suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(Seurat) library(stringr) library(ggplot2) library(ggpubr) library(future) require(scales) library(RColorBrewer) library("readxl") library(dplyr) library(dendextend) library('conover.test') library("devtools") library(ggpmisc) }) ### figure 6 + supplements # import the Dopaminergic nuclei (mDA) dataset. sobj <- readRDS("/path/to/dir/mDA.rds") # set levels by territory, but re-order again based on dendrogram (desired order) sobj <- SetIdent(sobj, value = "territory") TER_levels <- c("ML", "Sox6", "Gad2", "Fbn2", ..., ) my.cols = c("vector of customized colors") sobj$territory <- factor(x = sobj$territory, levels = TER_levels) tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/plot.tiff", units="cm", width=15, height=10, res=300) VlnPlot(sobj, features = "Vulmodule1", cols = my.cols, = "territory", pt.size = 0, combine = TRUE) + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom='point', size = 8, colour = "black", shape=95) + NoLegend() + labs(y="avg.Exp.gene.set", title = "vulnerable module mDA territories") tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/plot.tiff", units="cm", width=15, height=10, res=300) VlnPlot(sobj, features = "Resmodule1", cols = my.cols, = "territory", pt.size = 0, combine = TRUE) + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom='point', size = 8, colour = "black", shape=95) + NoLegend() + labs(y="avg.Exp.gene.set", title = "resilient module mDA territories") # set levels by neighborhoods, but re-order again based on dendrogram (desired order) sobj <- SetIdent(sobj, value = "neighborhood") NH_levels <- c("ML_NH1", "ML_NH2", "Sox6_NH1", "Sox6_NH2", ..., ) my.cols = c("vector of customized colors") sobj$neighborhood <- factor(x = sobj$neighborhood, levels = NH_levels) tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/plot.tiff", units="cm", width=30, height=10, res=300) VlnPlot(sobj, features = "Vulmodule1", cols = my.cols, = "neighborhood", pt.size = 0, combine = TRUE) + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom='point', size = 8, colour = "black", shape=95) + NoLegend() + labs(y="avg.Exp.gene.set", title = "vulnerable module mDA neighborhoods") tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/plot.tiff", units="cm", width=30, height=10, res=300) VlnPlot(sobj, features = "Resmodule1", cols = my.cols, = "neighborhood", pt.size = 0, combine = TRUE) + stat_summary(fun = mean, geom='point', size = 8, colour = "black", shape=95) + NoLegend() + labs(y="avg.Exp.gene.set", title = "resilient module mDA neighborhoods") # Fig 6 E neighborhood pairwise comparison of Resilience module # RES = resilience module UP.tb <- table(sobj@assays$RES@data, sobj$neighborhood) UP.df <- colnames(UP.df) #[1] "Var1" "Var2" "Freq" # neighborhoods re-ordered based on dendrogram and only choose mDA neighborhoods. mda.NH <- c('ML_NH1', 'ML_NH2', 'Sox6_NH1', 'Sox6_NH2', 'Sox6_NH3', 'Sox6_NH4', 'Gad2_NH1', 'Gad2_NH2', 'Fbn2_NH1', 'Fbn2_NH2', 'Pcsk6_NH1', 'Pcsk6_NH2', 'Pdia5_NH1', 'Pdia5_NH2', 'Col24a1', 'Vip', 'Otx2_NH1', 'Otx2_NH2') # subset the defined neighborhoods in mda.NH from the UP.df for (i in mda.NH) { # Subset the dataframe for the current cluster cluster_df <- UP.df[UP.df$Var2 == i, ] # Filter the subsetted dataframe to retain only rows where Freq == 1 cluster_df <- cluster_df[cluster_df$Freq == 1, ] # Assign the filtered dataframe to a new dataframe with the cluster name assign(i, cluster_df) } # merge into a long df: ldf <-'rbind', list(ML_NH1, ML_NH2, Sox6_NH1, Sox6_NH2, Sox6_NH3, Sox6_NH4, Gad2_NH1, Gad2_NH2, Fbn2_NH1, Fbn2_NH2, Pcsk6_NH1, Pcsk6_NH2, Pdia5_NH1, Pdia5_NH2, Col24a1, Vip, Otx2_NH1, Otx2_NH2)) colnames(ldf) #[1] "Var1" "Var2" "Freq" # large sample size, use lolcat package for test of normality install_git("") library(lolcat) ldf$Var1 <- as.numeric(as.character(ldf$Var1 )) skewness.test(ldf$Var1) # D'Agostino Skewness Normality Test kurtosis.test(ldf$Var1 ) # D'Agostino Kurtosis Normality Test ggqqplot(ldf$Var1 ) + ggtitle('vulnerable all NHs') # test of homogeneity of variance fligner.test(ldf$Var1 ~ ldf$Var2, data = ldf) # non-parametric test (data is not normally distributed) kruskal.test(ldf$Var1 ~ ldf$Var2, data = ldf) # Welch's ANOVA because data shows heteroscedasticity (different groups have different standard deviations) oneway.test(ldf$Var1 ~ ldf$Var2, data = ldf, var.equal = FALSE) ### conclusion: both tests reject the null hypothesis: there is significant difference among groups # post hoc pairwise tests: the Conover-Iman test CI_NH_res <-$Var1, ldf$Var2, method="bh", list = TRUE)) CI_NH_res <- CI_NH_res[, c("comparisons", "P", "P.adjusted", "chi2", "T")] # visualization of pairwise comparisons for mDA neighborhoods: CI_NH_res$comparisons <- as.character(CI_NH_res$comparisons) # remove white space in comparison column CI_NH_res$comparisons <- gsub('\\s+', '', CI_NH_res$comparisons) # write the name on the right of the "-" in comparison string as a new column y: CI_NH_res$y <- gsub(".*-", "", CI_NH_res$comparisons) # write the name on the left of the "-" in comparison string as a new column x: CI_NH_res$x <- gsub("\\-.*", "", CI_NH_res$comparisons) # get the columns needed for visualization: vis.df <- CI_NH_res[, c("x", "y", "P.adjusted")] ## plot using geom_tile: ## for p <= alpha/2 (0.025) tiff(file = "/path/to/dir/tilePlot.tiff", units="cm", width=20, height=20, res=300) ggplot(vis.df, aes(x, y, fill = P.adjusted)) + geom_tile() + geom_hline(yintercept = seq_along(vis.df$y), color='grey') + geom_vline(xintercept = seq_along(vis.df$x), color='grey') + scale_fill_gradient(low = 'red', high = 'blue', limits=c(0, 0.025)) + ggtitle('Res module comparison neighborhoods') + coord_fixed() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, size = 14, face = 'bold')) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14, face = 'bold')) # Fig Supplement 6 B # visualization of post hoc pairwise test: CI = Conover-Iman test # CI.clusters derived from cell_loss.R script # remove white space in comparison column CI.clusters$comparisons <- gsub('\\s+', '', CI.clusters$comparisons) # write the name on the right of the "-" in comparison string as a new column y: CI.clusters$y <- gsub(".*-", "", CI.clusters$comparisons) # write the name on the left of the "-" in comparison string as a new column x: CI.clusters$x <- gsub("\\-.*", "", CI.clusters$comparisons) # get the columns needed for visualization: vis.df <- CI.clusters[, c("x", "y", "P.adjusted")] ## for p <= alpha/2 (0.025) ggplot(vis.df, aes(x, y, fill = P.adjusted)) + geom_tile() + geom_hline(yintercept = seq_along(vis.df$y), color='grey') + geom_vline(xintercept = seq_along(vis.df$x), color='grey') + scale_fill_gradient(low = 'red', high = 'blue', limits=c(0, 0.025)) + ggtitle('normalized cell loss across mDA clusters') ### figure supplement 6 C & D # set cell loss as the dependent variable lm(Y~X) : Y: dependent X:independent (predictor) # set VUL (with DAT) or newVUL (without DAT) as predictor # calculate regression (linear model) fit