#include "Deinterleave.h" #include "Simplify_Internal.h" namespace Halide { namespace Internal { using std::vector; Expr Simplify::visit(const Shuffle *op, ExprInfo *bounds) { if (op->is_extract_element()) { int index = op->indices[0]; internal_assert(index >= 0); for (const Expr &vector : op->vectors) { if (index < vector.type().lanes()) { if (vector.as()) { // If we try to extract_lane of a variable, we'll just get // the same shuffle back. break; } else { return extract_lane(mutate(vector, bounds), index); } } index -= vector.type().lanes(); } } // Mutate the vectors vector new_vectors; bool changed = false; for (const Expr &vector : op->vectors) { ExprInfo v_bounds; Expr new_vector = mutate(vector, &v_bounds); if (!vector.same_as(new_vector)) { changed = true; } if (bounds) { if (new_vectors.empty()) { *bounds = v_bounds; } else { bounds->min_defined &= v_bounds.min_defined; bounds->max_defined &= v_bounds.max_defined; bounds->min = std::min(bounds->min, v_bounds.min); bounds->max = std::max(bounds->max, v_bounds.max); bounds->alignment = ModulusRemainder::unify(bounds->alignment, v_bounds.alignment); } } new_vectors.push_back(new_vector); } // Try to convert a load with shuffled indices into a // shuffle of a dense load. if (const Load *first_load = new_vectors[0].as()) { vector load_predicates; vector load_indices; bool unpredicated = true; for (const Expr &e : new_vectors) { const Load *load = e.as(); if (load && load->name == first_load->name) { load_predicates.push_back(load->predicate); load_indices.push_back(load->index); unpredicated = unpredicated && is_const_one(load->predicate); } else { break; } } if (load_indices.size() == new_vectors.size()) { Type t = load_indices[0].type().with_lanes(op->indices.size()); Expr shuffled_index = Shuffle::make(load_indices, op->indices); ExprInfo shuffled_index_info; shuffled_index = mutate(shuffled_index, &shuffled_index_info); if (shuffled_index.as()) { ExprInfo base_info; if (const Ramp *r = shuffled_index.as()) { mutate(r->base, &base_info); } ModulusRemainder alignment = ModulusRemainder::intersect(base_info.alignment, shuffled_index_info.alignment); Expr shuffled_predicate; if (unpredicated) { shuffled_predicate = const_true(t.lanes()); } else { shuffled_predicate = Shuffle::make(load_predicates, op->indices); shuffled_predicate = mutate(shuffled_predicate, nullptr); } t = first_load->type; t = t.with_lanes(op->indices.size()); return Load::make(t, first_load->name, shuffled_index, first_load->image, first_load->param, shuffled_predicate, alignment); } } } // Try to collapse a shuffle of broadcasts into a single // broadcast. Note that it doesn't matter what the indices // are. const Broadcast *b1 = new_vectors[0].as(); if (b1) { bool can_collapse = true; for (size_t i = 1; i < new_vectors.size() && can_collapse; i++) { if (const Broadcast *b2 = new_vectors[i].as()) { Expr check = mutate(b1->value - b2->value, nullptr); can_collapse &= is_const_zero(check); } else { can_collapse = false; } } if (can_collapse) { if (op->indices.size() == 1) { return b1->value; } else { return Broadcast::make(b1->value, op->indices.size()); } } } if (op->is_interleave()) { int terms = (int)new_vectors.size(); // Try to collapse an interleave of ramps into a single ramp. const Ramp *r = new_vectors[0].as(); if (r) { bool can_collapse = true; for (size_t i = 1; i < new_vectors.size() && can_collapse; i++) { // If we collapse these terms into a single ramp, // the new stride is going to be the old stride // divided by the number of terms, so the // difference between two adjacent terms in the // interleave needs to be a broadcast of the new // stride. Expr diff = mutate(new_vectors[i] - new_vectors[i - 1], nullptr); const Broadcast *b = diff.as(); if (b) { Expr check = mutate(b->value * terms - r->stride, nullptr); can_collapse &= is_const_zero(check); } else { can_collapse = false; } } if (can_collapse) { return mutate(Ramp::make(r->base, r->stride / terms, r->lanes * terms), bounds); } } // Try to collapse an interleave of slices of vectors from // the same vector into a single vector. if (const Shuffle *first_shuffle = new_vectors[0].as()) { if (first_shuffle->is_slice()) { bool can_collapse = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < new_vectors.size() && can_collapse; i++) { const Shuffle *i_shuffle = new_vectors[i].as(); // Check that the current shuffle is a slice... if (!i_shuffle || !i_shuffle->is_slice()) { can_collapse = false; break; } // ... and that it is a slice in the right place... // If the shuffle is a single element, we don't care what the stride is. if (i_shuffle->slice_begin() != (int)i || (i_shuffle->indices.size() != 1 && i_shuffle->slice_stride() != terms)) { can_collapse = false; break; } if (i > 0) { // ... and that the