# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License
"""Class for reading beam CST files."""
import os
import re
import warnings
import numpy as np
from .uvbeam import UVBeam
from .. import utils as uvutils
__all__ = ["CSTBeam"]
class CSTBeam(UVBeam):
Defines a CST-specific subclass of UVBeam for reading CST text files.
This class should not be interacted with directly, instead use the
read_cst_beam method on the UVBeam class.
def name2freq(self, fname):
Extract frequency from the filename.
Assumes the file name contains a substring with the frequency channel
in MHz that the data represents.
e.g. "HERA_Sim_120.87MHz.txt" should yield 120.87e6
fname : str
Filename to parse.
Frequency extracted from filename in Hz.
fi = fname.rfind("Hz")
frequency = float(re.findall(r"\d*\.\d+|\d+", fname[:fi])[-1])
si_prefix = fname[fi - 1]
si_dict = {"k": 1e3, "M": 1e6, "G": 1e9}
if si_prefix in si_dict.keys():
frequency = frequency * si_dict[si_prefix]
return frequency
def read_cst_beam(
Read in data from a cst file.
filename : str
The cst file to read from.
beam_type : str
What beam_type to read in ('power' or 'efield').
feed_pol : str
The feed or polarization or list of feeds or polarizations the
files correspond to.
Defaults to 'x' (meaning x for efield or xx for power beams).
rotate_pol : bool
If True, assume the structure in the simulation is symmetric under
90 degree rotations about the z-axis (so that the y polarization can be
constructed by rotating the x polarization or vice versa).
Default: True if feed_pol is a single value or a list with all
the same values in it, False if it is a list with varying values.
frequency : float or list of float
The frequency or list of frequencies corresponding to the filename(s).
This is assumed to be in the same order as the files.
If not passed, the code attempts to parse it from the filenames.
telescope_name : str
The name of the telescope corresponding to the filename(s).
feed_name : str
The name of the feed corresponding to the filename(s).
feed_version : str
The version of the feed corresponding to the filename(s).
model_name : str
The name of the model corresponding to the filename(s).
model_version : str
The version of the model corresponding to the filename(s).
history : str
A string detailing the history of the filename(s).
x_orientation : str, optional
Orientation of the physical dipole corresponding to what is
labelled as the x polarization. Options are "east" (indicating
east/west orientation) and "north" (indicating north/south orientation)
reference_impedance : float, optional
The reference impedance of the model(s).
extra_keywords : dict, optional
A dictionary containing any extra_keywords.
run_check : bool
Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of
required parameters after reading in the file.
check_extra : bool
Option to check optional parameters as well as
required ones.
run_check_acceptability : bool
Option to check acceptable range of the values of
required parameters after reading in the file.
check_auto_power : bool
For power beams, check whether the auto polarization beams have non-zero
imaginary values in the data_array (which should not mathematically exist).
fix_auto_power : bool
For power beams, if auto polarization beams with imaginary values are found,
fix those values so that they are real-only in data_array.
# update filename attribute
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
self.filename = [basename]
self._filename.form = (1,)
self.telescope_name = telescope_name
self.feed_name = feed_name
self.feed_version = feed_version
self.model_name = model_name
self.model_version = model_version
self.history = history
if not uvutils._check_history_version(self.history, self.pyuvdata_version_str):
self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str
if x_orientation is not None:
self.x_orientation = x_orientation
if reference_impedance is not None:
self.reference_impedance = float(reference_impedance)
if extra_keywords is not None:
self.extra_keywords = extra_keywords
if beam_type == "power":
self.Naxes_vec = 1
if feed_pol == "x":
feed_pol = "xx"
elif feed_pol == "y":
feed_pol = "yy"
if rotate_pol:
rot_pol_dict = {"xx": "yy", "yy": "xx", "xy": "yx", "yx": "xy"}
pol2 = rot_pol_dict[feed_pol]
self.polarization_array = np.array(
[uvutils.polstr2num(feed_pol), uvutils.polstr2num(pol2)]
self.polarization_array = np.array([uvutils.polstr2num(feed_pol)])
self.Npols = len(self.polarization_array)
self.Naxes_vec = 2
self.Ncomponents_vec = 2
if rotate_pol:
if feed_pol == "x":
self.feed_array = np.array(["x", "y"])
self.feed_array = np.array(["y", "x"])
if feed_pol == "x":
self.feed_array = np.array(["x"])
self.feed_array = np.array(["y"])
self.Nfeeds = self.feed_array.size
self.data_normalization = "physical"
self.antenna_type = "simple"
self.Nfreqs = 1
self.Nspws = 1
self.freq_array = np.zeros((self.Nspws, self.Nfreqs))
