/** * \file * \author Thomas Fischer * \date 2010-06-21 * \brief Implementation of the Polygon class. * * \copyright * Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org) * Distributed under a Modified BSD License. * See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or * http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license * */ #include "Polygon.h" #include #include "BaseLib/quicksort.h" #include "AnalyticalGeometry.h" namespace GeoLib { Polygon::Polygon(const Polyline &ply, bool init) : Polyline(ply), _aabb(ply.getPointsVec(), ply._ply_pnt_ids) { if (init) { initialise(); } _simple_polygon_list.push_back(this); } Polygon::Polygon(Polygon const& other) : Polyline(other), _aabb(other._aabb) { _simple_polygon_list.push_back(this); auto sub_polygon_it(other._simple_polygon_list.begin()); for (sub_polygon_it++; // the first entry is the polygon itself, skip the // entry sub_polygon_it != other._simple_polygon_list.end(); ++sub_polygon_it) { _simple_polygon_list.emplace_back(new Polygon(*(*sub_polygon_it))); } } Polygon::~Polygon() { // remove polygons from list for (auto& polygon : _simple_polygon_list) { // the first entry of the list can be a pointer the object itself if (polygon != this) { delete polygon; } } } bool Polygon::initialise () { if (this->isClosed()) { ensureCCWOrientation(); return true; } WARN("Polygon::initialise(): base polyline is not closed."); return false; } bool Polygon::isPntInPolygon(GeoLib::Point const& pnt) const { MathLib::Point3d const& min_aabb_pnt(_aabb.getMinPoint()); MathLib::Point3d const& max_aabb_pnt(_aabb.getMaxPoint()); if (pnt[0] < min_aabb_pnt[0] || max_aabb_pnt[0] < pnt[0] || pnt[1] < min_aabb_pnt[1] || max_aabb_pnt[1] < pnt[1]) { return false; } if (_simple_polygon_list.size() == 1) { std::size_t n_intersections(0); const std::size_t n_nodes(getNumberOfPoints() - 1); for (std::size_t k(0); k < n_nodes; k++) { if (((*(getPoint(k)))[1] <= pnt[1] && pnt[1] <= (*(getPoint(k + 1)))[1]) || ((*(getPoint(k + 1)))[1] <= pnt[1] && pnt[1] <= (*(getPoint(k)))[1])) { switch (getEdgeType(k, pnt)) { case EdgeType::TOUCHING: return true; case EdgeType::CROSSING: n_intersections++; break; case EdgeType::INESSENTIAL: break; default: // do nothing ; } } } if (n_intersections % 2 == 1) { return true; } } else { for (auto it(_simple_polygon_list.begin()++); it != _simple_polygon_list.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isPntInPolygon(pnt)) { return true; } } } return false; } bool Polygon::isPntInPolygon(double x, double y, double z) const { const GeoLib::Point pnt(x,y,z); return isPntInPolygon(pnt); } std::vector Polygon::getAllIntersectionPoints( GeoLib::LineSegment const& segment) const { std::vector intersections; GeoLib::Point s; for (auto&& seg_it : *this) { if (GeoLib::lineSegmentIntersect(seg_it, segment, s)) { intersections.push_back(s); } } return intersections; } bool Polygon::containsSegment(GeoLib::LineSegment const& segment) const { std::vector s(getAllIntersectionPoints(segment)); GeoLib::Point const& a{segment.getBeginPoint()}; GeoLib::Point const& b{segment.getEndPoint()}; // no intersections -> check if at least one point of segment is in polygon if (s.empty()) { return (isPntInPolygon(a)); } const double tol(std::numeric_limits::epsilon()); // one intersection, intersection in line segment end point if (s.size() == 1) { const double sqr_dist_as(MathLib::sqrDist(a,s[0])); if (sqr_dist_as < tol) { return (isPntInPolygon(b)); } const double sqr_dist_bs(MathLib::sqrDist(b,s[0])); if (sqr_dist_bs < tol) { return (isPntInPolygon(a)); } } // Sorting the intersection with