# SPARQL Micro-Services The SPARQL Micro-Service architecture [1, 3] enables **querying Web APIs with SPARQL**, as well as **assigning dereferenceable URIs to Web API resources** that do not have a URI in the first place. Each SPARQL micro-service is a **lightweight SPARQL endpoint** that typically provides access to a small, resource-centric graph. It takes arguments that depend on the Web API, query the Web API, and build a graph that uses **any vocabulary or ontology of your choice**. #### Configuration options to fit most specific APIs: - Add any **HTTP headers** to the Web API query; - Support for APIs with **OAuth2 authentication** (see [example](services/advanced_examples/oauth2)); - Native support for **JSON-based** Web APIs. XML-based Web APIs are supported with an additional component (see [example](services/advanced_examples/xml_api)); #### Implementation features: - Easy **Docker-based deployment**; - **Simple**: a micro-service consists of a configuration file, a JSON-LD profile and a SPARQL query - **Dynamic**: simply drop off your files and your service is ready to go. - **Cache database** with configurable expiration time, to improve performance; - **Provenance information** about the API invokation (time, parameterr etc.); - Web API invokation with **HTTP GET method**, POST is not supported. - Dynamic generation of an HTML documentation and test interface ## Quick start guide The most straightforward way to run SPARQL micro-services is using the [Docker deployment](deployment/docker/) option. Then, these [slides](doc/quick-start-guide.pdf) describe the main concepts behind SPARQL micro-services and provide a guide to **quickly write and setup your first SPARQL micro-service**. ## Examples and Demo You can check out some services we published at [https://sparql-micro-services.org/](https://sparql-micro-services.org/). The source of these services is provided in a separate Github repository: [sparql-micro-services.org/](https://github.com/frmichel/sparql-micro-service.org) The **HTML documentation and test interface** is [generated dynamically](doc/03-html-doc.md) from the micro-service descriptions, that embeds Schema.org markup to **make the services discoverable** using for instance [Google Dataset Search](https://datasetsearch.research.google.com/search?query=flickr%20sparql&docid=88YllZoR%2BmJMuXMgAAAAAA%3D%3D). A **[demo](http://sparql-micro-services.org/demo-sms?param=Delphinapterus+leucas)** showcases the use of SPARQL micro-services to integrate, within a single SPARQL query, biodiversity data from a regular Linked Data source with non-RDF data resources: photos, scientific articles, life traits, audio recordings, all obtained through dedicated Web APIs wrapped in SPARQL micro-services. This project comes with [several example](services/advanced_examples/) SPARQL micro-services, allowing for instance to search photos matching some tags on [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/), or tunes whose titles match a given name in [MusicBrainz](https://musicbrainz.org/). Also, in the [TaxrefWeb](https://github.com/frmichel/taxrefweb/tree/master/sparql-micro-services) repository we provide services to query major biodiversity data sources such as the [GBIF](https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/), [BHL](https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/) or [EoL](http://eol.org/traitbank). ## Documentation - [How to use SPARQL micro-services](doc/01-usage.md) - [Configuring a SPARQL micro-service](doc/02-config.md) - [Docker-based deployment](deployment/docker/) - [Complete non-Docker installation procedure](doc/04-install.md) (for more advanced deployments) - [Dynamic HTML documentation](doc/03-html-doc.md) - [Adding provenance information](doc/05-prov.md) ## Cite this work: Michel F., Faron C., Gargominy O. & Gandon F. (2018). Integration of Web APIs and Linked Data Using SPARQL Micro-Services—Application to Biodiversity Use Cases. *Information 9(12):310*. [DOI](https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/info9120310), [HAL](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01947589). ```bibtex @article{michel_sparqlmicroservices_2018, title = {Integration of {{Web APIs}} and {{Linked Data Using SPARQL Micro}}-{{Services}}\textemdash{{Application}} to {{Biodiversity Use Cases}}}, volume = {9}, copyright = {Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY)}, issn = {2078-2489}, language = {en}, number = {12}, journal = {Information}, doi = {10.3390/info9120310}, author = {Michel, Franck and Faron, Catherine and Gargominy, Olivier and Gandon, Fabien}, month = dec, year = {2018}, pages = {310}, url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01947589} } ``` ## Publications ### Journal [3] Michel F., Faron C., Gargominy O. & Gandon F. (2018). Integration of Web APIs and Linked Data Using SPARQL Micro-Services—Application to Biodiversity Use Cases. *Information 9(12):310*. [DOI](https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/info9120310), [HAL](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01947589). ### Conference [1] Michel F., Faron-Zucker C. and Gandon F. SPARQL Micro-Services: Lightweight Integration of Web APIs and Linked Data. In *Proceedings of the Linked Data on the Web Workshop (LDOW2018)*. [HAL](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01722792). [2] Michel F., Gargominy O., Tercerie S. & Faron-Zucker C. (2017). A Model to Represent Nomenclatural and Taxonomic Information as Linked Data. Application to the French Taxonomic Register, TAXREF. In *Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantics for Biodiversity (S4BioDiv) co-located with ISWC 2017*. Vienna, Austria. CEUR vol. 1933. [HAL](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01617708). [4] Michel F., Faron-Zucker C., Corby O. and Gandon F. Enabling Automatic Discovery and Querying of Web APIs at Web Scale using Linked Data Standards. In *LDOW/LDDL'19, companion proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW'19 Companion)*. [HAL](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02060966). ### Poster Michel F., Faron-Zucker C. & Gandon F. (2018). Bridging Web APIs and Linked Data with SPARQL Micro-Services. In *The Semantic Web: ESWC 2018 Satellite Events, LNCS vol. 11155, pp. 187–191*. Heraklion, Greece. Springer, Cham. [HAL](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01783936v1). ### Demo Michel F., Faron-Zucker C. & Gandon F. (2018). Integration of Biodiversity Linked Data and Web APIs using SPARQL Micro-Services. In *Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2: e25481 (TDWG 2018)*. Dunedin, New Zealand. Pensoft. [DOI](https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/biss.2.25481), [HAL](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01856365). Available online: https://sparql-micro-services.org/demo-sms?param=Delphinapterus%20leucas