\name{plotuScree} \alias{plotuScree} \title{ Plot of the Usual Cattell's Scree Test } \description{ \code{uScree} Plot a usual scree test of the eigenvalues of a correlation matrix. } \usage{ plotuScree(Eigenvalue, y = NA, ylab = "Eigenvalue", xlab = "Component", main = "Scree Plot" ) } \arguments{ \item{Eigenvalue}{ Vector of eigenvalues } \item{y}{ Not used } \item{main}{ Title of the plot (default is Scree Plot) } \item{xlab}{ Label of the x axis (default is Component) } \item{ylab}{ Label of the y axis (default is Eigenvalue) } } \value{ Nothing returned by this function. } \references{ Cattell, R. B. (1966). The scree test for the number of factors. \emph{Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1}, 245-276. } \seealso{ \code{\link{nScree}}, \code{\link{parallel}} } \author{ Gilles Raiche, Universite du Quebec a Montreal \email{raiche.gilles@uqam.ca}, \url{http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r17165/} } \examples{ ## SCREE PLOT data(dFactors) attach(dFactors) eig = Cliff1$eigenvalues plotuScree(eig) } \keyword{ multivariate }