Tip revision: b800e11290b763b58e7d3b30329769a7b77cd12a authored by kwang-ether on 14 June 2019, 23:53:57 UTC
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remove csv
Tip revision: b800e11
import os
import numpy as np
import pybullet as p
import subprocess as sp
import time
from pyquaternion import Quaternion
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import groupby
from math_utils import Transform
import utils
# handle to a simulated rigid body
Body = namedtuple('Body', ['id', 'bid', 'vid', 'cid', 'static'])
# a body-body contact record
Contact = namedtuple(
'Contact', ['flags', 'idA', 'idB', 'linkIndexA', 'linkIndexB',
'positionOnAInWS', 'positionOnBInWS',
'contactNormalOnBInWS', 'distance', 'normalForce']
# ray intersection record
Intersection = namedtuple('Intersection', ['id', 'linkIndex', 'ray_fraction', 'position', 'normal'])
class Simulator:
def __init__(self, mode='direct', bullet_server_binary=None, data_dir_base=None, verbose=False):
self._mode = mode
self._verbose = verbose
module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
data_root_dir = utils.get_data_root_dir()
if data_dir_base:
self._data_dir_base = data_dir_base
self._data_dir_base = os.path.join(data_root_dir, 'suncg_data')
if bullet_server_binary:
self._bullet_server_binary = bullet_server_binary
self._bullet_server_binary = os.path.join(module_dir, '..', 'bullet_shared_memory_server')
self._obj_id_to_body = {}
self._bid_to_body = {}
self._pid = None
self._bullet_server = None
def connect(self):
# disconnect and kill existing servers
if self._pid:
self._pid = None
if self._bullet_server:
print(f'Restarting by killing bullet server pid={}...')
time.sleep(1) # seems necessary to prevent deadlock on re-connection attempt
self._bullet_server = None
# reconnect to appropriate server type
if self._mode == 'gui':
self._pid = p.connect(p.GUI)
elif self._mode == 'direct':
self._pid = p.connect(p.DIRECT)
elif self._mode == 'shared_memory':
print(f'Restarting bullet server process...')
self._bullet_server = sp.Popen([self._bullet_server_binary])
time.sleep(1) # seems necessary to prevent deadlock on connection attempt
self._pid = p.connect(p.SHARED_MEMORY)
raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown simulator server mode={self._mode}')
# reset and initialize gui if needed
if self._mode == 'gui':
p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_Y_AXIS_UP, 1, physicsClientId=self._pid)
p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RGB_BUFFER_PREVIEW, 0, physicsClientId=self._pid)
p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_DEPTH_BUFFER_PREVIEW, 0, physicsClientId=self._pid)
p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_SEGMENTATION_MARK_PREVIEW, 0, physicsClientId=self._pid)
# disable rendering during loading -> much faster
p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 0, physicsClientId=self._pid)
def __del__(self):
if self._bullet_server:
print(f'Process terminating. Killing bullet server pid={}...')
def run(self):
if self._mode == 'gui':
# infinite ground plane and gravity
# plane_cid = p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_PLANE, planeNormal=[0, 1, 0])
# plane_bid = p.createMultiBody(baseMass=0, baseCollisionShapeIndex=plane_cid)
p.setGravity(0, -10, 0, physicsClientId=self._pid)
p.setRealTimeSimulation(1, physicsClientId=self._pid)
while True:
contacts = self.get_contacts(include_collision_with_static=True)
if self._verbose:
print(f'#contacts={len(contacts)}, contact_pairs={contacts.keys()}')
contacts = self.get_contacts(include_collision_with_static=True)
if self._verbose:
for (k, c) in contacts.items():
cp = self.get_closest_point(obj_id_a=c.idA, obj_id_b=c.idB)
print(f'contact pair={k} record={cp}')
print(f'#contacts={len(contacts)}, contact_pairs={contacts.keys()}')
def set_gui_rendering(self, enabled):
if not self._mode == 'gui':
return False
center = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
num_obj = 0
for obj_id in self._obj_id_to_body.keys():
pos, _ = self.get_state(obj_id)
if not np.allclose(pos, [0, 0, 0]): # try to ignore room object "identity" transform
num_obj += 1
center += pos
center /= num_obj
p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1 if enabled else 0, physicsClientId=self._pid)
return enabled
def add_mesh(self, obj_id, obj_file, transform, vis_mesh_file=None, static=False):
if static:
cid = p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_MESH, fileName=obj_file, meshScale=transform.scale,
flags=p.GEOM_FORCE_CONCAVE_TRIMESH, physicsClientId=self._pid)
cid = p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_MESH, fileName=obj_file, meshScale=transform.scale,
vid = -1
if vis_mesh_file:
vid = p.createVisualShape(p.GEOM_MESH, fileName=vis_mesh_file, meshScale=transform.scale,
rot_q = np.roll(transform.rotation.elements, -1) # w,x,y,z -> x,y,z,w (which pybullet expects)
mass = 0 if static else 1
bid = p.createMultiBody(baseMass=mass,
body = Body(id=obj_id, bid=bid, vid=vid, cid=cid, static=static)
self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id] = body
self._bid_to_body[bid] = body
return body
def add_box(self, obj_id, half_extents, transform, static=False):
cid = p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=half_extents, physicsClientId=self._pid)
rot_q = np.roll(transform.rotation.elements, -1) # w,x,y,z -> x,y,z,w (which pybullet expects)
mass = 0 if static else 1
bid = p.createMultiBody(baseMass=mass,
body = Body(id=obj_id, bid=bid, vid=-1, cid=cid, static=static)
self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id] = body
self._bid_to_body[bid] = body
return body
# House-specific functions
def add_object(self, node, create_vis_mesh=False, static=False):
model_id = node.modelId.replace('_mirror', '') # TODO: need to otherwise account for mirror?
