Raw File
import contextlib
import enum
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import tabulate
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

__all__ = [
    "Config", "as_context", "config", "set_config",
    "default_float", "set_default_float",
    "default_int", "set_default_int",
    "default_jitter", "set_default_jitter",
    "default_positive_bijector", "set_default_positive_bijector",
    "default_positive_minimum", "set_default_positive_minimum",
    "default_summary_fmt", "set_default_summary_fmt",

__config = None

class _Values(enum.Enum):
    """Setting's names collection with default values. The `name` method returns name
    of the environment variable. E.g. for `SUMMARY_FMT` field the environment variable
    will be `GPFLOW_SUMMARY_FMT`."""
    INT = np.int32
    FLOAT = np.float64
    POSITIVE_BIJECTOR = "softplus"
    SUMMARY_FMT = None
    JITTER = 1e-6

    def name(self):
        return f"GPFLOW_{super().name}"

def default(value: _Values):
    """Checks if value is set in the environment."""
    return os.getenv(value.name, default=value.value)

class Config:
    Immutable object for storing global GPflow settings

        int: Integer data type, int32 or int64.
        float: Float data type, float32 or float64
        jitter: Jitter value. Mainly used for for making badly conditioned matrices more stable.
            Default value is `1e-6`.
        positive_bijector: Method for positive bijector, either "softplus" or "exp".
            Default is "softplus".
        positive_minimum: Lower level for the positive transformation.
        summary_fmt: Summary format for module printing.

    int: type = field(default_factory=lambda: default(_Values.INT))
    float: type = field(default_factory=lambda: default(_Values.FLOAT))
    jitter: float = field(default_factory=lambda: default(_Values.JITTER))
    positive_bijector: str = field(default_factory=lambda: default(_Values.POSITIVE_BIJECTOR))
    positive_minimum: float = field(default_factory=lambda: default(_Values.POSITIVE_MINIMUM))
    summary_fmt: str = field(default_factory=lambda: default(_Values.SUMMARY_FMT))

def config() -> Config:
    """Returns current active config."""
    return __config

def default_int():
    return config().int

def default_float():
    return config().float

def default_jitter():
    return config().jitter

def default_positive_bijector():
    return config().positive_bijector

def default_positive_minimum():
    return config().positive_minimum

def default_summary_fmt():
    return config().summary_fmt

def set_config(new_config: Config):
    """Update GPflow config"""
    global __config
    __config = new_config

def set_default_int(value_type):
        tf_dtype = tf.as_dtype(value_type)  # Test that it's a tensorflow-valid dtype
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError(f"{value_type} is not a valid tf or np dtype")

    if not tf_dtype.is_integer:
        raise TypeError(f"{value_type} is not an integer dtype")

    set_config(replace(config(), int=value_type))

def set_default_float(value_type):
        tf_dtype = tf.as_dtype(value_type)  # Test that it's a tensorflow-valid dtype
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError(f"{value_type} is not a valid tf or np dtype")

    if not tf_dtype.is_floating:
        raise TypeError(f"{value_type} is not a float dtype")

    set_config(replace(config(), float=value_type))

def set_default_jitter(value: float):
    if not (isinstance(value, (tf.Tensor, np.ndarray)) and len(value.shape) == 0) and \
            not isinstance(value, float):
        raise TypeError("Expected float32 or float64 scalar value")

    if value < 0:
        raise ValueError("Jitter must be non-negative")

    set_config(replace(config(), jitter=value))

def set_default_positive_bijector(value: str):
    type_map = positive_bijector_type_map()
    if isinstance(value, str):
        value = value.lower()
    if value not in type_map:
        raise ValueError(f"`{value}` not in set of valid bijectors: {sorted(type_map)}")

    set_config(replace(config(), positive_bijector=value))

def set_default_positive_minimum(value: float):
    if not (isinstance(value, (tf.Tensor, np.ndarray)) and len(value.shape) == 0) and \
            not isinstance(value, float):
        raise TypeError("Expected float32 or float64 scalar value")

    if value < 0:
        raise ValueError("Value must be non-negative")

    set_config(replace(config(), positive_minimum=value))

def set_default_summary_fmt(value: str):
    formats = tabulate.tabulate_formats + ['notebook', None]
    if value not in formats:
        raise ValueError(f"Summary does not support '{value}' format")

    set_config(replace(config(), summary_fmt=value))

def positive_bijector_type_map() -> Dict[str, type]:
    return {
        "exp": tfp.bijectors.Exp,
        "softplus": tfp.bijectors.Softplus,

def as_context(temporary_config: Optional[Config] = None):
    """Ensure that global configs defaults, with a context manager. Useful for testing."""
    current_config = config()
    temporary_config = replace(current_config) if temporary_config is None else temporary_config

# Set global config.
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