<%namespace name="galaxy_client" file="/galaxy_client_app.mako" /> <% if request.path.startswith('/login'): meta_description = "Log in to Galaxy to get access to more tools and resources. Register now for a free account." elif request.path.startswith('/workflows'): meta_description = "Galaxy Workflows facilitate rigorous, reproducible analysis pipelines that can be shared with the community." else: meta_description = "Galaxy is a community-driven web-based analysis platform for life science research." %> Galaxy %if app.config.brand: | ${app.config.brand} %endif ## relative href for site root ## TODO: use loaders to move everything but the essentials below the fold ${ h.dist_css( 'base', )} ${ h.css( 'jquery-ui/smoothness/jquery-ui', )}
${ js_disabled_warning() } ${ javascripts() } ${ javascript_app() } <%def name="javascripts()"> ${ h.dist_js( 'libs.bundled', '%s.bundled' % js_app_name )} <%def name="javascript_app()"> %if not form_input_auto_focus is UNDEFINED and form_input_auto_focus: %endif ${ galaxy_client.config_sentry(app) } %if app.config.ga_code: ${ galaxy_client.config_google_analytics(app.config.ga_code) } %endif %if app.config.plausible_server and app.config.plausible_domain: ${ galaxy_client.config_plausible_analytics(app.config.plausible_server, app.config.plausible_domain) } %endif %if app.config.matomo_server and app.config.matomo_site_id: ${ galaxy_client.config_matomo_analytics(app.config.matomo_server, app.config.matomo_site_id) } %endif <%def name="js_disabled_warning()">