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Tip revision: d76dcc55e7dad3e7bca91de24d20d201696a5339 authored by Daniel A. Wagenaar on 07 March 2020, 05:53:12 UTC
Cleaned up repo for paper submission
Tip revision: d76dcc5

import numpy as np
import cv2

def getPerspective(xmodel, ymodel, ximage, yimage):
    '''GETPERSPECTIVE - Obtain transformation matrix from matching points
    T_mdl2img = GETPERSPECTIVE(xmodel, ymodel, ximage, yimage) where
    (xmodel, ymodel) are four points in model space and (ximage, yimage) are
    four matching points in the space of a source image, returns a perspective
    matrix that transforms model coordinates to image coordinates.'''
    xymodel = np.stack((xmodel, ymodel), 1).astype('float32')
    xyimage = np.stack((ximage, yimage), 1).astype('float32')
    mdl2img = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(xymodel, xyimage)
    return mdl2img

def applyPerspective(mdl2img, xmodel, ymodel):
    '''APPLYPERSPECTIVE - Apply perspective transform to set of points
    ximage, yimage = APPLYPERSPECTIVE(T, xmodel, ymodel) applies 
    the perspective transform T (probably obtained with GETPERSPECTIVE)
    to the points specified by (xmodel, ymodel).
    XMODEL, YMODEL may be scalars or numpy vectors.'''
    isar = type(xmodel)==np.ndarray
    if isar:
        xymodel = np.array([np.stack((xmodel,ymodel), 1)], dtype=np.float32)
        xymodel = np.array([[[xmodel,ymodel]]], dtype=np.float32)
    xyimage = cv2.perspectiveTransform(xymodel, mdl2img)
    if isar:
        return (xyimage[0,:,0], xyimage[0,:,1])
        return (xyimage[0,0,0], xyimage[0,0,1])

def warpPerspective(img, xmodel,ymodel,ximage,yimage):
    '''WARPPERSPECTIVE - Copy an image to model space
    mdl, x0, y0 = WARPPERSPECTIVE(img, xmodel, ymodel, ximage, yimage)
    fills a portion of model space that fully covers the source IMG based 
    on the perspective transform implied by the four point pairs in
    (xmodel, ymodel, ximage, yimage). It returns the resulting image (MDL)
    as well as the coordinates (X0, Y0) where the top-left corner of that image
    should live in model space. (X0, Y0) are guaranteed to be integers.
    Pixels outside of the defined region are set to black (0).
    Returns a None image on failure to warp the perspective.
    Under most circumstances, WARPPERSPECTIVEBOXED is more useful.'''
    Y,X = img.shape
    imgcorners = np.array([[[0,0], [X,0], [0,Y], [X,Y]]], dtype='float32')
    img2mdl = getPerspective(ximage, yimage, xmodel, ymodel)
    mdlcorners = cv2.perspectiveTransform(imgcorners, img2mdl)
    xmdlcorners = mdlcorners[0,:,0]
    ymdlcorners = mdlcorners[0,:,1]
    x0 = int(np.min(xmdlcorners))
    y0 = int(np.min(ymdlcorners))
    x1 = np.max(xmdlcorners)
    y1 = np.max(ymdlcorners)
    W = int(np.ceil(x1 - x0))
    H = int(np.ceil(y1 - y0))
    shfmdl2img = getPerspective(xmodel-x0, ymodel-y0, ximage, yimage)
        mdl = cv2.warpPerspective(img, shfmdl2img, (W,H),
        print(x0, y0, x1, y1, W, H)
        return (None, x0, y0)
    return (mdl, x0, y0)

def warpToRectangle(dst, xywh, src, xmodel, ymodel, ximage, yimage):
    '''WARPTORECTANGLE - Override pixels in image with warped pixels from other
    WARPTORECTANGLE(dst, xywh, src, xdst, ydst, xsrc, ysrc) calculates
    a perspective transform based on four point pairs in XDST, YDST, XSRC, YSRC,
    and uses it to render relevant pixels from a SRC image over a rectangle
    defined by XYWH in a DST image.'''
    x, y, w, h = xywh
    dstbox = dst[y:y+h, x:x+w]
    dstbox2src = getPerspective(xmodel - x, ymodel - y, ximage, yimage)
    cv2.warpPerspective(src, dstbox2src, (w,h), dst=dstbox,

