Raw File
 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license

import {Events, MessageBus, Parameters} from 'protocol';

import {IFrameMessageBus} from './iframe-message-bus';

type AnyEventCallback<Ev> = <E extends keyof Ev>(topic: E, args: Parameters<Ev[E]>) => void;

const runOutsideAngular = (f: () => any) => {
  const w = window as any;
  if (!w.Zone || w.Zone.current._name !== 'angular') {

export class ZoneUnawareIFrameMessageBus extends MessageBus<Events> {
  private _delegate: IFrameMessageBus;

  constructor(source: string, destination: string, docWindow: () => Window) {
    this._delegate = new IFrameMessageBus(source, destination, docWindow);

  onAny(cb: AnyEventCallback<Events>): any {
    let result: any;
    runOutsideAngular(() => {
      result = this._delegate.onAny(cb);
    return result;

  override on<E extends keyof Events>(topic: E, cb: Events[E]): any {
    let result: any;
    runOutsideAngular(() => {
      result = this._delegate.on(topic, cb);
    return result;

  override once<E extends keyof Events>(topic: E, cb: Events[E]): any {
    let result: any;
    runOutsideAngular(() => {
      result = this._delegate.once(topic, cb);
    return result;

  // Need to be run in the zone because otherwise it won't be caught by the
  // listener in the extension.
  override emit<E extends keyof Events>(topic: E, args?: Parameters<Events[E]>): boolean {
    return this._delegate.emit(topic, args);

  override destroy(): void {
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