Tip revision: f430f2858ae9f161a189d09273ada754a370d886 authored by Josh Siegle on 14 May 2020, 17:24:40 UTC
Fix version incompatibility between argschema and marshmallow
Fix version incompatibility between argschema and marshmallow
Tip revision: f430f28
echo "\n\n[] Downloading latest npm package from internal npm registry..\n\n"
rm -rf ./node_modules
rm -f ./static/external_assets/bundled.js
npm install aibs-portal-assets --save --registry http://dev_resource:4873
rm -f ./node_modules/aibs-portal-assets/dist/index.html
cp ./node_modules/aibs-portal-assets/dist/bundled.js ./static/external_assets/bundled.js
echo "[] Copied the new bundle to /static/external_assets..\n"