respect to the distance to the point a. // This induces a partition of the line segment into sub segments. std::sort(s.begin(), s.end(), [&a] (GeoLib::Point const& p0, GeoLib::Point const& p1) { return MathLib::sqrDist(a, p0) < MathLib::sqrDist(a, p1); } ); // remove sub segments with almost zero length for (std::size_t k(0); kbegin()); seg_it != polygon->end(); ++seg_it) { if (GeoLib::lineSegmentIntersect(*seg_it, seg, intersection_pnt)) { seg_num = seg_it.getSegmentNumber(); return true; } } } } return false; } EdgeType Polygon::getEdgeType(std::size_t k, GeoLib::Point const& pnt) const { switch (getLocationOfPoint(k, pnt)) { case Location::LEFT: { const GeoLib::Point & v (*(getPoint(k))); const GeoLib::Point & w (*(getPoint(k + 1))); if (v[1] < pnt[1] && pnt[1] <= w[1]) { return EdgeType::CROSSING; } return EdgeType::INESSENTIAL; } case Location::RIGHT: { const GeoLib::Point & v (*(getPoint(k))); const GeoLib::Point & w (*(getPoint(k + 1))); if (w[1] < pnt[1] && pnt[1] <= v[1]) { return EdgeType::CROSSING; } return EdgeType::INESSENTIAL; } case Location::BETWEEN: case Location::SOURCE: case Location::DESTINATION: return EdgeType::TOUCHING; default: return EdgeType::INESSENTIAL; } } void Polygon::ensureCCWOrientation () { // *** pre processing: rotate points to xy-plan // *** copy points to vector - last point is identical to the first std::size_t n_pnts (this->getNumberOfPoints() - 1); std::vector tmp_polygon_pnts; for (std::size_t k(0); k < n_pnts; k++) { tmp_polygon_pnts.push_back(new GeoLib::Point(*(this->getPoint(k)))); } // rotate copied points into x-y-plane GeoLib::rotatePointsToXY(tmp_polygon_pnts); for (auto& tmp_polygon_pnt : tmp_polygon_pnts) { (*tmp_polygon_pnt)[2] = 0.0; // should be -= d but there are numerical errors } // *** get the left most upper point std::size_t min_x_max_y_idx (0); // for orientation check for (std::size_t k(0); k < n_pnts; k++) { if ((*(tmp_polygon_pnts[k]))[0] <= (*(tmp_polygon_pnts[min_x_max_y_idx]))[0]) { if ((*(tmp_polygon_pnts[k]))[0] < (*(tmp_polygon_pnts[min_x_max_y_idx]))[0]) { min_x_max_y_idx = k; } else if ((*(tmp_polygon_pnts[k]))[1] > (*(tmp_polygon_pnts[min_x_max_y_idx]))[1]) { min_x_max_y_idx = k; } } } // *** determine orientation GeoLib::Orientation orient; if (0 < min_x_max_y_idx && min_x_max_y_idx < n_pnts - 2) { orient = GeoLib::getOrientation(*tmp_polygon_pnts[min_x_max_y_idx - 1], *tmp_polygon_pnts[min_x_max_y_idx], *tmp_polygon_pnts[min_x_max_y_idx + 1]); } else { if (0 == min_x_max_y_idx) { orient = GeoLib::getOrientation(*tmp_polygon_pnts[n_pnts - 1], *tmp_polygon_pnts[0], *tmp_polygon_pnts[1]); } else { orient = GeoLib::getOrientation(*tmp_polygon_pnts[n_pnts - 2], *tmp_polygon_pnts[n_pnts - 1], *tmp_polygon_pnts[0]); } } if (orient != GeoLib::CCW) { // switch orientation std::size_t tmp_n_pnts (n_pnts); tmp_n_pnts++; // include last point of polygon (which is identical to the first) for (std::size_t k(0); k < tmp_n_pnts / 2; k++) { std::swap(_ply_pnt_ids[k], _ply_pnt_ids[tmp_n_pnts - 1 - k]); } } for (std::size_t k(0); k < n_pnts; k++) { delete tmp_polygon_pnts[k]; } } #if __GNUC__ <= 4 && (__GNUC_MINOR__ < 9) void Polygon::splitPolygonAtIntersection( const std::list::iterator& polygon_it) #else void Polygon::splitPolygonAtIntersection( const std::list::const_iterator& polygon_it) #endif { GeoLib::Polyline::SegmentIterator seg_it0((*polygon_it)->begin()); GeoLib::Polyline::SegmentIterator seg_it1((*polygon_it)->begin()); GeoLib::Point intersection_pnt; if (!GeoLib::lineSegmentsIntersect(*polygon_it, seg_it0, seg_it1, intersection_pnt)) { return; } std::size_t