# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information """Module in charge of defining an swh-deposit client """ import hashlib import os import requests import xmltodict import logging from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from urllib.parse import urljoin from swh.core.config import SWHConfig logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _parse(stream, encoding='utf-8'): """Given a xml stream, parse the result. Args: stream (bytes/text): The stream to parse encoding (str): The encoding to use if to decode the bytes stream Returns: A dict of values corresponding to the parsed xml """ if isinstance(stream, bytes): stream = stream.decode(encoding) data = xmltodict.parse(stream, encoding=encoding, process_namespaces=False) if 'entry' in data: data = data['entry'] if 'sword:error' in data: data = data['sword:error'] return dict(data) def _parse_with_filter(stream, encoding='utf-8', keys=[]): """Given a xml stream, parse the result and filter with keys. Args: stream (bytes/text): The stream to parse encoding (str): The encoding to use if to decode the bytes stream keys ([str]): Keys to filter the parsed result Returns: A dict of values corresponding to the parsed xml filtered by the keys provided. """ data = _parse(stream, encoding=encoding) m = {} for key in keys: m[key] = data.get(key) return m class BaseApiDepositClient(SWHConfig): """Deposit client base class """ CONFIG_BASE_FILENAME = 'deposit/client' DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'url': ('str', 'http://localhost:5006'), 'auth': ('dict', {}), # with optional 'username'/'password' keys } def __init__(self, config=None, _client=requests): super().__init__() if config is None: self.config = super().parse_config_file() else: self.config = config self._client = _client self.base_url = self.config['url'].strip('/') + '/' auth = self.config['auth'] if auth == {}: self.auth = None else: self.auth = (auth['username'], auth['password']) def do(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs): """Internal method to deal with requests, possibly with basic http authentication. Args: method (str): supported http methods as in self._methods' keys Returns: The request's execution """ if hasattr(self._client, method): method_fn = getattr(self._client, method) else: raise ValueError('Development error, unsupported method %s' % ( method)) if self.auth: kwargs['auth'] = self.auth full_url = urljoin(self.base_url, url.lstrip('/')) return method_fn(full_url, *args, **kwargs) class PrivateApiDepositClient(BaseApiDepositClient): """Private API deposit client to: - read a given deposit's archive(s) - read a given deposit's metadata - update a given deposit's status """ def archive_get(self, archive_update_url, archive): """Retrieve the archive from the deposit to a local directory. Args: archive_update_url (str): The full deposit archive(s)'s raw content to retrieve locally archive (str): the local archive's path where to store the raw content Returns: The archive path to the local archive to load. Or None if any problem arose. """ r = self.do('get', archive_update_url, stream=True) if r.ok: with open(archive, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(): f.write(chunk) return archive msg = 'Problem when retrieving deposit archive at %s' % ( archive_update_url, ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) def metadata_get(self, metadata_url): """Retrieve the metadata information on a given deposit. Args: metadata_url (str): The full deposit metadata url to retrieve locally Returns: The dictionary of metadata for that deposit or None if any problem arose. """ r = self.do('get', metadata_url) if r.ok: return r.json() msg = 'Problem when retrieving metadata at %s' % metadata_url logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) def status_update(self, update_status_url, status, revision_id=None, directory_id=None, origin_url=None): """Update the deposit's status. Args: update_status_url (str): the full deposit's archive status (str): The status to update the deposit with revision_id (str/None): the revision's identifier to update to directory_id (str/None): the directory's identifier to update to origin_url (str/None): deposit's associated origin url """ payload = {'status': status} if revision_id: payload['revision_id'] = revision_id if directory_id: payload['directory_id'] = directory_id if origin_url: payload['origin_url'] = origin_url self.do('put', update_status_url, json=payload) def check(self, check_url): """Check the deposit's associated data (metadata, archive(s)) Args: check_url (str): the full deposit's check url """ r = self.do('get', check_url) if r.ok: data = r.json() return data['status'] msg = 'Problem when checking deposit %s' % check_url logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) class BaseDepositClient(BaseApiDepositClient, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base Deposit client to access the public api. """ def __init__(self, config, error_msg=None, empty_result={}): super().