adtest=function(x, R=1000, locscatt="standard") { #DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x)) if( R < 1 ) stop("choose a higher value for R") if( R < 50 ) warnings("maybe, the estimation of the p-value(s) is not accurate; choose a higher value for R") cv <- function(x, type) { classical <- function(x){ if( (length(dim(x)) < 1) | is.vector(x) ){ list(mean=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), varmat=var(x, na.rm=TRUE)) } else { list(mean=colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE), varmat=cov(x)) } } robust <- function(x){ if( (length(dim(x)) < 1) | is.vector(x) ){ list(mean=median(x), varmat=mad(x)^2) } else { v <- covMcd(x) list(mean=v$center, varmat=v$cov) } } switch(type, standard = classical(x), robust = robust(x)) } centre <- function(x, type) { switch(type, mean = mean(x), median = median(x), trimmed = mean(x, trim = .1)) } if(locscatt=="standard") location <- "mean" else location <- "median" ### 1-dim: if((length(dim(x)) < 1) | is.vector(x) ){ x <- as.vector(x) n <- length(x) if (n < 8 ) stop("sample size must be greater than 7") stat=function(x, N=n, location="mean"){ x <- sort(x[complete.cases(x)]) estCv <- cv(x, locscatt) p <- pnorm((x - estCv$mean)/sqrt(estCv$varmat)) h <- (2 * seq(1:N) - 1) * (log(p) + log(1 - rev(p))) A <- (25/N^2-4/N-1)*(centre(h, location)+N) } A=stat(x, location=location) estCv <- cv(x, locscatt) mv <- estCv$mean varmat <- estCv$varmat n=length(c(x)) p <- sapply(X=1:R, FUN=function(X,...){ stat(rnorm(n, mv, varmat), location=location) }) pvalue=mean(p>A) RVAL <- list(statistic = c(A = A), method = "A-D univariate normality test", p.value=pvalue) } else if (dim(x)[2] == 2){ ### 2-dim: n <- nrow(x) stat=function(x, N=n, location="mean"){ estCv <- cv(x, locscatt) varmat <- estCv$varmat mu <- estCv$mean u <- (1/sqrt(det(varmat)))*((x[,1]-mu[1])*sqrt(varmat[2,2])-(x[,2]-mu[2])*(varmat[1,2]/sqrt(varmat[2,2]))) v <- (x[,2]-mu[2])/sqrt(varmat[2,2]) teta <- atan(v/u)+(1-sign(u))*pi/2+(1+sign(u))*(1-sign(v))*pi/2 z=teta/(2*pi) p=sort(z) h <- (2 * seq(1:N) - 1) * (log(p) + log(1 - rev(p))) A <- -N-centre(h, location) } A=stat(x, location=location) estCv <- cv(x, locscatt) varmat <- estCv$varmat mv <- estCv$mean p <- sapply(X=1:R, FUN=function(X,...){ stat(mvrnorm(n, mv, varmat), location=location) }) pvalue=mean(p>A) RVAL <- list(statistic = c(A = A), method = "A-D bivariate normality test", p.value=pvalue) } else { ### >= 3: n <- nrow(x) stat=function(x, N=n, location="mean"){ estCv <- cv(x, locscatt) #varmat <- var(x) #mu <- apply(x,2,mean) u <- mahalanobis(x, center=estCv$mean, cov=estCv$varmat) z <- pchisq(u,ncol(x)) p=sort(z) h <- (2 * seq(1:N) - 1) * (log(p) + log(1 - rev(p))) A <- -N-centre(h, location) #par(mfrow=c(1,2)); plot(p) ; plot(h) } A=stat(x, location=location) #print(paste("A =", A)) estCv <- cv(x, locscatt) # estCv$mean=colMeans(x) #weg #estCv$varmat=var(x) #weg p=numeric(R) n=nrow(x) p <- sapply(X=1:R, FUN=function(X,...){ stat(mvrnorm(n, estCv$mean, estCv$varmat), location=location) }) pvalue=mean(p>A) RVAL <- list(statistic = A, method = "A-D radius test", p.value=pvalue) } class(RVAL) <- "htest" return(RVAL) } ###################################################################### #Cramer-vom Mises # #cvmtest=function (x) #{ # DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x)) # x <- sort(x[complete.cases(x)]) # n <- length(x) # if (n < 8) # stop("sample size must be greater than 7") # p <- pnorm((x - mean(x))/sd(x)) # W <- (1/(12 * n) + sum((p - (2 * seq(1:n) - 1)/(2 * n))^2))*((2*n+1)/(2*n)) # RVAL <- list(statistic = c(W = W), method = "Cramer-von Mises normality test", # = DNAME) # class(RVAL) <- "htest" # return(RVAL) #} # ####################################################################### ##Watson test # #wattest=function (x) #{ # DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x)) # x <- sort(x[complete.cases(x)]) # n <- length(x) # if (n < 8) # stop("sample size must be greater than 7") # p <- pnorm((x - mean(x))/sd(x)) # W <- (1/(12 * n) + sum((p - (2 * seq(1:n) - 1)/(2 * n))^2))*((2*n+1)/(2*n)) # WW <- W-((2*n+1)/2)*(mean(p)-1/2)^2 # RVAL <- list(statistic = c(WW = WW), method = "Watson normality test", # = DNAME) # class(RVAL) <- "htest" # return(RVAL) #}