idx0(seg_it0.getSegmentNumber()); std::size_t idx1(seg_it1.getSegmentNumber()); // adding intersection point to pnt_vec std::size_t const intersection_pnt_id (_ply_pnts.size()); const_cast&>(_ply_pnts) .push_back(new GeoLib::Point(intersection_pnt)); // split Polygon if (idx0 > idx1) { std::swap(idx0, idx1); } GeoLib::Polyline polyline0{(*polygon_it)->getPointsVec()}; for (std::size_t k(0); k <= idx0; k++) { polyline0.addPoint((*polygon_it)->getPointID(k)); } polyline0.addPoint(intersection_pnt_id); for (std::size_t k(idx1 + 1); k < (*polygon_it)->getNumberOfPoints(); k++) { polyline0.addPoint((*polygon_it)->getPointID(k)); } GeoLib::Polyline polyline1{(*polygon_it)->getPointsVec()}; polyline1.addPoint(intersection_pnt_id); for (std::size_t k(idx0 + 1); k <= idx1; k++) { polyline1.addPoint((*polygon_it)->getPointID(k)); } polyline1.addPoint(intersection_pnt_id); // remove the polygon except the first if (*polygon_it != this) { delete *polygon_it; } // erase polygon_it and add two new polylines auto polygon1_it = _simple_polygon_list.insert( _simple_polygon_list.erase(polygon_it), new GeoLib::Polygon(polyline1)); auto polygon0_it = _simple_polygon_list.insert( polygon1_it, new GeoLib::Polygon(polyline0)); splitPolygonAtIntersection(polygon0_it); splitPolygonAtIntersection(polygon1_it); } void Polygon::splitPolygonAtPoint (const std::list::iterator& polygon_it) { std::size_t const n((*polygon_it)->getNumberOfPoints() - 1); std::vector id_vec(n); std::vector perm(n); for (std::size_t k(0); k < n; k++) { id_vec[k] = (*polygon_it)->getPointID (k); perm[k] = k; } BaseLib::quicksort (id_vec, 0, n, perm); for (std::size_t k(0); k < n - 1; k++) { if (id_vec[k] == id_vec[k + 1]) { std::size_t idx0 = perm[k]; std::size_t idx1 = perm[k + 1]; if (idx0 > idx1) { std::swap(idx0, idx1); } // create two closed polylines GeoLib::Polyline polyline0{*(*polygon_it)}; for (std::size_t j(0); j <= idx0; j++) { polyline0.addPoint((*polygon_it)->getPointID(j)); } for (std::size_t j(idx1 + 1); j < (*polygon_it)->getNumberOfPoints(); j++) { polyline0.addPoint((*polygon_it)->getPointID(j)); } GeoLib::Polyline polyline1{*(*polygon_it)}; for (std::size_t j(idx0); j <= idx1; j++) { polyline1.addPoint((*polygon_it)->getPointID(j)); } // remove the polygon except the first if (*polygon_it != this) { delete *polygon_it; } // erase polygon_it and add two new polygons auto polygon1_it = _simple_polygon_list.insert( _simple_polygon_list.erase(polygon_it), new Polygon(polyline1)); auto polygon0_it = _simple_polygon_list.insert( polygon1_it, new Polygon(polyline0)); splitPolygonAtPoint(polygon0_it); splitPolygonAtPoint(polygon1_it); return; } } } bool operator==(Polygon const& lhs, Polygon const& rhs) { if (lhs.getNumberOfPoints() != rhs.getNumberOfPoints()) { return false; } const std::size_t n(lhs.getNumberOfPoints()); const std::size_t start_pnt(lhs.getPointID(0)); // search start point of first polygon in second polygon bool nfound(true); std::size_t k(0); for (; k < n-1 && nfound; k++) { if (start_pnt == rhs.getPointID(k)) { nfound = false; break; } } // case: start point not found in second polygon if (nfound) { return false; } // *** determine direction // opposite direction if (k == n-2) { for (k=1; k 0; j--) { if (lhs.getPointID(k - 2 - j) != rhs.getPointID(j)) { return false; } } // new start point at second polygon - the point n-1 of a polygon is // equal to the first point of the polygon (for this reason: n-2) j = n - 2; for (; j > k - 1; j--) { if (lhs.getPointID(n - 2 + j + k - 2) != rhs.getPointID(j)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } } // end namespace GeoLib