.hasRSPerl <- FALSE .getMarsData <- function() { if(file.exists("mars.csv")) eval.parent(quote(mars <- read.csv("mars.csv", skip = 5, as.is = TRUE))) else if(file.exists("Examples/mars.csv")) eval.parent(quote(mars <- read.csv("Examples/mars.csv", skip = 5, as.is = TRUE))) else if(file.exists("Examples/mars.Rdata")) eval.parent(quote(load("Examples/mars.Rdata"))) else stop("To run this example, you must download or construct the file \"mars.csv\"; see page 176 in the book") } .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { if(tryRequire("RSPerl")) { .hasRSPerl <<- TRUE perlFiles <- readLines(system.file("Perl/perlFiles.txt", package = "SoDA")) for(file in perlFiles) { ex <- try(.PerlFile(system.file("Perl", file, package = "SoDA"))) if(inherits(ex, "try-error")) warning("error in running Perl file ", file, "; some Perl subroutines may be missing") } } }