Raw File
// Testing UglifyJS <-> SpiderMonkey AST conversion
// through generative testing.

var UglifyJS = require("./node"),
    escodegen = require("escodegen"),
    esfuzz = require("esfuzz"),
    estraverse = require("estraverse"),
    prefix = "\r    ";

// Normalizes input AST for UglifyJS in order to get correct comparison.

function normalizeInput(ast) {
    return estraverse.replace(ast, {
        enter: function(node, parent) {
            switch (node.type) {
                // Internally mark all the properties with semi-standard type "Property".
                case "ObjectExpression":
                    node.properties.forEach(function (property) {
                        property.type = "Property";

                // Since UglifyJS doesn"t recognize different types of property keys,
                // decision on SpiderMonkey node type is based on check whether key
                // can be valid identifier or not - so we do in input AST.
                case "Property":
                    var key = node.key;
                    if (key.type === "Literal" && typeof key.value === "string" && UglifyJS.is_identifier(key.value)) {
                        node.key = {
                            type: "Identifier",
                            name: key.value
                    } else if (key.type === "Identifier" && !UglifyJS.is_identifier(key.name)) {
                        node.key = {
                            type: "Literal",
                            value: key.name

                // UglifyJS internally flattens all the expression sequences - either
                // to one element (if sequence contains only one element) or flat list.
                case "SequenceExpression":
                    node.expressions = node.expressions.reduce(function flatten(list, expr) {
                        return list.concat(expr.type === "SequenceExpression" ? expr.expressions.reduce(flatten, []) : [expr]);
                    }, []);
                    if (node.expressions.length === 1) {
                        return node.expressions[0];

module.exports = function(options) {
    console.log("--- UglifyJS <-> Mozilla AST conversion");

    for (var counter = 0; counter < options.iterations; counter++) {
        process.stdout.write(prefix + counter + "/" + options.iterations);

        var ast1 = normalizeInput(esfuzz.generate({
            maxDepth: options.maxDepth

        var ast2 =

        var astPair = [
            {name: 'expected', value: ast1},
            {name: 'actual', value: ast2}

        var jsPair = astPair.map(function(item) {
            return {
                name: item.name,
                value: escodegen.generate(item.value)

        if (jsPair[0].value !== jsPair[1].value) {
            var fs = require("fs");
            var acorn = require("acorn");

            fs.existsSync("tmp") || fs.mkdirSync("tmp");

            jsPair.forEach(function (item) {
                var fileName = "tmp/dump_" + item.name;
                var ast = acorn.parse(item.value);
                fs.writeFileSync(fileName + ".js", item.value);
                fs.writeFileSync(fileName + ".json", JSON.stringify(ast, null, 2));

            throw new Error("Got different outputs, check out tmp/dump_*.{js,json} for codes and ASTs.");

    process.stdout.write(prefix + "Probability of error is less than " + (100 / options.iterations) + "%, stopping.\n");
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