require(quantreg) data(Mammals) attach(Mammals) x <- log(weight) xx <- unique(x[order(x)]) y <- log(speed) plot(x,y, xlab="Weight in log(Kg)", ylab="Speed in log(Km/hour)",type="n") points(x[hoppers],y[hoppers],pch = "h", col="red") points(x[specials],y[specials],pch = "s", col="blue") others <- (!hoppers & !specials) points(x[others],y[others], col="black",cex = .75) taus <- c(.5, .9) for(i in 1:length(taus)){ fit <- rqss(y ~ qss(x, lambda = 1, constraint = "C"),tau = taus[i]) plot(fit,title = "Running Speed of Mammals", add = TRUE, col = i, lwd = 1.5) } legend(4,2,c("Median", "0.9 Quantile"), lty = 1, col = 1:2, lwd = 1.5) #Now plot confidence bands for the tau = .9 fit plot(fit,title = "Running Speed of Mammals", band = "both", col = i, lwd = 1.5) #Now plot slope of the tau = .9 line xy <- fit$qss[[1]]$xyz xx <- xy[,1] yhat <- fit$coef[1] + xy[,2] g <- diff(yhat)/diff(xx) plot(xx[-1], g, main = "Fitted Slopes of Running Speed", xlab="Weight in log(Kg)", ylab="dlog(Speed) /dlog(Weight)")