Tip revision: f0087571f613eadf68cd6de0f93525a7ea949873 authored by Casey Schneider-Mizell on 09 December 2021, 03:45:35 UTC
update notebook 2 for local data
update notebook 2 for local data
Tip revision: f008757
# import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import numpy as np
from meshparty import trimesh_vtk, trimesh_io
import vtk
from itertools import combinations
from collections import defaultdict
def mutual_closest_edges(mesh_a, mesh_b, distance_upper_bound=250):
Find pairs of points between two meshes that are one-another's closest point
on the other mesh.
:param mesh_a: Trimesh-like
:param mesh_b: Trimesh-like
:param distance_upper_bound:
a_ds, a_inds = mesh_a.kdtree.query(
mesh_b.vertices, distance_upper_bound=distance_upper_bound
b_ds, b_inds = mesh_b.kdtree.query(
mesh_a.vertices, distance_upper_bound=distance_upper_bound
mutual_closest = b_inds[a_inds[b_inds[~np.isinf(b_ds)]]] == b_inds[~np.isinf(b_ds)]
a_closest = a_inds[b_inds[~np.isinf(b_ds)]][mutual_closest]
b_closest = b_inds[~np.isinf(b_ds)][mutual_closest]
if len(a_closest) > 0:
mutual_closest_edges = np.unique(np.vstack((a_closest, b_closest)), axis=1).T
return mutual_closest_edges[:, 0], mutual_closest_edges[:, 1]
return [np.array([]), np.array([])]
def all_pairs_mutual_closest_edges(mesh, distance_upper_bound=250):
Given a mesh, find all components and the mutual closest edges between them.
_, lbls = sparse.csgraph.connected_components(mesh.csgraph)
cids = np.unique(lbls)
submeshes = {}
for cid in cids:
submeshes[cid] = mesh.apply_mask(lbls == cid)
bandaid_edges = defaultdict(dict)
for cid_A, cid_B in combinations(cids, 2):
mesh_A = submeshes[cid_A]
mesh_B = submeshes[cid_B]
edge_A, edge_B = mutual_closest_edges(mesh_A, mesh_B, distance_upper_bound)
bandaid_edges[cid_A][cid_B] = edge_A
bandaid_edges[cid_B][cid_A] = edge_B
return submeshes, bandaid_edges, lbls
def mesh_edges_from_submeshes(mesh, submeshes, bandaid_edges):
Given a mesh and its submeshes and bandaid_edges, get all pairs
# Assumes submeshes are all proper subsets of mesh
# and indexing as in the output of all_pairs_mutual_closest_edges
unmasked_bandaid_edges = []
for cid_A, cid_B in combinations(submeshes.keys(), 2):
if len(bandaid_edges[cid_A][cid_B]) > 0:
if len(unmasked_bandaid_edges) == 0:
return None
if len(unmasked_bandaid_edges) > 1:
unmasked_bandaid_edges = np.vstack(unmasked_bandaid_edges)
unmasked_bandaid_edges = unmasked_bandaid_edges[0]
return mesh.filter_unmasked_indices(unmasked_bandaid_edges).astype(int)
def path_from_predecessors(Ps, ind_start):
path = []
next_ind = ind_start
while next_ind != -9999:
next_ind = Ps[next_ind]
return np.array(path)
def filter_close_to_line(mesh, line_end_pts, line_dist_th, axis=1):
Given a mesh and a line segment defined by two end points, make a filter
leaving only those nodes within a certain distance of the line segment in
a plane defined by a normal axis (e.g. the y axis defines distances in the
xy plane)
:param mesh: Trimesh-like mesh with N vertices
:param line_end_pts: 2x3 numpy array defining the two end points
:param line_dist_th: numeric, distance threshold
:param axis: integer 0-2. Defines which axis is normal to the plane in
which distances is computed. optional, default 1 (y-axis).
:returns: N-length boolean array
line_pt_ord = np.argsort(line_end_pts[:, axis])
below_top = mesh.vertices[:, axis] > line_end_pts[line_pt_ord[0], axis]
above_bot = mesh.vertices[:, axis] < line_end_pts[line_pt_ord[1], axis]
ds = _dist_from_line(mesh.vertices, line_end_pts, axis)
is_close = (ds < line_dist_th) & below_top & above_bot
return is_close
def _dist_from_line(pts, line_end_pts, axis):
ps = (pts[:, axis] - line_end_pts[0, axis]) / (
line_end_pts[1, axis] - line_end_pts[0, axis]
line_pts = (
np.multiply(ps[:, np.newaxis], line_end_pts[1] - line_end_pts[0])
+ line_end_pts[0]
ds = np.linalg.norm(pts - line_pts, axis=1)
return ds
def filter_large_components(mesh, size_thresh=1000):
Returns a mesh filter without any connected components less than a size threshold
:param mesh: Trimesh-like mesh with N vertices
:param size_thresh: Integer, min size of a component to keep. Optional, default=1000.