vectors being sliced are the same. if (first_shuffle->vectors.size() != i_shuffle->vectors.size()) { can_collapse = false; break; } for (size_t j = 0; j < first_shuffle->vectors.size() && can_collapse; j++) { if (!equal(first_shuffle->vectors[j], i_shuffle->vectors[j])) { can_collapse = false; } } } } if (can_collapse) { // It's possible the slices didn't use all of the vector, in which case we need to slice it. Expr result = Shuffle::make_concat(first_shuffle->vectors); if (result.type().lanes() != op->type.lanes()) { result = Shuffle::make_slice(result, 0, 1, op->type.lanes()); } return result; } } } } else if (op->is_concat()) { // Try to collapse a concat of ramps into a single ramp. const Ramp *r = new_vectors[0].as(); if (r) { bool can_collapse = true; for (size_t i = 1; i < new_vectors.size() && can_collapse; i++) { Expr diff; if (new_vectors[i].type().lanes() == new_vectors[i - 1].type().lanes()) { diff = mutate(new_vectors[i] - new_vectors[i - 1], nullptr); } const Broadcast *b = diff.as(); if (b) { Expr check = mutate(b->value - r->stride * new_vectors[i - 1].type().lanes(), nullptr); can_collapse &= is_const_zero(check); } else { can_collapse = false; } } if (can_collapse) { return Ramp::make(r->base, r->stride, op->indices.size()); } } // Try to collapse a concat of scalars into a ramp. if (new_vectors[0].type().is_scalar() && new_vectors[1].type().is_scalar()) { bool can_collapse = true; Expr stride = mutate(new_vectors[1] - new_vectors[0], nullptr); for (size_t i = 1; i < new_vectors.size() && can_collapse; i++) { if (!new_vectors[i].type().is_scalar()) { can_collapse = false; break; } Expr check = mutate(new_vectors[i] - new_vectors[i - 1] - stride, nullptr); if (!is_const_zero(check)) { can_collapse = false; } } if (can_collapse) { return Ramp::make(new_vectors[0], stride, op->indices.size()); } } } // Pull a widening cast outside of a slice if (new_vectors.size() == 1 && op->type.lanes() < new_vectors[0].type().lanes()) { if (const Cast *cast = new_vectors[0].as()) { if (cast->type.bits() > cast->value.type().bits()) { return mutate(Cast::make(cast->type.with_lanes(op->type.lanes()), Shuffle::make({cast->value}, op->indices)), bounds); } } } if (op->is_slice() && (new_vectors.size() == 1)) { if (const Shuffle *inner_shuffle = new_vectors[0].as()) { // Try to collapse a slice of slice. if (inner_shuffle->is_slice() && (inner_shuffle->vectors.size() == 1)) { // Indices of the slice are ramp, so nested slice is a1 * (a2 * x + b2) + b1 = // = a1 * a2 * x + a1 * b2 + b1. return Shuffle::make_slice(inner_shuffle->vectors[0], op->slice_begin() * inner_shuffle->slice_stride() + inner_shuffle->slice_begin(), op->slice_stride() * inner_shuffle->slice_stride(), op->indices.size()); } // Check if we really need to concat all vectors before slicing. if (inner_shuffle->is_concat()) { int slice_min = op->indices.front(); int slice_max = op->indices.back(); int concat_index = 0; int new_slice_start = -1; vector new_concat_vectors; for (const auto &v : inner_shuffle->vectors) { // Check if current concat vector overlaps with slice. if ((concat_index >= slice_min && concat_index <= slice_max) || ((concat_index + v.type().lanes() - 1) >= slice_min && (concat_index + v.type().lanes() - 1) <= slice_max)) { if (new_slice_start < 0) { new_slice_start = concat_index; } new_concat_vectors.push_back(v); } concat_index += v.type().lanes(); } if (new_concat_vectors.size() < inner_shuffle->vectors.size()) { return Shuffle::make_slice(Shuffle::make_concat(new_concat_vectors), op->slice_begin() - new_slice_start, op->slice_stride(), op->indices.size()); } } } } if (!changed) { return op; } else { return Shuffle::make(new_vectors, op->indices); } } template Expr Simplify::hoist_slice_vector(Expr e) { const T *op = e.as(); internal_assert(op); const Shuffle *shuffle_a = op->a.template as(); const Shuffle *shuffle_b = op->b.template as(); internal_assert(shuffle_a && shuffle_b && shuffle_a->is_slice() && shuffle_b->is_slice()); if (shuffle_a->indices != shuffle_b->indices) { return e; } const std::vector &slices_a = shuffle_a->vectors; const std::vector &slices_b = shuffle_b->vectors; if (slices_a.size() != slices_b.size()) { return e; } for (size_t i = 0; i < slices_a.size(); i++) { if (slices_a[i].type() != slices_b[i].type()) { return e; } } vector new_slices; for (size_t i = 0; i < slices_a.size(); i++) { new_slices.push_back(T::make(slices_a[i], slices_b[i])); } return Shuffle::make(new_slices, shuffle_a->indices); } template Expr Simplify::hoist_slice_vector(Expr); template Expr Simplify::hoist_slice_vector(Expr); template Expr Simplify::hoist_slice_vector(Expr); template Expr Simplify::hoist_slice_vector(Expr); template Expr Simplify::hoist_slice_vector(Expr); } // namespace Internal } // namespace Halide