def quadToImageBox(xmdlbox, ymdlbox, mdl2img, shp=None):
    '''QUADTOIMAGEBOX - Find rectangle in image needed to cover model quad
    x0,y0,x1,y1 = QUADTOIMAGEBOX(xmodel, ymodel, mdl2img) finds the (integer)
    edges of a bounding rectangle that fully covers the quadrilateral 
    specified by XMODEL and YMODEL given the transformation matrix MDL2IMG.
    If optional fourth argument SHP=(height,width) is given, the rectangle 
    is clipped to lie within 0 ≤ x ≤ width and 0 ≤ y ≤ height.'''
    mdlcorners = np.reshape(np.stack((xmdlbox, ymdlbox), 1), (1, 4, 2))
    imgcorners = cv2.perspectiveTransform(mdlcorners.astype(np.float32), mdl2img)
    #print('quad', mdlcorners)
    #print('-->>', imgcorners)
    x0 = int(np.min(imgcorners[:,:,0])-1)
    x1 = int(np.max(imgcorners[:,:,0])+1+1)
    y0 = int(np.min(imgcorners[:,:,1])-1)
    y1 = int(np.max(imgcorners[:,:,1])+1+1)
    if shp is not None:
        if x0<0:
            x0 = 0
        if y0<0:
            y0 = 0
        if y1>=shp[0]:
            y1 = shp[0]
        if x1>=shp[1]:
            x1 = shp[1]
    return (x0, y0, x1, y1)

def _roundedquad(xx, yy):
    # xx,yy must be presented in order tl, tr, bl, br
    # results are presented in order tl, tr, br, bl
    return (np.array([int(xx[0]), int(xx[1]+1), int(xx[3]+1), int(xx[2])]),
            np.array([int(yy[0]), int(yy[1]), int(yy[3]+1), int(yy[2])+1]))

def _createClipMask(xmodel, ymodel, x0,y0, w,h):
    # Box must be tl, tr, bl, br
    xxx,yyy = _roundedquad(xmodel, ymodel)
    msk = np.zeros((h,w), dtype=np.uint8)
    pts = np.stack((xxx - x0, yyy - y0), 1)
    cv2.fillPoly(msk, np.array([pts]), color=255)
    return msk

def warpPerspectiveBoxed(img, xmdlbox, ymdlbox,
                         xmodel, ymodel, ximage, yimage):
    '''WARPPERSPECTIVEBOXED - Fill a box in model space with pixels from source
    warp, mask, xl, yt = WARPPERSPECTIVEBOXED(source, xbox, ybox,
                                              xmodel, ymodel, xsource, ysource)
    uses (xbox, ybox) as the top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right
    corners of a quadrilateral in model space. It projects that quad to source
    space using the perspective transformation implied by the four point pairs
    specified by (xmodel, ymodel, ximage, yimage). It then finds a rectangle
    in model space that fully covers the quadrilateral and returns both
    warped pixels from the source and a mask that defines the quadrilateral.
    XL and YT indicate where in model space the WARP and MASK should be placed.
    That placement can be performed with COPYWITHMASK, which see.'''

    #print('warpboxed box', xmdlbox, ymdlbox)
    #print('warpboxed mod', xmodel, ymodel)
    #print('warpboxed img', ximage, yimage)
    mdl2img = getPerspective(xmodel, ymodel, ximage, yimage)
    (x0b,y0b,x1b,y1b) = quadToImageBox(xmdlbox, ymdlbox, mdl2img, img.shape)
    subimg = img[y0b:y1b,x0b:x1b] # This works by reference
    mdlimg, mx0, my0 = warpPerspective(subimg,
                                       xmodel, ymodel, ximage-x0b, yimage-y0b)
    if mdlimg is None:
        print('failed to warp')
        print('xmodel', xmodel)
        print('ymodel', ymodel)
        print('xmdlbox', xmdlbox)
        print('ymdlbox', ymdlbox)
        print('ximage', ximage)
        print('yimage', yimage)
        raise Exception('Failed to warp')
    h, w = mdlimg.shape
    msk = _createClipMask(xmdlbox, ymdlbox, mx0, my0, w, h)
    return mdlimg, msk, mx0, my0