self.bandpass_array = np.zeros((self.Nspws, self.Nfreqs))
self.spw_array = np.array([0])
self.pixel_coordinate_system = "az_za"
out_file = open(filename, "r")
line = out_file.readline().strip() # Get the first line
raw_names = line.split("]")
raw_names = [raw_name for raw_name in raw_names if not raw_name == ""]
column_names = []
units = []
for raw_name in raw_names:
column_name, unit = tuple(raw_name.split("["))
column_names.append("".join(column_name.lower().split(" ")))
data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=2)
theta_col = np.where(np.array(column_names) == "theta")[0][0]
phi_col = np.where(np.array(column_names) == "phi")[0][0]
if "deg" in units[theta_col]:
theta_data = np.radians(data[:, theta_col])
theta_data = data[:, theta_col]
if "deg" in units[phi_col]:
phi_data = np.radians(data[:, phi_col])
phi_data = data[:, phi_col]
theta_axis = np.sort(np.unique(theta_data))
phi_axis = np.sort(np.unique(phi_data))
if not theta_axis.size * phi_axis.size == theta_data.size:
raise ValueError("Data does not appear to be on a grid")
theta_data = theta_data.reshape((theta_axis.size, phi_axis.size), order="F")
phi_data = phi_data.reshape((theta_axis.size, phi_axis.size), order="F")
if not uvutils._test_array_constant_spacing(theta_axis, self._axis2_array.tols):
raise ValueError(
"Data does not appear to be regularly gridded in zenith angle"
if not uvutils._test_array_constant_spacing(phi_axis, self._axis1_array.tols):
raise ValueError(
"Data does not appear to be regularly gridded in azimuth angle"
delta_phi = phi_axis[1] - phi_axis[0]
self.axis1_array = phi_axis
self.Naxes1 = self.axis1_array.size
self.axis2_array = theta_axis
self.Naxes2 = self.axis2_array.size
if self.beam_type == "power":
# type depends on whether cross pols are present
# (if so, complex, else float)
self.data_array = np.zeros(
self.data_array = np.zeros(
self._data_array.expected_shape(self), dtype=np.complex128
if frequency is not None:
self.freq_array[0] = frequency
self.freq_array[0] = self.name2freq(filename)
if rotate_pol:
# for second polarization, rotate by pi/2
rot_phi = phi_data + np.pi / 2
rot_phi[np.where(rot_phi >= 2 * np.pi)] -= 2 * np.pi
roll_rot_phi = np.roll(rot_phi, int((np.pi / 2) / delta_phi), axis=1)
if not np.allclose(roll_rot_phi, phi_data):
raise ValueError("Rotating by pi/2 failed")
# theta is not affected by the rotation
# get beam
if self.beam_type == "power":
data_col_enum = ["abs(e)", "abs(v)"]
data_col = []
for name in data_col_enum:
this_col = np.where(np.array(column_names) == name)[0]
if this_col.size > 0:
data_col = data_col + this_col.tolist()
if len(data_col) == 0:
raise ValueError("No power column found in file: {}".format(filename))
elif len(data_col) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Multiple possible power columns found in file: {}".format(filename)
data_col = data_col[0]
power_beam1 = (
data[:, data_col].reshape((theta_axis.size, phi_axis.size), order="F")
** 2.0
self.data_array[0, 0, 0, 0, :, :] = power_beam1
if rotate_pol:
# rotate by pi/2 for second polarization
power_beam2 = np.roll(power_beam1, int((np.pi / 2) / delta_phi), axis=1)
self.data_array[0, 0, 1, 0, :, :] = power_beam2
self.basis_vector_array = np.zeros(
(self.Naxes_vec, self.Ncomponents_vec, self.Naxes2, self.Naxes1)
self.basis_vector_array[0, 0, :, :] = 1.0
self.basis_vector_array[1, 1, :, :] = 1.0
theta_mag_col = np.where(np.array(column_names) == "abs(theta)")[0][0]
theta_phase_col = np.where(np.array(column_names) == "phase(theta)")[0][0]
phi_mag_col = np.where(np.array(column_names) == "abs(phi)")[0][0]
phi_phase_col = np.where(np.array(column_names) == "phase(phi)")[0][0]
theta_mag = data[:, theta_mag_col].reshape(
(theta_axis.size, phi_axis.size), order="F"
phi_mag = data[:, phi_mag_col].reshape(
(theta_axis.size, phi_axis.size), order="F"
if "deg" in units[theta_phase_col]:
theta_phase = np.radians(data[:, theta_phase_col])
theta_phase = data[:, theta_phase_col]
if "deg" in units[phi_phase_col]:
phi_phase = np.radians(data[:, phi_phase_col])
phi_phase = data[:, phi_phase_col]
theta_phase = theta_phase.reshape(
(theta_axis.size, phi_axis.size), order="F"
phi_phase = phi_phase.reshape((theta_axis.size, phi_axis.size), order="F")
theta_beam = theta_mag * np.exp(1j * theta_phase)
phi_beam = phi_mag * np.exp(1j * phi_phase)
self.data_array[0, 0, 0, 0, :, :] = phi_beam
self.data_array[1, 0, 0, 0, :, :] = theta_beam
if rotate_pol:
# rotate by pi/2 for second polarization
theta_beam2 = np.roll(theta_beam, int((np.pi / 2) / delta_phi), axis=1)
phi_beam2 = np.roll(phi_beam, int((np.pi / 2) / delta_phi), axis=1)
self.data_array[0, 0, 1, 0, :, :] = phi_beam2
self.data_array[1, 0, 1, 0, :, :] = theta_beam2
self.bandpass_array[0] = 1
if frequency is None:
"No frequency provided. Detected frequency is: "
"{freqs} Hz".format(freqs=self.freq_array)
if run_check: