\name{TSdata.object} \alias{TSdata.object} \title{time series data object} \description{ Class \code{TSdata} of time series data objects for use with TSmodels. } \section{Generation}{ This class of objects is returned by specific methods of the function TSdata or can be built according to the description below. } \section{Methods}{ The \code{TSdata} class of objects has methods for the generic functions \code{print, plot, start, end, ..., testEqual, seriesNames, seriesNamesInput, seriesNamesOutput} Also, the function \code{is.TSdata} is supported. } \section{Inheritance}{ Other data classes inherit from the class \code{TSdata}.} \section{Structure}{ Objects are a list with class the most general class \code{TSdata}. The native form for this package has elements \code{input} and \code{output}. Any other elements are ignored. \code{input} and \code{output} are matrices (or tframe or time series matrices) of the input and output data, with each series in a column. It is possible to populate this structure directly from a time series database. See the \pkg{TSdbi} package for more details. } \seealso{ \code{\link{TSdata}}, \code{\link{TSmodel}}, \code{\link{TSestModel.object}} } \concept{DSE} \keyword{ts}