Title: An C-library for Register Saturation Computation. To build RSlib-1.2 on a linux system, just type "./build.sh". It will automatically build all the libraries of the archive and put the result in the "build.linux" subdirectory. The build process is logged in the file "log.build". Please check this file in case of error. You may also clean all the generated files by typing "./build.sh clean". This will clean all source directories and delete the "build.linux" folder as well as the log file. To build furnished examples in each individual component please see instructions below. The package includes the following components: * SCEDA is a Small Collection of Efficient Data structures and Algorithms. SCEDA library provides implementation of lists, sets, maps, trees, heaps, graphs as well as related algorithms. * GDD is a Graph Data Dependency library. It depends on SCEDA. It provides specific data structures and algorithms to manipulate data dependency graphs. * RS is a Register Saturation library. It depends on GDD and SCEDA. It implements two polynomial heuristics to compute the register saturation of acyclic data dependency graphs, as well as an optimal exponential algorithm. The algorithms and their experimental efficiency are reported in the following research document: Sebastien Briais and Sid Touati. Experimental Study of Register Saturation in Basic Blocks and Super-blocks: Optimality and heuristics. Research report number HAL-INRIA-00431103. University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, France. October 2009. Please see INSTALL/README files in the corresponding subdirectory to learn more about each component. -- During the build process, the build script will ask you several questions: * GDD includes, for testing purposes, a very basic XML parser to read architecture and data dependency graphs. It is enabled by default but you can disable this feature if you wish. Note however that in this case, most of the examples will fail to compile. * If doxygen is installed on your computer, the build script will offer you the choice to build the documentation of each component. If you do so, the HTML documentation will be generated in each corresponding subdirectory. Once the package successfully installed, build the furnished examples as follows: * To build SCEDA examples, type cd SCEDA make examples LIBHOME=`pwd`/../build.linux cd .. * To build GDD examples, type cd GDD make examples LIBHOME=`pwd`/../build.linux cd .. * To build RS examples, type cd RS make examples LIBHOME=`pwd`/../build.linux cd .. For more details, please refer to the individual README files in each component subdirectory. -- Sebastien Briais and Sid Touati Copyright University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, November 2009