Raw File
  First or Last Part of a Spatial Pattern
  Returns the first few elements (\code{head}) or the last few
  elements (\code{tail}) of a spatial pattern.
  \method{head}{ppp}(x, n = 6L, \dots)

  \method{head}{ppx}(x, n = 6L, \dots)

  \method{head}{psp}(x, n = 6L, \dots)

  \method{head}{tess}(x, n = 6L, \dots)

  \method{tail}{ppp}(x, n = 6L, \dots)

  \method{tail}{ppx}(x, n = 6L, \dots)

  \method{tail}{psp}(x, n = 6L, \dots)

  \method{tail}{tess}(x, n = 6L, \dots)
    A spatial pattern of geometrical figures,
    such as a spatial pattern of points
    (an object of class \code{"ppp"}, \code{"pp3"}, \code{"ppx"} or
    \code{"lpp"}) or a spatial pattern of line segments
    (an object of class \code{"psp"}) or a tessellation
    (object of class \code{"tess"}).
    Integer. The number of elements of the pattern that should be extracted.
  These are methods for the generic functions \code{\link[utils]{head}}
  and \code{\link[utils]{tail}}. They extract the first or last
  \code{n} elements from \code{x} and return them as an object of the
  same kind as \code{x}.

  To inspect the spatial coordinates themselves, use
  or \code{head(as.data.frame(x))}.
  An object of the same class as \code{x}.
  \code{\link[utils]{View}}, \code{\link[utils]{edit}}.
  Conversion to data frame:
  tail(as.psp(spiders), 10)
  head(dirichlet(cells), 4)
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