linear regression models # AverageExpression() Returns averaged expression values for each identity class # Returns a matrix with genes as rows, identity classes as columns vul <- object = sobj, assays = 'VUL', features = NULL, return.seurat = FALSE, = "kmeans71", slot = "data", verbose = TRUE )) newvul <- object = sobj, assays = 'newVUL', features = NULL, return.seurat = FALSE, = "kmeans71", slot = "data", verbose = TRUE )) ## to drop the "vul" and "newVUL." from the column names colnames(vul) <- gsub("VUL.", "", colnames(vul)) colnames(newvul) <- gsub("newVUL.", "", colnames(newvul)) # remove non-mDA clusters, ML and unassigned clusters 12, 26, 51 keepers <- c('40', '52', '17', '28', '27', '33', '23', '29', '66', '9', '67', '31', '44', '22', '46', '14', '11', '30', '1', '38', '41', '61', '50', '19', '42', '4', '10', '2', '39', '60', '5', '43', '37', '53') vulmda <- vul[colnames(vul) %in% keepers] newvulmda <- newvul[colnames(newvul) %in% keepers] vulmda <- newvulmda <- colnames(vulmda)[1] <- 'vul' colnames(newvulmda)[1] <- 'newvul' dfmda <-, newvulmda) dfmda$clusters <- rownames(dfmda) dfmda <- dfmda[, c(3, 1, 2)] ### sqrt() moderate transformation to meet the normality assumption of linear models shapiro.test(sqrt(dfmda$vul)) # Shapiro-Wilk normality test # data: sqrt(dfmda$vul) # W = 0.96427, p-value = 0.3224 shapiro.test(sqrt(dfmda$newvul)) # Shapiro-Wilk normality test # data: sqrt(dfmda$newvul) # W = 0.96016, p-value = 0.2458 # from mDA.R script: load the normalized cell loss per mDA sub-clusters df <- read.csv(file = "path/to/file/cell_loss_km71subclusters.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".") # average cell loss per cluster new_df <- df %>% group_by(cluster) %>% summarise(mean_normalized_loss = mean(normalized_loss)) # Get the order of clusters in dfmda (above) order_clusters <- dfmda$clusters # Reorder the rows of new_df to match the order of clusters in dfmda new_df_reordered <- new_df[match(order_clusters, new_df$cluster), ] new_df_reordered <- # create a new df for linear models lmdf <-, new_df_reordered) lmdf <- lmdf[, c(1:3, 5)] ### fit linear regression model for Vul (with DAT) lm1 <- lm(mean_normalized_loss ~ sqrt(vul), data = lmdf) summary(lm1) # calculate a 95% confidence interval for the regression coefficient confint(lm1, 'sqrt(vul)', level = 0.95) # 2.5 % 97.5 % # sqrt(vul) 0.3468961 0.5536449 p1 <- ggplot(lm1, aes(mean_normalized_loss, lm1$model$`sqrt(vul)`)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("formula = avg.norm.loss ~ sqrt(Vul)") + stat_poly_eq() + geom_smooth(method="lm", col="red") + stat_regline_equation(label.x = 0, label.y = 1.25) + theme_classic() p1 <- LabelPoints(plot = p1, points = colnames(lm1$residuals ), size = 8, color='blue', repel = T, xnudge = 0, ynudge = 0) plot(p1) ### fit linear regression model for newVul (without DAT) lm2 <- lm(mean_normalized_loss ~ sqrt(newvul), data = lmdf) summary(lm2) # calculate a 95% confidence interval for the regression coefficient confint(lm2, 'sqrt(newvul)', level = 0.95) # 2.5 % 97.5 % # sqrt(newvul) 0.3592504 0.5927673 p2 <- ggplot(lm2, aes(mean_normalized_loss, lm2$model$`sqrt(newvul)`)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("formula = avg.norm.loss ~ sqrt(newVul)") + stat_poly_eq() + geom_smooth(method="lm", col="red") + stat_regline_equation(label.x = 0, label.y = 1.25) + theme_classic() p2 <- LabelPoints(plot = p2, points = colnames(lm2$residuals ), size = 8, color='blue', repel = T, xnudge = 0, ynudge = 0) plot(p2) sessionInfo()