/** * \file * \author Karsten Rink * \date 2012-05-02 * \brief Implementation of the Mesh class. * * \copyright * Copyright (c) 2012-2023, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org) * Distributed under a Modified BSD License. * See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or * http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license * */ #include "Mesh.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "BaseLib/RunTime.h" #include "Elements/Element.h" #include "Elements/Hex.h" #include "Elements/Prism.h" #include "Elements/Pyramid.h" #include "Elements/Quad.h" #include "Elements/Tet.h" #include "Elements/Tri.h" #include "MeshEditing/DuplicateMeshComponents.h" /// Mesh counter used to uniquely identify meshes by id. static std::size_t global_mesh_counter = 0; namespace MeshLib { using namespace ranges; std::vector> findElementsConnectedToNodes( Mesh const& mesh) { std::vector> elements_connected_to_nodes; auto const& nodes = mesh.getNodes(); elements_connected_to_nodes.resize(nodes.size()); for (auto const* element : mesh.getElements()) { for (auto const node_id : element->nodes() | views::ids) { elements_connected_to_nodes[node_id].push_back(element); } } return elements_connected_to_nodes; } Mesh::Mesh(std::string name, std::vector nodes, std::vector elements, Properties const& properties) : _id(global_mesh_counter++), _mesh_dimension(0), _node_distance(std::numeric_limits::max(), 0), _name(std::move(name)), _nodes(std::move(nodes)), _elements(std::move(elements)), _properties(properties) { this->resetNodeIDs(); this->resetElementIDs(); this->setDimension(); _elements_connected_to_nodes = findElementsConnectedToNodes(*this); this->setElementNeighbors(); } Mesh::Mesh(const Mesh& mesh) : _id(global_mesh_counter++), _mesh_dimension(mesh.getDimension()), _node_distance(mesh._node_distance.first, mesh._node_distance.second), _name(mesh.getName()), _nodes(mesh.getNumberOfNodes()), _elements(mesh.getNumberOfElements()), _properties(mesh._properties) { const std::vector& nodes(mesh.getNodes()); const std::size_t nNodes(nodes.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i) { _nodes[i] = new Node(*nodes[i]); } const std::vector& elements(mesh.getElements()); const std::size_t nElements(elements.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i) { _elements[i] = elements[i]->clone(); for (auto const& [j, node_id] : elements[i]->nodes() | views::ids | ranges::views::enumerate) { _elements[i]->setNode(static_cast(j), _nodes[node_id]); } } if (_mesh_dimension == 0) { this->setDimension(); } _elements_connected_to_nodes = findElementsConnectedToNodes(*this); this->setElementNeighbors(); } Mesh::Mesh(Mesh&& mesh) = default; void Mesh::shallowClean() { _elements.clear(); _nodes.clear(); } Mesh::~Mesh() { const std::size_t nElements(_elements.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nElements; ++i) { delete _elements[i]; } const std::size_t nNodes(_nodes.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i) { delete _nodes[i]; } } void Mesh::addElement(Element* elem) { _elements.push_back(elem); } void Mesh::resetNodeIDs() { const std::size_t nNodes(_nodes.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i) { _nodes[i]->setID(i); } } void Mesh::resetElementIDs() { const std::size_t nElements(this->_elements.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i) { _elements[i]->setID(i); } } void Mesh::setDimension() { const std::size_t nElements(_elements.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i) { if (_elements[i]->getDimension() > _mesh_dimension) { _mesh_dimension = _elements[i]->getDimension(); } } } std::pair minMaxEdgeLength( std::vector const& elements) { auto min_max = [](auto const a, auto const b) -> std::pair { return {std::min(a.first, b.first), std::max(a.second, b.second)}; }; using limits = std::numeric_limits; auto const bounds = ranges::accumulate( elements, std::pair{limits::infinity(), -limits::infinity()}, min_max, [](Element* const e) { return computeSqrEdgeLengthRange(*e); }); return {std::sqrt(bounds.first), std::sqrt(bounds.second)}; } void Mesh::setElementNeighbors() { std::vector neighbors; for (auto element : _elements) { // create vector with all elements connected to current element // (includes lots of doubles!) const std::size_t nNodes(element->getNumberOfBaseNodes()); for (unsigned n(0); n < nNodes; ++n) { auto const& conn_elems( _elements_connected_to_nodes[element->getNode(n)->getID()]); neighbors.insert(neighbors.end(), conn_elems.begin(), conn_elems.end()); } std::sort(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end()); auto const neighbors_new_end = std::unique(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end()); for (auto neighbor = neighbors.begin(); neighbor != neighbors_new_end; ++neighbor) { std::optional const opposite_face_id = element->addNeighbor(const_cast(*neighbor)); if (opposite_face_id) { const_cast(*neighbor)->setNeighbor(element, *opposite_face_id); } } neighbors.clear(); } } std::size_t Mesh::computeNumberOfBaseNodes() const { return std::count_if(begin(_nodes), end(_nodes), [this](auto const* const node) { return isBaseNode( *node, _elements_connected_to_nodes[node->getID()]); }); } bool Mesh::hasNonlinearElement() const { return std::any_of( std::begin(_elements), std::end(_elements), [](Element const* const e) { return e->getNumberOfNodes() != e->getNumberOfBaseNodes(); }); } std::vector const& Mesh::getElementsConnectedToNode( std::size_t const node_id) const { return _elements_connected_to_nodes[node_id]; } std::vector const& Mesh::getElementsConnectedToNode( Node const& node) const { return _elements_connected_to_nodes[node.getID()]; } void scaleMeshPropertyVector(MeshLib::Mesh& mesh, std::string const& property_name, double factor) { if (!mesh.getProperties().existsPropertyVector(property_name)) { WARN("Did not find PropertyVector '{:s}' for scaling.", property_name); return; } auto& pv = *mesh.getProperties().getPropertyVector(property_name); std::transform(pv.begin(), pv.end(), pv.begin(), [factor](auto const& v) { return v * factor; }); } PropertyVector const* materialIDs(Mesh const& mesh) { auto const& properties = mesh.getProperties(); if (properties.existsPropertyVector("MaterialIDs", MeshLib::MeshItemType::Cell, 1)) { return properties.getPropertyVector( "MaterialIDs", MeshLib::MeshItemType::Cell, 1); } if (properties.hasPropertyVector("MaterialIDs")) { WARN( "The 'MaterialIDs' mesh property exists but is either of wrong " "type (must be int), or it is not defined on element / cell data."); } return nullptr; } PropertyVector const* bulkNodeIDs(Mesh const& mesh) { auto const& properties = mesh.getProperties(); return properties.getPropertyVector( MeshLib::getBulkIDString(MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node), MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node, 1); } PropertyVector const* bulkElementIDs(Mesh const& mesh) { auto const& properties = mesh.getProperties(); return properties.getPropertyVector( MeshLib::getBulkIDString(MeshLib::MeshItemType::Cell), MeshLib::MeshItemType::Cell, 1); } std::unique_ptr createMeshFromElementSelection( std::string mesh_name, std::vector const& elements) { auto ids_vector = views::ids | to(); DBUG("Found {:d} elements in the mesh", elements.size()); // Store bulk element ids for each of the new elements. auto bulk_element_ids = elements | ids_vector; // original node ids to newly created nodes. std::unordered_map id_node_hash_map; id_node_hash_map.reserve( elements.size()); // There will be at least one node per element. for (auto& e : elements) { // For each node find a cloned node in map or create if there is none. unsigned const n_nodes = e->getNumberOfNodes(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_nodes; ++i) { const MeshLib::Node* n = e->getNode(i); auto const it = id_node_hash_map.find(n->getID()); if (it == id_node_hash_map.end()) { auto new_node_in_map = id_node_hash_map[n->getID()] = new MeshLib::Node(*n); e->setNode(i, new_node_in_map); } else { e->setNode(i, it->second); } } } std::map nodes_map; for (const auto& n : id_node_hash_map) { nodes_map[n.first] = n.second; } // Copy the unique nodes pointers. auto element_nodes = nodes_map | ranges::views::values | to; // Store bulk node ids for each of the new nodes. auto bulk_node_ids = nodes_map | ranges::views::keys | to; auto mesh = std::make_unique( std::move(mesh_name), std::move(element_nodes), std::move(elements)); assert(mesh != nullptr); addPropertyToMesh(*mesh, getBulkIDString(MeshLib::MeshItemType::Cell), MeshLib::MeshItemType::Cell, 1, bulk_element_ids); addPropertyToMesh(*mesh, getBulkIDString(MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node), MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node, 1, bulk_node_ids); return mesh; } std::vector> calculateNodesConnectedByElements( Mesh const& mesh) { auto const elements_connected_to_nodes = findElementsConnectedToNodes(mesh); std::vector> nodes_connected_by_elements; auto const& nodes = mesh.getNodes(); nodes_connected_by_elements.resize(nodes.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) { auto& adjacent_nodes = nodes_connected_by_elements[i]; auto const node_id = nodes[i]->getID(); // Get all elements, to which this node is connected. auto const& connected_elements = elements_connected_to_nodes[node_id]; // And collect all elements' nodes. for (Element const* const element : connected_elements) { Node* const* const single_elem_nodes = element->getNodes(); std::size_t const nnodes = element->getNumberOfNodes(); for (std::size_t n = 0; n < nnodes; n++) { adjacent_nodes.push_back(single_elem_nodes[n]); } } // Make nodes unique and sorted by their ids. // This relies on the node's id being equivalent to it's address. std::sort(adjacent_nodes.begin(), adjacent_nodes.end(), [](Node* a, Node* b) { return a->getID() < b->getID(); }); auto const last = std::unique(adjacent_nodes.begin(), adjacent_nodes.end()); adjacent_nodes.erase(last, adjacent_nodes.end()); } return nodes_connected_by_elements; } bool isBaseNode(Node const& node, std::vector const& elements_connected_to_node) { // Check if node is connected. if (elements_connected_to_node.empty()) { return true; } // In a mesh a node always belongs to at least one element. auto const e = elements_connected_to_node[0]; auto const n_base_nodes = e->getNumberOfBaseNodes(); auto const local_index = getNodeIDinElement(*e, &node); return local_index < n_base_nodes; } std::vector getMeshElementsForMaterialIDs( MeshLib::Mesh const& mesh, std::vector const& selected_material_ids) { auto const material_ids = *materialIDs(mesh); auto const& elements = mesh.getElements(); std::vector selected_elements; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < material_ids.size(); ++i) { if (ranges::contains(selected_material_ids, material_ids[i])) { selected_elements.push_back(elements[i]); } } return selected_elements; } std::unique_ptr createMaterialIDsBasedSubMesh( MeshLib::Mesh const& mesh, std::vector const& material_ids, std::string const& name_for_created_mesh) { auto const elements = MeshLib::getMeshElementsForMaterialIDs(mesh, material_ids); return MeshLib::createMeshFromElementSelection( name_for_created_mesh, MeshLib::cloneElements(elements)); } } // namespace MeshLib