Raw File
 Calculates the theoretical and empirical Pseudovariogram. 

RFpseudovariogram(model, x, y=NULL, z = NULL, T=NULL, grid, params, distances,
            dim, ..., data, bin=NULL, phi=NULL, theta = NULL,
            deltaT = NULL, vdim=NULL)

\item{model,params}{\argModel }
\details{ \command{\link{RFpseudovariogram}} computes the empirical
pseudovariogram for given (multivariate) spatial data. 

%The empirical
% prsepseudovariogram of two random fields \eqn{X}{X} and \eqn{Y}{Y} is given by 
%2 \deqn{\gamma(r):=\frac{1}{2N(r)} \sum_{(t_{i},t_{j})|t_{i,j}=r} (X(t_{i})-X(t_{j}))(Y(t_{i})-Y(t_{j}))}{\gamma(r):=1/2N(r) \sum_{(t_{i},t_{j})|t_{i,j}=r} (X(t_{i})-X(t_{j}))(Y(t_{i})-Y(t_{j}))}
%where \eqn{t_{i,j}:=t_{i}-t_{j}}{t_{i,j}:=t_{i}-t_{j}}, and where \eqn{N(r)}{N(r)} denotes the number of pairs of data points with distancevector 

 The spatial coordinates \code{x}, \code{y}, \code{z}
   should be vectors. For random fields of
 spatial dimension \eqn{d > 3} write all vectors as columns of matrix x. In
 this case do neither use y, nor z and write the columns in
 \code{gridtriple} notation.

 If the data is spatially located on a grid a fast algorithm based on
 the fast Fourier transformed (fft) will be used.
 As advanced option the calculation method can also be changed for grid
 data (see \command{\link{RFoptions}}.)

 an objects of class
  Gelfand, A. E., Diggle, P., Fuentes, M. and Guttorp,
  P. (eds.) (2010) \emph{Handbook of Spatial Statistics.}
  Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRL.
  Stein, M. L. (1999) \emph{Interpolation of Spatial Data.}
  New York: Springer-Verlag 


RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

model <- RMbiwm(nudiag=c(1, 2), nured=1, rhored=1, cdiag=c(1, 5), 
                s=c(1, 1, 2))
x <- seq(0, 20, 0.1)
z <- RFsimulate(model, x=x, y=x, n=2)
emp.vario <- RFpseudovariogram(data=z)
plot(emp.vario, model=model)


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