\name{dtw-package} \alias{dtw-package} \docType{package} \title{ Dynamic Time Warp algorithms in R } \description{ Dynamic Time Warp: find the optimal alignment between two time series. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab dtw \cr Type: \tab Package \cr Version: \tab 1.15 \cr Date: \tab 2012-8-22 \cr License: \tab GPL-2 \cr } Comprehensive implementation of Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithms in R. The basic DTW algorithm computes the time axis stretch which optimally maps one timeseries (query) onto another (reference); it outputs the remaining cumulative distance between the two. DTW is widely used e.g. for classification and clustering tasks in econometrics, chemometrics and general timeseries mining. The R implementation in dtw provides: \itemize{ \item arbitrary windowing functions (global constraints), eg. the Sakoe-Chiba band; see \code{\link{dtwWindowingFunctions}} \item arbitrary transition types (also known as step patterns, slope constraints, local constraints, or DP-recursion rules). This includes dozens of well-known types; see \code{\link{stepPattern}}: \itemize{ \item all step patterns classified by Rabiner-Juang, Sakoe-Chiba, and Rabiner-Myers; \item symmetric and asymmetric; \item Rabiner's smoothed variants; \item arbitrary, user-defined slope constraints } \item partial matches: open-begin, open-end, substring matches \item proper, pattern-dependent, normalization (exact average distance per step) \item the Minimum Variance Matching (MVM) algorithm (Latecki et al.) } Multivariate timeseries can be aligned with arbitrary local distance definitions, leveraging the \code{\link[proxy]{dist}} function of package \pkg{proxy}. DTW itself becomes a distance function with the dist semantics. In addition to computing alignments, the package provides: \itemize{ \item methods for plotting alignments and warping functions in several classic styles (see plot gallery); \item graphical representation of step patterns; \item functions for applying a warping function, either direct or inverse; \item both fast native (C) and interpreted (R) cores. } Please see documentation for function \code{\link{dtw}}, which is the main entry point to the package. If you use this software, please cite it according to \code{citation("dtw")}. The package home page is at \url{http://dtw.r-forge.r-project.org}. To get the latest stable version from CRAN, use \code{install.packages("dtw")}. To get the development version (possibly unstable), use \code{install.packages("dtw",repos="http://r-forge.r-project.org")}. } \author{ Toni Giorgino, Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Istituto di Ingegneria Biomedica (ISIB-CNR) National Research Council of Italy Maintainer: toni.giorgino@gmail.com } \seealso{ \code{\link{dtw}} for the main entry point to the package; \code{\link{dtwWindowingFunctions}} for global constraints; \code{\link{stepPattern}} for local constraints; \code{\link[analogue]{distance}}, \code{\link{outer}} for building a local cost matrix with multivariate timeseries and custom distance functions. } \references{ Toni Giorgino. \emph{Computing and Visualizing Dynamic Time Warping Alignments in R: The dtw Package.} Journal of Statistical Software, 31(7), 1-24. \url{http://www.jstatsoft.org/v31/i07/} Rabiner, L. R., & Juang, B.-H. (1993). Chapter 4 in \emph{Fundamentals of speech recognition.} Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. } \examples{ library(dtw); ## demo(dtw); } \keyword{ package } \keyword{ ts }