200]; /* union REGS r; */ arg = car(args); while (!is_list(arg) && NOT_THROWING) { setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg)); arg = car(args); } if (arg == NIL) { ndprintf(stdout, "%t\n", message_texts[TYPE_EXIT]); if (spawnlp(P_WAIT, "command", "command", NULL)) err_logo(FILE_ERROR, make_static_strnode ("Could not open shell (probably due to low memory)")); } else { print_stringlen = 199; print_stringptr = doscmd; ndprintf((FILE *)NULL,"%p",arg); *print_stringptr = '\0'; if (system(doscmd) < 0) err_logo(FILE_ERROR, make_static_strnode ("Could not open shell (probably due to low memory)")); } /* r.h.ah = 0x3; r.h.al = 0; r.h.dh = 0; r.h.dl = 0; int86(0x21, &r, &r); x_coord = x_margin; y_coord = r.h.dh; */ #ifndef WIN32 x_coord = x_margin; y_coord = y_max; ibm_gotoxy(x_coord, y_coord); #else win32_repaint_screen(); #endif return(UNBOUND); #else extern FILE *popen(); char cmdbuf[300]; FILE *strm; NODE *head = NIL, *tail = NIL, *this; BOOLEAN wordmode = FALSE; int len; if (cdr(args) != NIL) wordmode = TRUE; print_stringptr = cmdbuf; print_stringlen = 300; ndprintf((FILE *)NULL,"%p\n",car(args)); *print_stringptr = '\0'; #ifdef __WXMSW__ strm = _popen(cmdbuf,"r"); #else strm = popen(cmdbuf,"r"); #endif fgets(cmdbuf,300,strm); while (!feof(strm)) { len = (int)strlen(cmdbuf); if (cmdbuf[len-1] == '\n') cmdbuf[--len] = '\0'; if (wordmode) this = make_strnode(cmdbuf, (struct string_block *)NULL, len, STRING, strnzcpy); else this = parser(make_static_strnode(cmdbuf), FALSE); if (head == NIL) { tail = head = cons(this,NIL); } else { setcdr(tail, cons(this,NIL)); tail = cdr(tail); } fgets(cmdbuf,300,strm); } #ifdef __WXMSW__ _pclose(strm); #else pclose(strm); #endif return(head); #endif #endif }