object_dir = os.path.join(self._data_dir_base, 'object')
basename = f'{object_dir}/{model_id}/{model_id}'
vis_obj_filename = f'{basename}.obj' if create_vis_mesh else None
col_obj_filename = f'{basename}.vhacd.obj'
if not os.path.exists(col_obj_filename):
print('WARNING: collision mesh {col_obj_filename} unavailable, using visual mesh instead.')
col_obj_filename = f'{basename}.obj'
return self.add_mesh(, obj_file=col_obj_filename, transform=Transform.from_node(node),
vis_mesh_file=vis_obj_filename, static=static)
def add_wall(self, node):
h = node['height']
p0 = np.transpose(np.matrix(node['points'][0]))
p1 = np.transpose(np.matrix(node['points'][1]))
c = (p0 + p1) * 0.5
c[1] = h * 0.5
dp = p1 - p0
dp_l = np.linalg.norm(dp)
dp = dp / dp_l
angle = np.arccos(dp[0])
rot_q = Quaternion(axis=[0, 1, 0], radians=angle)
half_extents = np.array([dp_l, h, node['depth']]) * 0.5
return self.add_box(obj_id=node['id'], half_extents=half_extents,
transform=Transform(translation=c, rotation=rot_q), static=True)
def add_room(self, node, wall=True, floor=True, ceiling=False):
def add_architecture(n, obj_file, suffix):
return self.add_mesh( + suffix, obj_file=obj_file, transform=Transform(), vis_mesh_file=None,
room_id = node.modelId
room_dir = os.path.join(self._data_dir_base, 'room')
basename = f'{room_dir}/{node.house_id}/{room_id}'
body_ids = []
if wall:
body_wall = add_architecture(node, f'{basename}w.obj', '') # treat walls as room (, no suffix)
if floor:
body_floor = add_architecture(node, f'{basename}f.obj', 'f')
if ceiling:
body_ceiling = add_architecture(node, f'{basename}c.obj', 'c')
return body_ids
def add_house(self, house, no_walls=False, no_ceil=False, no_floor=False, use_separate_walls=False, static=False):
for node in house.nodes:
if not node.valid:
if not hasattr(node, 'body'):
node.body = None
if node.type == 'Object':
node.body = self.add_object(node, static=static)
if node.type == 'Room':
ceil = False if no_ceil else not (hasattr(node, 'hideCeiling') and node.hideCeiling == 1)
wall = False if (no_walls or use_separate_walls) else not (hasattr(node, 'hideWalls') and node.hideWalls == 1)
floor = False if no_floor else not (hasattr(node, 'hideFloor') and node.hideFloor == 1)
node.body = self.add_room(node, wall=wall, floor=floor, ceiling=ceil)
if node.type == 'Box':
half_widths = list(map(lambda x: 0.5 * x, node.dimensions))
node.body = self.add_box(, half_extents=half_widths, transform=Transform.from_node(node),
if use_separate_walls and not no_walls:
for wall in house.walls:
wall['body'] = self.add_wall(wall)
def add_house_room_only(self, house, room, no_walls=False, no_ceil=True, no_floor=False, use_separate_walls=False,
only_architecture=False, static=False):
#walls, ceil, floor logic not fleshed out due to current limited use case
room_node = [node for node in house.nodes if ==]
if len(room_node) < 1:
raise Exception("Missing Room")
if only_architecture:
house.nodes = room_node
house.nodes = [node for node in room.nodes]
for node in house.nodes:
if not node.valid:
if not hasattr(node, 'body'):
node.body = None
if node.type == 'Object':
node.body = self.add_object(node, static=static)
if node.type == 'Room':
ceil = False if no_ceil else not (hasattr(node, 'hideCeiling') and node.hideCeiling == 1)
wall = False if (no_walls or use_separate_walls) else not (hasattr(node, 'hideWalls') and node.hideWalls == 1)
floor = False if no_floor else not (hasattr(node, 'hideFloor') and node.hideFloor == 1)
node.body = self.add_room(node, wall=wall, floor=floor, ceiling=ceil)
if node.type == 'Box':
half_widths = list(map(lambda x: 0.5 * x, node.dimensions))
node.body = self.add_box(, half_extents=half_widths, transform=Transform.from_node(node),
if use_separate_walls and not no_walls:
for wall in house.walls:
wall['body'] = self.add_wall(wall)
def remove(self, obj_id):
body = self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id]
