# This file was automatically generated, do not edit. # Edit file manifest/main.ml instead. opam-version: "2.0" maintainer: "contact@tezos.com" authors: ["Tezos devteam"] homepage: "https://www.tezos.com/" bug-reports: "https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/issues" dev-repo: "git+https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos.git" license: "MIT" depends: [ "dune" { >= "3.0" } "ocaml" { >= "4.14" } "tezos-stdlib-unix" "tezos-base" "tezos-crypto" "tezos-shell-services" "aches" { >= "1.0.0" } "aches-lwt" { >= "1.0.0" } "tezos-validation" "tezos-version" "index" { >= "1.6.0" & < "1.7.0" } "irmin-pack" { >= "3.5.1" & < "3.6.0" } "tezos-protocol-environment" "tezos-context" "tezos-context-ops" "tezos-shell-context" "tezos-protocol-updater" "tezos-stdlib" "lwt-watcher" { = "0.2" } "camlzip" { >= "1.11" & < "1.12" } "tar" "tar-unix" { >= "2.0.1" & < "3.0.0" } "prometheus" { >= "1.2" } "tezos-rpc" "tezos-embedded-protocol-demo-noops" {with-test} "tezos-embedded-protocol-genesis" {with-test} "tezos-embedded-protocol-alpha" {with-test} "tezos-protocol-alpha" {with-test} "tezos-protocol-plugin-alpha" {with-test} "alcotest-lwt" { with-test & >= "1.5.0" } "tezos-test-helpers" {with-test} "tezos-test-helpers-extra" {with-test} ] build: [ ["rm" "-r" "vendors"] ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] synopsis: "Tezos: store for `octez-node`" description: "This library provides abstraction for storing and iterating over blocks. tezos-store is a virtual library that provides two implementations: - tezos-store.real is the default implementation, used in production - tezos-store.mocked is used for testing purposes."