% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/utils.R \name{write.gct} \alias{write.gct} \title{Saves ExpressionSet to a GCT file (version 1.3).} \usage{ write.gct(es, file, gzip = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{es}{ExpresionSet obeject to save} \item{file}{Path to output gct file} \item{gzip}{Whether to gzip apply gzip-compression for the output file#'} \item{...}{additional options for read.csv} } \value{ Result of the closing file (as in `close()` function`) } \description{ Saves ExpressionSet to a GCT file (version 1.3). } \examples{ es <- read.gct(system.file("extdata", "centers.gct", package = "phantasus")) out <- tempfile(fileext = ".gct.gz") write.gct(es, out, gzip=TRUE) }