Raw File
from ..tenalg_utils import _validate_contraction_modes
from ...utils import prod
import tensorly as tl

def tensordot(tensor1, tensor2, modes, batched_modes=()):
    """Batched tensor contraction between two tensors on specified modes

    tensor1 : tl.tensor
    tensor2 : tl.tensor
    modes : int list or int
        modes on which to contract tensor1 and tensor2
    batched_modes : int or tuple[int]

    contraction : tensor1 contracted with tensor2 on the specified modes
    modes1, modes2 = _validate_contraction_modes(tensor1.shape, tensor2.shape, modes)
    batch_modes1, batch_modes2 = _validate_contraction_modes(
        tensor1.shape, tensor2.shape, batched_modes, batched_modes=True

    contraction_shape = [s for (i, s) in enumerate(tl.shape(tensor1)) if i in modes1]
    contraction_dim = prod(contraction_shape)
    batch_shape = [s for (i, s) in enumerate(tl.shape(tensor1)) if i in batch_modes1]

    # Prepare to reorganize the modes afterwards by moving bactch size back to their place
    # (while ommiting modes contracted over)
    final_modes = []
    n_batches = len(batch_modes1)
    batch_counter = 0
    free_counter = 0
    for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor1)):
        if i in modes1:
        elif i in batch_modes1:
            batch_counter += 1
            final_modes.append(free_counter + n_batches)
            free_counter += 1

    # We will reorganize tensor1 to (batch_modes, new_modes1, contraction_modes)
    new_modes1 = [i for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor1)) if i not in batch_modes1 + modes1]
    new_shape1 = [tl.shape(tensor1)[i] for i in new_modes1]
    tensor1 = tl.transpose(tensor1, batch_modes1 + new_modes1 + modes1)
    tensor1 = tl.reshape(tensor1, (*batch_shape, -1, contraction_dim))

    # Tensor2 will be (batch_modes, contraction_modes, new_modes2)
    new_modes2 = [i for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor2)) if i not in batch_modes2 + modes2]
    new_shape2 = [tl.shape(tensor2)[i] for i in new_modes2]
    tensor2 = tl.transpose(tensor2, batch_modes2 + modes2 + new_modes2)
    tensor2 = tl.reshape(tensor2, (*batch_shape, contraction_dim, -1))

    res = tl.matmul(tensor1, tensor2)
    res = tl.reshape(res, (*batch_shape, *new_shape1, *new_shape2))

    final_modes += [i for i in range(res.ndim) if i not in final_modes]

    if final_modes:
        res = tl.transpose(res, final_modes)

    return res
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