Raw File
\title{Approximate Pair Correlation Function of Determinantal Point Process Model}
  Returns an approximation to the
  theoretical pair correlation function of a
  determinantal point process model, as a
  function of one argument \eqn{x}.
\usage{dppapproxpcf(model, trunc = 0.99, W = NULL)}
  \item{model}{Object of class \code{"detpointprocfamily"}.}
  \item{trunc}{Numeric specifying how the model truncation is
    performed. See Details section of \code{\link{simulate.detpointprocfamily}}.}
  \item{W}{Optional window -- undocumented at the moment.}
\details{This function is usually NOT needed for anything. It
only exists for investigative purposes.}
  and \ege
f <- dppapproxpcf(dppMatern(lambda = 100, alpha=.028, nu=1, d=2))
plot(f, xlim = c(0,0.1))
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