__init__(config) self.error_msg = error_msg self.empty_result = empty_result @abstractmethod def compute_url(self, *args, **kwargs): """Compute api url endpoint to query.""" pass @abstractmethod def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs): """Http method to use on the url""" pass @abstractmethod def parse_result_ok(self, xml_content): """Given an xml result from the api endpoint, parse it and returns a dict. """ pass def compute_information(self, *args, **kwargs): """Compute some more information given the inputs (e.g http headers, ...) """ return {} def parse_result_error(self, xml_content): """Given an error response in xml, parse it into a dict. Returns: dict with following keys: 'error': The error message 'detail': Some more detail about the error if any """ return _parse_with_filter(xml_content, keys=[ 'summary', 'detail', 'sword:verboseDescription']) def do_execute(self, method, url, info): """Execute the http query to url using method and info information. By default, execute a simple query to url with the http method. Override this in daughter class to improve the default behavior if needed. """ return self.do(method, url) def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): """Main endpoint to prepare and execute the http query to the api. """ url = self.compute_url(*args, **kwargs) method = self.compute_method(*args, **kwargs) info = self.compute_information(*args, **kwargs) try: r = self.do_execute(method, url, info) except Exception as e: msg = self.error_msg % (url, e) r = self.empty_result r.update({ 'error': msg, }) return r else: if r.ok: if int(r.status_code) == 204: # 204 returns no body return {'status': r.status_code} else: return self.parse_result_ok(r.text) else: error = self.parse_result_error(r.text) empty = self.empty_result error.update(empty) error.update({ 'status': r.status_code, }) return error class ServiceDocumentDepositClient(BaseDepositClient): """Service Document information retrieval. """ def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config, error_msg='Service document failure at %s: %s', empty_result={'collection': None}) def compute_url(self, *args, **kwargs): return '/servicedocument/' def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs): return 'get' def parse_result_ok(self, xml_content): """Parse service document's success response. """ return _parse(xml_content) class StatusDepositClient(BaseDepositClient): """Status information on a deposit. """ def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config, error_msg='Status check failure at %s: %s', empty_result={ 'deposit_status': None, 'deposit_status_detail': None, 'deposit_swh_id': None, }) def compute_url(self, collection, deposit_id): return '/%s/%s/status/' % (collection, deposit_id) def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs): return 'get' def parse_result_ok(self, xml_content): """Given an xml content as string, returns a deposit dict. """ return _parse_with_filter(xml_content, keys=[ 'deposit_id', 'deposit_status', 'deposit_status_detail', 'deposit_swh_id', 'deposit_swh_id_context', 'deposit_swh_anchor_id', 'deposit_swh_anchor_id_context', 'deposit_external_id', ]) class BaseCreateDepositClient(BaseDepositClient): """Deposit client base class to post new deposit. """ def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config, error_msg='Post Deposit failure at %s: %s', empty_result={ 'deposit_id': None, 'deposit_status': None, }) def compute_url(self, collection, *args, **kwargs): return '/%s/' % collection def compute_method(self, *args, **kwargs): return 'post' def parse_result_ok(self, xml_content): """Given an xml content as string, returns a deposit dict. """ return _parse_with_filter(xml_content, keys=['deposit_id', 'deposit_status', 'deposit_status_detail', 'deposit_date']) def _compute_information(self, collection, filepath, in_progress, slug, is_archive=True): """Given a filepath, compute necessary information on that file. Args: filepath (str): Path to a file is_archive (bool): is it an archive or not? Returns: dict with keys: 'content-type': content type associated 'md5sum': md5 sum 'filename': filename """ filename = os.path.basename(filepath) if is_archive: md5sum = hashlib.md5(open(filepath, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() extension = filename.split('.')