Tip revision: 791d01c4e7168788973afcf74a8e3eccd0627d3d authored by S M T Chua on 24 February 2022, 04:26:55 UTC
Merge pull request #378 from GeoscienceAustralia/develop
Merge pull request #378 from GeoscienceAustralia/develop
Tip revision: 791d01c
These instructions have been written for the Gadi supercomputer of the
`National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)`_. The process for other
HPC platforms may differ.
.. _`National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)`:
Login to Gadi and clone the `PyRate` repository::
ssh <user_name>
cd ~
git clone
Load the required Gadi modules (this will also remove the default NCI GDAL
Python bindings so we can build and use our own)::
source ~/PyRate/scripts/
Create a Python virtual environment::
python3 -m venv ~/PyRateVenv
source ~/PyRateVenv/bin/activate
Install `PyRate`::
cd ~/PyRate
python3 install
Following this, `PyRate` will be available for PBS jobs. To verify the
installation, first run an interactive session::
qsub -I -q express -l walltime=01:00:00,mem=16Gb,ncpus=4,wd
Once the session has started, you will need to reactivate your virtual
environment and reload the required modules.
There is a call to activate the virtual environment built into the
script below so this can be completed with a single command::
source ~/PyRate/scripts/