% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/loadGEO.R \name{loadFromARCHS4} \alias{loadFromARCHS4} \title{Loads expression data from ARCHS4 count files. Only sapmles with counted expression are kept. If es already containts expression data it is returned as is.} \usage{ loadFromARCHS4(es, archs4_files) } \arguments{ \item{es}{ExpressionSet from GEO to check for expression in ARCHS4} \item{archs4_files}{list of available .h5 files from ARCHS4 project} } \value{ either original es or an ExpressionSet with loaded count data from ARCHS4 } \description{ Loads expression data from ARCHS4 count files. Only sapmles with counted expression are kept. If es already containts expression data it is returned as is. }