# WARNING! # This file is provided as a courtesy and comes with no guarantees that it will # continue to work in the future. let sources = import ./nix/sources.nix; pkgs = sources.pkgs; overlays = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/overlays.nix {}; kernelPackageSet = [ # Packages required to build & develop kernels pkgs.rustup pkgs.wabt # Bring Clang into scope in case the stdenv doesn't come with it already. pkgs.clang_16 # This brings in things like llvm-ar which are needed for Rust WebAssembly # compilation on Mac. # It isn't used by default. Configure the AR environment variable to # make rustc use it. pkgs.llvmPackages_16.bintools # Cross-compilation for RISC-V sources.riscv64Pkgs.clangStdenv.cc # Formatter/LSP for Cargo manifests (and TOML in general) pkgs.taplo ] ++ (pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin sources.riscv64Pkgs.libiconvReal); mainPackage = (import ./default.nix).overrideAttrs (old: { # This makes the shell load faster. # Usually Nix will try to load the package's source, which in this case # is the entire repository. Given the repository is fairly large, and we # don't actually need the source to build the development dependencies, # we just remove the dependency on the source entirely. src = null; }); devPackageSet = pkgs.opamPackages.overrideScope' ( pkgs.lib.composeManyExtensions [ # Set the opam-repository which has the package descriptions. (final: prev: { repository = prev.repository.override { src = pkgs.callPackage ./nix/opam-repo.nix {}; }; }) # Specify the constraints we have. (final: prev: prev.repository.select { packageConstraints = [ "ocaml=${mainPackage.passthru.ocamlVersion}" "utop=2.9.0" "ocaml-lsp-server>=1.9.0" "merlin" "odoc" "ocp-indent" "js_of_ocaml-compiler" "ocamlformat-rpc" "merge-fmt" ]; }) # Tweak common packages. overlays.common-overlay # Overlays for MacOS ( if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then overlays.darwin-overlay else final: prev: {} ) ] ); clangNoArch = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then pkgs.clang.overrideAttrs (old: { postFixup = '' ${old.postFixup or ""} # On macOS this contains '-march' and '-mcpu' flags. These flags # would be used for any invocation of Clang. # Removing those makes the resulting Clang wrapper usable when # cross-compiling where passing '-march' and '-mcpu' would not # make sense. echo > $out/nix-support/cc-cflags-before ''; }) else pkgs.clang; in pkgs.mkShell { name = "tezos-shell"; hardeningDisable = ["stackprotector"]; inherit (mainPackage) NIX_LDFLAGS NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE TEZOS_WITHOUT_OPAM OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX; buildInputs = with pkgs; kernelPackageSet ++ mainPackage.buildInputs ++ [ nodejs cacert curl shellcheck poetry kaitai-struct-compiler devPackageSet.ocaml-lsp-server devPackageSet.ocamlformat-rpc devPackageSet.ocp-indent devPackageSet.merlin devPackageSet.utop ] ++ ( if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then [ fswatch ] else [ inotify-tools ] ); # This tells the 'cc' Rust crate to build using this C compiler when # targeting other architectures. CC_wasm32_unknown_unknown = "${clangNoArch}/bin/clang"; CC_riscv64gc_unknown_linux_gnu = "${clangNoArch}/bin/clang"; CC_riscv64gc_unknown_none_elf = "${clangNoArch}/bin/clang"; }