def copyWithMask(mdl, img, msk, x0, y0):
    '''COPYWITHMASK - Copy a masked image onto a larger image
    COPYWITHMASK(bigimg, img, msk, x0, y0) copies pixels in IMG where MSK
    is 255 over corresponding pixels in BIGIMG, shifted over by X0, Y0.
    Pixels in MSK should be either 0 or 255; nothing in between. It is OK
    if the shifted IMG doesn't quite fit inside MDL. Appropriate clipping is 
    applied. '''
    if mdl.dtype != np.uint8:
        raise Exception('model must be uint8')
    if img.dtype != np.uint8:
        img = img.astype(np.uint8)
    h,w = img.shape
    H,W = mdl.shape
    if x0+w > W or y0+h > H or x0<0 or y0<0:
        # doesn't quite fit
        if x0<0:
            w += x0
            x0 = 0
        if y0<0:
            h += y0
            y0 = 0
        if x0+w>W:
            w = W - x0
        if y0+h>H:
            h = H - y0
        if w<=0 or h<=0:
        inx = slice(0, w)
        iny = slice(0, h)
        outxx = slice(x0, x0+w)
        outyy = slice(y0, y0+h)
        ms = msk[iny,inx]
        np.bitwise_or(np.bitwise_and(img[iny,inx], ms),
        outxx = slice(x0, x0+w)
        outyy = slice(y0, y0+h)
        np.bitwise_or(np.bitwise_and(img, msk),

if __name__=='__main__':
    import swiftir
    import pyqplot as qp
    ifn = 'test-top-10.jpg'
    img = swiftir.loadImage(ifn)
    # Following points define the perspective transform
    xmodel = np.array([380, 390, 680, 650])
    ymodel = np.array([1150, 1380, 1390, 1140])
    ximage = np.array([140, 160, 380, 330])
    yimage = np.array([130, 320, 380, 130])
    # Following points define the area to copy
    xmdlbox = np.array([350, 360, 700, 700])
    ymdlbox = np.array([1100, 1400, 1400, 1100])

    Y,X = img.shape
    qp.imsc(img, xx=np.arange(X), yy=np.arange(Y))
    qp.pen('r', 1)
    qp.marker('+', 4)
    qp.mark(ximage, yimage)

    mdl2img = getPerspective(xmodel, ymodel, ximage, yimage)
    mdl, x0, y0 = warpPerspective(img, mdl2img)

    Y,X = mdl.shape
    qp.imsc(mdl, xx=np.arange(X), yy=np.arange(Y))
    qp.pen('r', 1)
    qp.marker('+', 4)
    qp.mark(xmodel - x0, ymodel - y0)
    qp.marker('x', 4)
    qp.mark(xmdlbox - x0, ymdlbox - y0)
    msk = _createClipMask(xmodel, ymodel, x0,y0, X,Y)
    qp.imsc(msk, xx=np.arange(X), yy=np.arange(Y))
    dst = np.zeros((Y,X), dtype='uint8') + 128
    dst = 255-mdl
    copyWithMask(dst, mdl, msk, 0, 0)
    qp.imsc(dst, xx=np.arange(X), yy=np.arange(Y))

    mdl, msk, x0, y0 = warpPerspectiveBoxed(img, xmdlbox, ymdlbox, mdl2img)
    Y,X = mdl.shape
    qp.imsc(mdl, xx=np.arange(X), yy=np.arange(Y))
    mdl, msk, x0, y0 = warpPerspectiveBoxed(img, xmdlbox, ymdlbox, mdl2img)
    qp.imsc(msk, xx=np.arange(X), yy=np.arange(Y))

    ds2 = np.zeros((1500,1500), dtype=np.uint8) + 128
    Y,X = ds2.shape
    copyWithMask(ds2, mdl, msk, x0, y0)
    qp.imsc(ds2, xx=np.arange(X), yy=np.arange(Y))
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