Tip revision: 451bc5d78cd266a00b53612585d201d404f73920 authored by Emma on 24 October 2022, 20:33:32 UTC
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Delete SuppFig2 directory
Tip revision: 451bc5d
using DelimitedFiles, Plots, Dates
cd(joinpath(ENV["HOME"], "Dropbox", "KillifishFeederPaper_AndrewMcKay","Revision", "Code", "Fig4"))
function createhazardrate(df, win)
headers = df[2]
df = df[1]
# get rid of censored
ObservedIndex = findall(p -> p == "Observed", headers)[1][2] + 1
WeeksIndex = findall(p -> p == "Lifespan_3weeks", headers)[1][2] + 1
df = df[df[:,ObservedIndex] .==1,:]
lifespans = df[:,WeeksIndex]
hz = []
for t in 1:win:maximum(df[:,WeeksIndex])+1
# deaths in the time window
Dx = count(p -> t <= p < t+win, lifespans)
#Dx = count(p -> t < p <= t+win, lifespans)
# individuals at risk
Nx = count(p -> p >= t, lifespans)
#Nx = count(p -> p > t, lifespans)
# hazard function
hzr = Dx/Nx
push!(hz, [t hzr])
hz = vcat(hz...)
# hazard rate
#hz[:,2] = -log.(1 .- hz[:,2])
# LN of hazard rate?
# hz[:,2] = log.(hz[:,2])
return hz
function plotgompertz(hz, IMR, RoA)
p =scatter(hz[:,1], hz[:,2], leg = false)
f(x) = log(IMR) + x*(RoA)
plot!(f, 0:maximum(hz[:,1]), leg = false)
return p
function plotgompertz(hz, IMR, RoA, label, hz2, IMR2, RoA2, label2)
p =scatter(hz[:,1], hz[:,2], label = label, color = "red")
scatter!(p, hz2[:,1], hz2[:,2], label = label2, color = "blue")
f(x) = (RoA)*x + log(IMR)
plot!(f, 0:maximum(hz[:,1]), label = label, color = "red")
g(x) = (RoA2)*x + log(IMR2)
plot!(g, 0:maximum(hz2[:,1]), label = label2, color = "blue")
return p
function lnhaz(hz)
hz = hz[hz[:,2] .!= Inf, :]
hz = hz[hz[:,2] .!= -Inf, :]
hz = hz[hz[:,2] .!= 0, :]
hz = hz[.!isnan.(hz[:,2]), :]
hz[:,2] = log.(hz[:,2])
return hz
function convertplotlife(df, win, IMR, RoA)
hz = createhazardrate(df, win)
hz= lnhaz(hz)
plotgompertz(hz, IMR, RoA)
function convertplotlife(df1, IMR1, RoA1, label1, df2, IMR2, RoA2, label2, win)
hz1 = createhazardrate(df1, win)
hz2 = createhazardrate(df2, win)
hz1= lnhaz(hz1)
hz2= lnhaz(hz2)
return plotgompertz(hz1, IMR1, RoA1, label1, hz2, IMR2, RoA2, label2)
# male (after processing with GompertzCalcs.R)
dfmal = readdlm("male_al.csv", ',',header =true)
dfmdr = readdlm("male_dr.csv", ',', header =true)
#hzdfmal = lnhaz(createhazardrate(dfmal, 1))
#scatter(hzdfmal[:,1], hzdfmal[:,2])
#hzdfmdr = lnhaz(createhazardrate(dfmdr, 1))
#scatter!(hzdfmdr[:,1], hzdfmdr[:,2])
# These values come from Fig4.R
shape =0.3388
rate =0.0385
IMRal = rate
RoAal = shape
#convertplotlife(dfmal, 1, IMRal, RoAal)
# These values come from Fig4.R
rate =0.0557
IMRdr = rate
RoAdr = shape
#convertplotlife(dfmdr, 1, IMRdr, RoAdr)
# NOTE: these are in 3 week intervals
p = convertplotlife(dfmal, IMRal, RoAal, "AL", dfmdr, IMRdr, RoAdr, "DR", 1)
dirout = "KillifishFeederPaper_AndrewMcKay"
savefig(p, joinpath(ENV["HOME"], "Dropbox/$dirout/Revision/Code/Fig4/secondcohortMales_ALvsDRGompertz_flexsurvreg.pdf"))