p.removeBody(, physicsClientId=self._pid)
del self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id]
del self._bid_to_body[]
def set_state(self, obj_id, position, rotation_q):
body = self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id]
rot_q = np.roll(rotation_q.elements, -1) # w,x,y,z -> x,y,z,w (which pybullet expects)
p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(, posObj=position, ornObj=rot_q,
def get_state(self, obj_id):
body = self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id]
pos, q = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(, physicsClientId=self._pid)
rotation = Quaternion(x=q[0], y=q[1], z=q[2], w=q[3])
return pos, rotation
def step(self):
def reset(self):
self._obj_id_to_body = {}
self._bid_to_body = {}
def get_closest_point(self, obj_id_a, obj_id_b, max_distance=np.inf):
Return record with distance between closest points between pair of nodes if within max_distance or None.
bid_a = self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id_a].bid
bid_b = self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id_b].bid
cps = p.getClosestPoints(bodyA=bid_a, bodyB=bid_b, distance=max_distance, physicsClientId=self._pid)
cp = None
if len(cps) > 0:
closest_points = self._convert_contacts(cps)
cp = min(closest_points, key=lambda x: x.distance)
del cps # NOTE force garbage collection of pybullet objects
return cp
def get_contacts(self, obj_id_a=None, obj_id_b=None, only_closest_contact_per_pair=True,
Return all current contacts. When include_collision_with_statics is true, include contacts with static bodies
bid_a = self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id_a].bid if obj_id_a else -1
bid_b = self._obj_id_to_body[obj_id_b].bid if obj_id_b else -1
cs = p.getContactPoints(bodyA=bid_a, bodyB=bid_b, physicsClientId=self._pid)
contacts = self._convert_contacts(cs)
del cs # NOTE force garbage collection of pybullet objects
if not include_collision_with_static:
def not_contact_with_static(c):
static_a = self._obj_id_to_body[c.idA].static
static_b = self._obj_id_to_body[c.idB].static
return not static_a and not static_b
contacts = filter(not_contact_with_static, contacts)
# print(f'#all_contacts={len(all_contacts)} to #non_static_contacts={len(non_static_contacts)}')
if only_closest_contact_per_pair:
def bid_pair_key(x):
return str(x.idA) + '_' + str(x.idB)
contacts = sorted(contacts, key=bid_pair_key)
min_dist_contact_by_pair = {}
for k, g in groupby(contacts, key=bid_pair_key):
min_dist_contact = min(g, key=lambda x: x.distance)
min_dist_contact_by_pair[k] = min_dist_contact
contacts = min_dist_contact_by_pair.values()
# convert into dictionary of form (id_a, id_b) -> Contact
contacts_dict = {}
for c in contacts:
key = (c.idA, c.idB)
contacts_dict[key] = c
return contacts_dict
def _convert_contacts(self, contacts):
out = []
for c in contacts:
bid_a = c[1]
bid_b = c[2]
if bid_a not in self._bid_to_body or bid_b not in self._bid_to_body:
id_a = self._bid_to_body[bid_a].id
id_b = self._bid_to_body[bid_b].id
o = Contact(flags=c[0], idA=id_a, idB=id_b, linkIndexA=c[3], linkIndexB=c[4],
positionOnAInWS=c[5], positionOnBInWS=c[6], contactNormalOnBInWS=c[7],
distance=c[8], normalForce=c[9])
return out
def ray_test(self, from_pos, to_pos):
hit = p.rayTest(rayFromPosition=from_pos, rayToPosition=to_pos, physicsClientId=self._pid)
intersection = Intersection._make(*hit)
del hit # NOTE force garbage collection of pybullet objects
if >= 0: # if intersection, replace bid with id
intersection = intersection._replace(id=self._bid_to_body[].id)
return intersection
if __name__ == '__main__':
from data import House
sim = Simulator(mode='gui', verbose=True)
h = House(id_='d119e6e0bd567d923aea774c2a984bf0', include_arch_information=False)
# h = House(index=5)
sim.add_house(h, no_walls=False, no_ceil=True, use_separate_walls=False, static=False)