.RandomFields.env <- new.env() sleep.milli <- function(milli) { .C("sleepMilli", as.integer(milli)) invisible(NULL) } Dev <- function(on, dev, ps=NULL, cur.cex=TRUE, paper="special", width=5, height=5, quiet=FALSE, innerwidth, innerheight, mai, horizontal=FALSE, ...){ if (!missing(innerwidth) || !missing(innerheight)) { stopifnot(!missing(innerwidth), !missing(innerheight), !missing(mai)) height <- innerheight + sum(mai[c(1,3)]) width <- innerwidth + sum(mai[c(2,4)]) } ## function to handle output device: ## on: T=output device is activated; F=device will be closed ## dev: device number or TRUE= postscript or FALSE=pdf ## or character (then the name is interpreted as function name) ## ps : postscript file name; only needed when dev is logical ## ## Dev takes over the par.options of previous plots if (on) { par.orig <- if (!is.null(dev.list())) par(no.readonly=TRUE) else NULL if (exists(".dev.orig", envir=.RandomFields.env)) { warning("Dev has been still open (.dev.orig exists). Closing.") if (!is.null(try(Dev(FALSE, get(".dev.orig", envir=.RandomFields.env)$dev)))) rm(".dev.orig", envir=.RandomFields.env) } if ((cur.cex <- cur.cex && !is.null(par.orig)) && !is.null(dev.list())) { par.orig <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) } par.orig$new <- FALSE par.orig$fin <- par.orig$mai <- par.orig$pin <- par.orig$plt <- NULL devPrev <- dev.cur() if (is.logical(dev) || is.character(dev)) { keep <- FALSE if (is.null(ps)) stop("no name for the postscript file is given") else { if (is.logical(dev)) { ext <- "eps" exts <- c("ps", "eps", "pdf") if (any(l <- (splt <- rev(strsplit(ps,"\\.")[[1]]))[1] == exts) && length(splt)>1){ dev <- !l[3] ps <- paste(rev(splt[-1]), collapse=".") ext <- exts[l][1] } if (dev) { fn <- paste(ps, ext, sep=".") if (!file.create(fn)) stop("The file ", fn," cannot be created") postscript(fn, paper=paper, width=width, height=height, horizontal = horizontal, ...) } else { fn <- paste(ps,".pdf",sep="") pdf(fn, width=width, height=height, ...) } } else { # character fn <- paste(ps,".", dev, sep="") if (!file.create(fn)) stop("The file ", fn, " cannot be created") txt <- paste(dev,"('", fn, "',width=width,height=height,...)", sep="") eval(parse(text=txt)) } if (!quiet) cat("creating", fn, "\n") } if (!missing(mai)) par(mai=mai) } else { if (dev %in% dev.list()) { dev.set(dev) } else { stopifnot(is.finite(height+width)) do.call(getOption("device"), list(height=height, width=width)) } keep <- dev < 3 } if (cur.cex) par(par.orig) # uncommented 12.8.04 + nach unten if (exists("abc")) return() if (cur.cex && FALSE) { ## komisches Verhalten !! wenn die beiden Befehle ## zusammengefasst werden (gekippte eps in Latex) ## 29.5.05 # par(par.orig[39]) # $mfg # par(par.orig[-39])# uncommented 12. 8.04 + nach unten } assign(".dev.orig", list(dev.prev=devPrev, dev.cur=dev.cur(), keep=keep), envir=.RandomFields.env) } else { # off if (!exists(".dev.orig", envir=.RandomFields.env)) stop("Dev is not open") if (dev.cur() != get(".dev.orig", envir=.RandomFields.env)$dev.cur) { warning("Dev is not the currently active device") dev.set(get(".dev.orig", envir=.RandomFields.env)$dev.cur) } if (length(dev.list())>0) if (get(".dev.orig", envir=.RandomFields.env)$keep) par(new=FALSE) else dev.off() if ((devPrev <- get(".dev.orig", envir=.RandomFields.env)$dev.prev) != 1) dev.set(devPrev) rm(".dev.orig", envir=.RandomFields.env) } invisible(NULL) } hostname<-function(){.C("hostname", h=paste(seq(0,0,l=100), collapse=""), as.integer(100), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$h} pid <- function() {.C("pid", i=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$i} FileExists <- function(file, PrintLevel=RFparameters()$Print) { ## for parallel simulation studies: the same data output file should not ## be created twice. So: ## 1. if file exists then assume another process has done the work already ## 2. if file.lock existss then assume another process is doing the work ## 3.a. otherwise create file.lock to show other processes that the process ## is going to do the work ## 3.b. check if another process has started with the same work at the same ## time it may happen that in case of simulatenous creation of file.lock ## no process will do the work...(then the lock file will rest.) lock.ext <- ".lock"; if (file.exists(file)) { #1. if (PrintLevel>2) cat("'", file, "' already exists.\n"); return(1) } else { LockFile <- paste(file, lock.ext, sep="") if (file.exists(LockFile)) { #2. if (PrintLevel>2) cat("'",file,"' is locked.\n"); return(2); } PID<-pid(); ## to do : dir<-strsplit(file,"/") ## check if directory exists !! ## otherwise write will fail. write(file=LockFile,c(PID,hostname()),ncolumns=2,append=TRUE); #3.a. Pid <- matrix(scan(LockFile,what=character(0), quiet=TRUE),nrow=2) if ((sum(Pid[1,]==PID)!=1) || (sum(Pid[1,]>PID)>0)){ #3.b. if (PrintLevel>2) cat("Lock file of '", file, "' is knocked out.\n"); return(3); } } return(0); } LockRemove <- function(file) { ## removes auxiliary files created by FileExists lock.ext <- ".lock"; file.remove(paste(file, lock.ext, sep="")) } plotWithCircles <- function(data, factor=1.0, xlim=range(data[,1])+c(-maxr,maxr), ylim=range(data[,2])+c(-maxr,maxr), col=1, fill=0, ...) { ## marked point process: presents positive values of data as radii of circles CIRCLE.X <- cos(seq(0,2*pi,l=20)) CIRCLE.Y <- sin(seq(0,2*pi,l=20)) circle <- function(x,r) { polygon(x[1]+ r* CIRCLE.X,x[2]+ r* CIRCLE.Y, col=fill, border=col) } ##r <- x$NormedData - min(x$NormedData) +1 ##r <- r/max(r)/nrow(x$coord) * diff(xlim) * diff(ylim) * 2.5; maxr <- max(data[,3]) plot(Inf, Inf, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab="", ylab="",...) for (i in 1:nrow(data)) { circle(data[i,c(1,2)], factor*data[i,3]) } } Print <- function(...) { l <- list(...) n <- as.character(match.call())[-1] cat("\n\n") for (i in 1:length(l)) { if (!is.list(l[[i]]) && is.vector(l[[i]])) cat("\n",n[i], "=", l[[i]]) else { cat("\n", n[i], "= ") if (is.list(l[[i]])) { cat(" ") str(l[[i]]) } else { cat("\n") print(l[[i]]) } } } cat("\n") }