Raw File
// slang-semantic-version.cpp
#include "slang-semantic-version.h"

#include "../../slang-com-helper.h"

#include "../core/slang-string-util.h"

namespace Slang {

// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SemanticVersion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SlangResult SemanticVersion::parse(const UnownedStringSlice& value, char separatorChar, SemanticVersion& outVersion)

    UnownedStringSlice slices[3];
    Index splitCount;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(StringUtil::split(value, separatorChar, 3, slices, splitCount));
    if (splitCount <= 0)
        return SLANG_FAIL;

    Int ints[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    for (Index i = 0; i < splitCount; i++)
        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(StringUtil::parseInt(slices[i], ints[i]));

        const Int max = (i == 2) ? 0x7fffffff : 0xffff;
        if (ints[i] < 0 || ints[i] > max)
            return SLANG_FAIL;

    outVersion.m_major = uint16_t(ints[0]);
    outVersion.m_minor = uint16_t(ints[1]);
    outVersion.m_patch = uint32_t(ints[2]);

    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult SemanticVersion::parse(const UnownedStringSlice& value,  SemanticVersion& outVersion)
    return parse(value, '.', outVersion);

void SemanticVersion::append(StringBuilder& buf) const
    buf << Int32(m_major) << "." << Int32(m_minor);
    if (m_patch != 0)
        buf << "." << UInt32(m_patch);

/* static */SemanticVersion SemanticVersion::getEarliest(const ThisType* versions, Count count)
    if (count <= 0)
        return SemanticVersion();

    SemanticVersion bestVersion = versions[0];
    for (const auto version : makeConstArrayView(versions + 1, count - 1))
        if (version < bestVersion)
            bestVersion = version;
    return bestVersion;

/* static */SemanticVersion SemanticVersion::getLatest(const ThisType* versions, Count count)
    if (count <= 0)
        return SemanticVersion();

    SemanticVersion bestVersion = versions[0];
    for (const auto version : makeConstArrayView(versions + 1, count - 1))
        if (version > bestVersion)
            bestVersion = version;
    return bestVersion;

// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MatchSemanticVersion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/* static */SemanticVersion MatchSemanticVersion::findAnyBest(const SemanticVersion* versions, Count count, const ThisType& matchVersion)
    // If there aren't any we are done
    if (count <= 0)
        return SemanticVersion();

    // If there is only one it must be the best
    if (count == 1)
        return versions[0];

    // Define a version range [start, end)
    SemanticVersion start, end;

    switch (matchVersion.m_kind)
        case Kind::Past:      
            return SemanticVersion::getEarliest(versions, count);
        case Kind::Unknown:
        case Kind::Future:    
            // If it's unknown, we just get the latest
            return SemanticVersion::getLatest(versions, count);
        case Kind::Major:
            start = SemanticVersion(matchVersion.m_version.m_major, 0, 0);
            end = SemanticVersion(matchVersion.m_version.m_major + 1, 0, 0);
        case Kind::MajorMinor:
            start = SemanticVersion(matchVersion.m_version.m_major, matchVersion.m_version.m_minor, 0);
            end = SemanticVersion(matchVersion.m_version.m_major, matchVersion.m_version.m_minor + 1, 0);
        case Kind::MajorMinorPatch:
            start = SemanticVersion(matchVersion.m_version);
            end = SemanticVersion(matchVersion.m_version.m_major, matchVersion.m_version.m_minor, matchVersion.m_version.m_patch + 1);
        default: break;

    List<SemanticVersion> sortedVersions;
    sortedVersions.addRange(versions, count);

    // Sort into increasing values
    sortedVersions.sort([&](const SemanticVersion& a, const SemanticVersion& b) -> bool { return a < b; });

    Index startIndex = 0;
    for (; startIndex < count && sortedVersions[startIndex] < start; ++startIndex);

    Index endIndex = startIndex;
    for (; endIndex < count && sortedVersions[endIndex] < end; ++endIndex);

    // If we have a span of versions, get the last in the span
    if (startIndex < endIndex)
        // Get the last one
        return sortedVersions[endIndex - 1];

    // Get the next greatest if there is one
    if (endIndex < count)
        return sortedVersions[endIndex];

    // Get the prior prior to the start
    if (startIndex > 0)
        return sortedVersions[startIndex - 1];

    // All cases should be covered, but return the last one 
    return sortedVersions[count - 1];

void MatchSemanticVersion::append(StringBuilder& buf) const
    switch (m_kind)
        case Kind::Unknown:     buf << "unknown"; break;
        case Kind::Past:        buf << "past";  break;
        case Kind::Future:      buf << "future"; break;
        case Kind::Major:
            buf << m_version.m_major;
        case Kind::MajorMinor:
            buf << m_version.m_major << "." << m_version.m_minor;
        case Kind::MajorMinorPatch:

} // namespace Slang
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