#!/usr/bin/env julia # This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Adds the julia license line `new_license` to configured file extensions in `rootdirs`. # # Option `old_license` to remove an existing license first in case one wants to change the # license text in the future. # # Checks also if somewhere else in the file the license text is found (`copy/past error`) # and if possible deletes such lines - if other text is on the same line it raises an error. ### CONFIG HERE const print_result = true # prints files which where not processed. const rootdirs = [ "../base", "../contrib", "../examples", "../src", "../test", ] # to exculde whole sub directories const excludedirs = [ # see: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/11073#issuecomment-98090053 "../base/grisu", "../src/flisp", ] const skipfiles = [ "../contrib/add_license_to_files.jl", "../contrib/windows/juliarc.jl", # files to check - already copyright # see: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/11073#issuecomment-98099389 "../base/special/trig.jl", "../base/special/exp.jl", "../base/linalg/givens.jl", # "../src/abi_llvm.cpp", "../src/abi_ppc64le.cpp", "../src/abi_win32.cpp", "../src/abi_win64.cpp", "../src/abi_x86.cpp", "../src/abi_x86_64.cpp", "../src/disasm.cpp", "../src/getopt.c", "../src/getopt.h", "../src/support/END.h", "../src/support/ENTRY.amd64.h", "../src/support/ENTRY.i387.h", "../src/support/MurmurHash3.c", "../src/support/MurmurHash3.h", "../src/support/asprintf.c", "../src/support/dirname.c", "../src/support/strptime.c", "../src/support/strtod.c", "../src/support/tzfile.h", "../src/support/utf8.c", "../test/perf/micro/randmtzig.c", "../src/crc32c.c", "../examples/quine.jl", # has license text in code ] const ext_prefix = Dict([ (".jl", "# "), (".sh", "# "), (".h", "\/\/ "), (".c", "\/\/ "), (".cpp", "\/\/ "), ]) const new_license = "This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license" # Old License text if such should be first removed - or empty string const old_license = "" ### END CONFIG HERE function check_lines!( path::AbstractString, lines::Vector, checktxt::AbstractString, prefix::AbstractString, oldcheck::Bool) remove = [] for i in 1:length(lines) line = lines[i] if contains(line, checktxt) if strip(line) == strip(prefix * checktxt) || strip(line) == strip(checktxt) push!(remove, i) else error(string("`path` contains an additional line with ", oldcheck ? "old" : "new", " license.\nlinenum: $(i): $(line) \n`path:` $(path)\n", "Fix this first or add the file to `skipfiles`.\n\n")) end end end deleteat!(lines, remove) end license_linenum(line) = startswith(strip(line), "#!") ? 2 : 1 # Collects all absolute file paths in rootdir inclusive subdirs function getfilespaths!(filepaths::Vector, rootdir::AbstractString) isdir(rootdir) || error(string("`rootdir` must be an directory. ")) abs_rootdir = abspath(rootdir) for name in readdir(abs_rootdir) path = joinpath(abs_rootdir, name) if isdir(path) getfilespaths!(filepaths, path) else push!(filepaths, joinpath(abs_rootdir, name)) end end end function add_license_line!(unprocessed::Vector, src::AbstractString, new_license::AbstractString, old_license::AbstractString, ext_prefix::Dict, abs_excludedirs::Vector, skipfiles::Vector) for name in readdir(src) path = normpath(joinpath(src, name)) if isdir(path) if path in abs_excludedirs getfilespaths!(unprocessed, path) continue else add_license_line!(unprocessed, path, new_license, old_license, ext_prefix, abs_excludedirs, skipfiles) end elseif path in skipfiles push!(unprocessed, path) continue else ext = splitext(path)[2] if ext in keys(ext_prefix) prefix = ext_prefix[ext] f = open(path, "r") lines = readlines(f, chomp=false) close(f) isempty(lines) && (push!(unprocessed, path); continue) isempty(old_license) || check_lines!(path, lines, old_license, prefix, true) check_lines!(path, lines, new_license, prefix, false) # check shebang file linenum = license_linenum(lines[1]) if !isempty(strip(lines[linenum])) insert!(lines, linenum, string(prefix, new_license, "\n\n")) else insert!(lines, linenum, string(prefix, new_license, "\n")) end open(path, "w") do f for line in lines write(f, line) end end else push!(unprocessed, path) end end end return unprocessed end # Returns a new Vector with all absolute path: raises an error if path does not exist function abspaths(A::Vector) abs_A = [] for p in A abs_p = isabspath(p) ? normpath(p) : normpath(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), p)) ispath(abs_p) || error(string("`abs_p` seems not to be an existing path. ", "Adjust your configuration: <", p, "> : ", abs_p, "\n")) push!(abs_A, abs_p) end return abs_A end function add_license(rootdirs::Vector, new_license::AbstractString, old_license::AbstractString, ext_prefix::Dict, excludedirs::Vector, skipfiles::Vector, print_result::Bool) isempty(strip(new_license)) && error("`new_license` may not only contain white space.") abs_skipfiles = abspaths(skipfiles) abs_rootdirs = abspaths(rootdirs) abs_excludedirs = abspaths(excludedirs) for p in abs_rootdirs p in abs_excludedirs && error(string("Seems one of the `rootdirs` is also included in ", "the `excludedirs`. `rootdirs`: ", p)) unprocessed = [] add_license_line!(unprocessed, p, new_license, old_license, ext_prefix, abs_excludedirs, abs_skipfiles) if print_result println("\nUnprocessed files in rootdir: <$(p)>\n") for file in unprocessed println(" <", basename(file), "> : ", file) end end end end ## --------------- add_license(rootdirs, new_license, old_license, ext_prefix, excludedirs, skipfiles, print_result)