\name{plot.khmal} \alias{plot.khmal} \title{ Plots Standardized and Khmaladzized Residual Processes } \description{ The function makes 6 arrays of p plots based on the object of class "khmal" created by `rq.test.khmal' of quantile regression results. The 6 arrays are: (i) estimated coefficients; (ii) regression of slopes on the intercept; (iii) standardized residuals for the joint; (iv) standardized residuals for the coef by coef; (v) khmaladzized residuals for the joint, and (vi) khmaladzized residuals for the coef by coef hypothesis testing. } \usage{ plot.khmal(x, nrow= ceiling(length(x$var.list)/2), ncol= 2, plotn = 1:6, bcolor="gray", \dots ) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ output of `rq.test.khmal'. plot.khmal() \bold{requires} the output of `rq.test.khmal'. } \item{var.list}{ numerical list of variables to be plotted. By default all variables are plotted. A restricted set of variables can be specified by providing a numerical vector indicating the desired variables. The convention is that 1 corresponds to the intercept, 2 to the first independent variable entered in "formula" and so on. See example for further details. } \item{nrow}{ number of rows per page of plots. Automatically set by assuming that the number of columns is 2. } \item{ncol}{ number of plots per page of plots. Default 2. } \item{plotn}{ a numerical vector indicating which array of plots will be graphed. By default the 6 arrays described in `Description' are plotted. Useful to produce individual postscript files of each array. For example, specifying plotn = 1 in conjunction will postscript("01.ps") will yield an array of plots of the quantile regression estimated coefficients. } \item{bcolor}{ color of the confidence band by default "gray". } \item{\dots}{ other optional arguments passed to `plot'. } } \value{ Generates plots of object of class `khmal'. Please refer to "Description" for further details. } \examples{ data(barro) fit.Lonly <- rq.test.khmal(y.net ~ lgdp2 + fse2 + gedy2 + Iy2 + gcony2, data = barro, location.scale = FALSE) par(ask=interactive()) plot(fit.Lonly, var.list=c(2,4)) } \keyword{htest} \references{ Koenker, Roger and Zhijie Xiao (2000), "Inference on the Quantile Regression Process'', unpublished. \url{http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/research/inference/inference.html} }