#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright 2018 Stéphane Caron
"""Functions for linear programming."""
from typing import Optional, Union
from warnings import warn
import cvxopt
import cvxopt.solvers
import numpy as np
from cvxopt.solvers import lp
cvxopt.solvers.options["show_progress"] = False # disable cvxopt output
GLPK_IF_AVAILABLE: Optional[str] = None
import cvxopt.glpk
# GLPK is the fastest LP solver I could find so far:
# <https://scaron.info/blog/linear-programming-in-python-with-cvxopt.html>
# ... however, it's verbose by default, so tell it to STFU:
cvxopt.solvers.options["glpk"] = {"msg_lev": "GLP_MSG_OFF"} # cvxopt 1.1.8
cvxopt.solvers.options["msg_lev"] = "GLP_MSG_OFF" # cvxopt 1.1.7
cvxopt.solvers.options["LPX_K_MSGLEV"] = 0 # previous versions
except ImportError:
# issue a warning as GLPK is the best LP solver in practice
warn("GLPK solver not found")
def cvxmat(M: Union[np.ndarray, cvxopt.matrix]) -> cvxopt.matrix:
"""Convert a NumPy array to a CVXOPT matrix."""
if isinstance(M, cvxopt.matrix):
return M
return cvxopt.matrix(M)
def solve_lp(
c: np.ndarray,
G: np.ndarray,
h: np.ndarray,
A: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
b: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
solver: Optional[str] = GLPK_IF_AVAILABLE,
) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Solve a linear program (LP).
The linear program is defined by:
.. math::
\mathrm{minimize} \ & c^T x \\
\mathrm{subject\ to} \ & G x \leq h \\
& A x = b
using the `CVXOPT
<http://cvxopt.org/userguide/coneprog.html#linear-programming>`_ interface
to LP solvers.
c :
Linear-cost vector.
G :
Linear inequality constraint matrix.
h :
Linear inequality constraint vector.
A :
Linear equality constraint matrix.
b :
Linear equality constraint vector.
solver :
Solver to use, default is GLPK if available
Optimal solution to the LP.
If the LP is not feasible.
args = [cvxmat(c), cvxmat(G), cvxmat(h)]
if A is not None:
args.extend([cvxmat(A), cvxmat(b)])
sol = lp(*args, solver=solver)
if "optimal" not in sol["status"]:
raise ValueError("LP optimum not found: %s" % sol["status"])
return np.array(sol["x"]).reshape((np.array(c).shape[0],))