Tip revision: a34738fe34a051760b4042dc9d740231e511fec1 authored by Nico Schertler on 31 October 2020, 07:04:57 UTC
Updated access token
Updated access token
Tip revision: a34738f
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "common.h"
#include "MotorcycleGraph.h"
struct ParametrizationData;
//Constraint of the form multiplier * arcLength - oppositeArcLength == 0
struct ArcConstraintInfo
ParametrizationData* optData;
//The arc id that generated this constraint
int arc;
//Determines if this arc constraint is broken, i.e. it is a visible seam
bool broken = false;
//Determines parametric size multiplier between the two sides of the arc
double multiplier;
ArcConstraintInfo() { }
ArcConstraintInfo(ParametrizationData* optData, int arc)
: optData(optData), arc(arc)
{ }
//Constraint of the form Sum of left/top arc lengths == Sum of right/bottom arc lengths
struct FaceConstraintInfo
enum ConstraintDirection
//Uses the sides 0 and 2 of the face
//Uses the sides 1 and 3 of the face
ParametrizationData* optData;
//The two sets of arc indices that are relevant for this constraint
std::vector<int> arcs[2];
//Determines for the two face sides if the side can grow, i.e. if there is an open boundary on the side
bool canGrow[2];
FaceConstraintInfo() { }
//Instantiates the face constraint
//face - specify the index of the face/patch for this constraint
//direction - specify the side pair for this constraint
FaceConstraintInfo(ParametrizationData* optData, int face, ConstraintDirection direction);
//Holds all relevant data for parametrization
struct ParametrizationData
ParametrizationData(const std::vector<MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc>& halfarcs, const std::vector<TexturePatch>& patches,
std::vector<TextureCoordinatesStorage>& texCoords, const HEMesh& mesh, const MotorcycleGraph& graph)
: halfarcs(halfarcs), patches(patches), texCoords(texCoords), mesh(&mesh), graph(&graph),
parametricHalfarcLengths(halfarcs.size(), -1), parametricHalfarcTargetLengths(halfarcs.size(), -1)
{ }
const HEMesh* mesh;
const MotorcycleGraph* graph;
const std::vector<MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc>& halfarcs;
const std::vector<TexturePatch>& patches;
std::vector<TextureCoordinatesStorage>& texCoords;
//A weight for the geometric fitting energy for every arc
std::vector<double> geometricArcFitWeight;
std::vector<ArcConstraintInfo> arcConstraints;
std::vector<FaceConstraintInfo> faceConstraints;
std::vector<float> parametricHalfarcLengths, parametricHalfarcTargetLengths;
//Deprecated - weight for the length fitting term for arc lengths
double weightLengthFit;
//Deprecated - weight for the unit multiplier term
double weightArcMultipliers;