# Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. # All rights reserved. # # For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. # For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. ############################################################################ # CMakeLists.txt file for building ROOT rootx package # @author Pere Mato, CERN ############################################################################ if(x11) ROOT_EXECUTABLE(root src/rootx.cxx src/rootxx.cxx ../core/clib/src/strlcpy.c ) target_include_directories(root PRIVATE ${X11_INCLUDE_DIR} ) target_link_libraries(root PRIVATE ${X11_Xft_LIB} ${X11_Xpm_LIB} ${X11_LIBRARIES} ) elseif(cocoa) if (cxxmodules) # FIXME: Disable modules for ObjC/ObjC++. It has problems when compiling # rootxx-cocoa.mm with a lots of warnings and errors such as: # rootxx-cocoa.mm:884:48: error: property 'length' not found on object of type 'NSMutableAttributedString *' # # FIXME: We should disable building with modules on only the TU of rootxx-cocoa.mm # Unfortunately, cmake cannot reliably remove flags from a single TU. # as COMPILE_OPTIONS and COMPILE_FLAGS could be overriden causing tricky to # debug problems. string(REPLACE "${ROOT_CXXMODULES_CXXFLAGS}" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}) string(REPLACE "${ROOT_CXXMODULES_CFLAGS}" "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}) endif(cxxmodules) # FIXME: rootxx-cocoa.mm should be compiled with -ObjC++ flag. Here we rely # that the compiler will recognise the extension mm and switch to the correct # language mode. ROOT_EXECUTABLE(root src/rootx.cxx src/rootxx-cocoa.mm LIBRARIES "-framework Cocoa" ) set(cocoa_incl ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/core/macosx/inc) endif() if(x11 OR cocoa) generateHeader(root ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/core/base/src/root-argparse.py ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ginclude/rootCommandLineOptionsHelp.h ) target_include_directories(root PRIVATE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/core/base/inc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/core/clib/inc # for snprintf.h ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/core/meta/inc # for TGenericClassInfo.h ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ginclude # for RConfigure.h and rootCommandLineOptionsHelp.h ${cocoa_incl} # for CocoaUtils.h ) if(rpath) target_compile_definitions(root PRIVATE IS_RPATH_BUILD) endif() endif()