:returns: N-length boolean array
cc, labels = sparse.csgraph.connected_components(mesh.csgraph, directed=False)
uids, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
good_labels = uids[counts > size_thresh]
return np.in1d(labels, good_labels)
def filter_two_point_distance(mesh, pts_foci, d_pad, power=1):
Returns a boolean array of mesh points such that the sum of the distance from a
point to each of the two foci are less than a constant. The constant is set by
the distance between the two foci plus a user-specified padding. Optionally, use
other Minkowski-like metrics (i.e. x^n + y^n < d^n where x and y are the distances
to the foci.)
:param mesh: Trimesh-like mesh with N vertices
:param pts_foci: 2x3 np array with the two foci in 3d space.
:param d_pad: Extra padding of the threhold distance beyond the distance between foci.
:returns: N-length boolean array
_, minds_foci = mesh.kdtree.query(pts_foci)
if len(minds_foci) != 2:
print("One or both mesh points were not found")
return None
d_foci_to_all = sparse.csgraph.dijkstra(
dmax = d_foci_to_all[0, minds_foci[1]] + d_pad
if np.isinf(dmax):
print("Top and bottom AIS points are not in the same mesh component")
return None
if power != 1:
is_in_ellipse = np.sum(np.power(d_foci_to_all, power), axis=0) < np.power(
dmax, power
is_in_ellipse = np.sum(d_foci_to_all, axis=0) < dmax
return is_in_ellipse
def vtk_linked_point_actor(
vertices_a, inds_a, vertices_b, inds_b, line_width=1, color=(0, 0, 0), opacity=0.2
if len(inds_a) != len(inds_b):
raise ValueError("Linked points must have the same length")
link_verts = np.vstack((vertices_a[inds_a], vertices_b[inds_b]))
link_edges = np.vstack(
(np.arange(len(inds_a)), len(inds_a) + np.arange(len(inds_b)))
link_poly = trimesh_vtk.graph_to_vtk(link_verts, link_edges.T)
mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
link_actor = vtk.vtkActor()
return link_actor
def bandage_mesh(
mesh, bandage_inds, mesh_distance_upper_bound=250, potential_edge_reweight=True
Given a mesh and two 'bandage' points in two components,
finds mesh edges
if len(bandage_inds) != 2:
print("Bandage requires two points")
return None
bandage_len = np.linalg.norm(
mesh.vertices[bandage_inds[0]] - mesh.vertices[bandage_inds[1]]
submeshes, bandaid_edges, lbls = all_pairs_mutual_closest_edges(
mesh, distance_upper_bound=mesh_distance_upper_bound
mesh_edges_all = mesh_edges_from_submeshes(mesh, submeshes, bandaid_edges)
if mesh_edges_all is None:
print("No potential bandage edges found")
return None
# Find shortest path in merged components with overcomplete edges
mesh_potential = trimesh_io.Mesh(
potential_mesh_graph = mesh_potential.csgraph
if potential_edge_reweight:
for edge in mesh_edges_all:
potential_mesh_graph[edge[0], edge[1]] = (
bandage_len + potential_mesh_graph[edge[0], edge[1]]
ds, Ps = sparse.csgraph.dijkstra(
potential_mesh_graph, indices=[bandage_inds[0]], return_predecessors=True
if not np.isinf(ds[0][bandage_inds[1]]):
path = path_from_predecessors(Ps[0], bandage_inds[1])
# Now we know certain edges to link, find other edges nearby
sp_edges = mesh_edges_all[np.all(np.isin(mesh_edges_all, path), axis=1)]
ds = sparse.csgraph.dijkstra(
mesh.csgraph, indices=sp_edges.ravel(), limit=1000, min_only=True
close_edge_nodes = np.flatnonzero(~np.isinf(ds))
mesh_edges = mesh_edges_all[
np.all(np.isin(mesh_edges_all, close_edge_nodes), axis=1)
return mesh.map_indices_to_unmasked(mesh_edges)
print("No path found between bandage points")
return None