\name{poissgamexch} \alias{poissgamexch} \title{Log posterior of Poisson/gamma exchangeable model} \description{ Computes the log posterior density of log alpha and log mu for a Poisson/gamma exchangeable model } \usage{ poissgamexch(theta,datapar) } \arguments{ \item{theta}{vector of parameter values of log alpha and log mu} \item{datapar}{list with components data, a matrix with columns e and y, and z0, prior hyperparameter} } \value{ value of the log posterior } \author{Jim Albert} \examples{ e=c(532,584,672,722,904) y=c(0,0,2,1,1) data=cbind(e,y) theta=c(-4,0) z0=.5 datapar=list(data=data,z0=z0) poissgamexch(theta,datapar) } \keyword{models}