[-1] if 'zip' in extension: content_type = 'application/zip' else: content_type = 'application/x-tar' else: content_type = None md5sum = None return { 'slug': slug, 'in_progress': in_progress, 'content-type': content_type, 'md5sum': md5sum, 'filename': filename, 'filepath': filepath, } def compute_information(self, collection, filepath, in_progress, slug, is_archive=True, **kwargs): info = self._compute_information(collection, filepath, in_progress, slug, is_archive=is_archive) info['headers'] = self.compute_headers(info) return info def do_execute(self, method, url, info): with open(info['filepath'], 'rb') as f: return self.do(method, url, data=f, headers=info['headers']) class CreateArchiveDepositClient(BaseCreateDepositClient): """Post an archive (binary) deposit client.""" def compute_headers(self, info): return { 'SLUG': info['slug'], 'CONTENT_MD5': info['md5sum'], 'IN-PROGRESS': str(info['in_progress']), 'CONTENT-TYPE': info['content-type'], 'CONTENT-DISPOSITION': 'attachment; filename=%s' % ( info['filename'], ), } class UpdateArchiveDepositClient(CreateArchiveDepositClient): """Update (add/replace) an archive (binary) deposit client.""" def compute_url(self, collection, *args, deposit_id=None, **kwargs): return '/%s/%s/media/' % (collection, deposit_id) def compute_method(self, *args, replace=False, **kwargs): return 'put' if replace else 'post' class CreateMetadataDepositClient(BaseCreateDepositClient): """Post a metadata deposit client.""" def compute_headers(self, info): return { 'SLUG': info['slug'], 'IN-PROGRESS': str(info['in_progress']), 'CONTENT-TYPE': 'application/atom+xml;type=entry', } class UpdateMetadataDepositClient(CreateMetadataDepositClient): """Update (add/replace) a metadata deposit client.""" def compute_url(self, collection, *args, deposit_id=None, **kwargs): return '/%s/%s/metadata/' % (collection, deposit_id) def compute_method(self, *args, replace=False, **kwargs): return 'put' if replace else 'post' class CreateMultipartDepositClient(BaseCreateDepositClient): """Create a multipart deposit client.""" def _multipart_info(self, info, info_meta): files = [ ('file', (info['filename'], open(info['filepath'], 'rb'), info['content-type'])), ('atom', (info_meta['filename'], open(info_meta['filepath'], 'rb'), 'application/atom+xml')), ] headers = { 'SLUG': info['slug'], 'CONTENT_MD5': info['md5sum'], 'IN-PROGRESS': str(info['in_progress']), } return files, headers def compute_information(self, collection, archive, metadata, in_progress, slug, **kwargs): info = self._compute_information( collection, archive, in_progress, slug) info_meta = self._compute_information( collection, metadata, in_progress, slug, is_archive=False) files, headers = self._multipart_info(info, info_meta) return {'files': files, 'headers': headers} def do_execute(self, method, url, info): return self.do( method, url, files=info['files'], headers=info['headers']) class UpdateMultipartDepositClient(CreateMultipartDepositClient): """Update a multipart deposit client.""" def compute_url(self, collection, *args, deposit_id=None, **kwargs): return '/%s/%s/metadata/' % (collection, deposit_id) def compute_method(self, *args, replace=False, **kwargs): return 'put' if replace else 'post' class PublicApiDepositClient(BaseApiDepositClient): """Public api deposit client.""" def service_document(self): """Retrieve service document endpoint's information.""" return ServiceDocumentDepositClient(self.config).execute() def deposit_status(self, collection, deposit_id): """Retrieve status information on a deposit.""" return StatusDepositClient(self.config).execute( collection, deposit_id) def deposit_create(self, collection, slug, archive=None, metadata=None, in_progress=False): """Create a new deposit (archive, metadata, both as multipart).""" if archive and not metadata: return CreateArchiveDepositClient(self.config).execute( collection, archive, in_progress, slug) elif not archive and metadata: return CreateMetadataDepositClient(self.config).execute( collection, metadata, in_progress, slug, is_archive=False) else: return CreateMultipartDepositClient(self.config).execute( collection, archive, metadata, in_progress, slug) def deposit_update(self, collection, deposit_id, slug, archive=None, metadata=None, in_progress=False, replace=False): """Update (add/replace) existing deposit (archive, metadata, both).""" r = self.deposit_status(collection, deposit_id) if 'error' in r: return r status = r['deposit_status'] if status != 'partial': return { 'error': "You can only act on deposit with status 'partial'", 'detail': "The deposit %s has status '%s'" % ( deposit_id, status), 'deposit_status': status, 'deposit_id': deposit_id, } if archive and not metadata: r = UpdateArchiveDepositClient(self.config).execute( collection, archive, in_progress, slug, deposit_id=deposit_id, replace=replace) elif not archive and metadata: r = UpdateMetadataDepositClient(self.config).execute( collection, metadata, in_progress, slug, deposit_id=deposit_id, replace=replace) else: r = UpdateMultipartDepositClient(self.config).execute( collection, archive, metadata, in_progress, slug, deposit_id=deposit_id, replace=replace) if 'error' in r: return r return self.deposit_status(collection, deposit_id)