mkdir -p logolib cp Messages* logolib cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/# ;;; -*- logo -*- to # if not namep "template.number [op repcount] op :template.number end bury "# ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/\` ;;; -*- logo -*- to ` :backq.list [:backq.depth 0] if emptyp :backq.list [op []] if equalp first :backq.list "` ~ [op fput "` fput (` first bf :backq.list :backq.depth+1) (` bf bf :backq.list :backq.depth)] if and wordp first :backq.list equalp first first :backq.list ", ~ [op backq.unquote (bf first :backq.list) (bf :backq.list) :backq.depth] if and wordp first :backq.list memberp first first :backq.list [" :] ~ [op backq.word (first first :backq.list) (bf first :backq.list) (bf :backq.list) :backq.depth] if wordp first :backq.list ~ [op fput first :backq.list (` bf :backq.list :backq.depth)] op fput (` first :backq.list :backq.depth) (` bf :backq.list :backq.depth) end to backq.word :backq.symbol :backq.word :backq.depth if emptyp :backq.word ~ [output fput :backq.symbol (` :backq.depth)] if not equalp first :backq.word ", ~ [output fput (word :backq.symbol :backq.word) (` :backq.depth)] localmake "result backq.unquote (bf :backq.word) :backq.depth if wordp :result [output word :backq.symbol :result] output fput (word :backq.symbol first :result) bf :result end to backq.unquote :unquote.symbol :unquote.depth localmake "unquote.splicing "false if not emptyp :unquote.symbol [ if equalp first :unquote.symbol "@ [ make "unquote.splicing "true make "unquote.symbol butfirst :unquote.symbol ]] if :unquote.depth=0 [ if emptyp :unquote.symbol [output backq.combine run first (` bf :unquote.depth)] output backq.combine run :unquote.symbol (` :unquote.depth) ] if emptyp :unquote.symbol ~ [output fput (ifelse :unquote.splicing [",@] [",]) fput (` first :unquote.depth-1) (` bf :unquote.depth)] if backq.all.commas :unquote.symbol ~ [output fput (ifelse :unquote.splicing [",@] [",]) fput (` (list :unquote.symbol first :unquote.depth-1) (` bf :unquote.depth)] output fput (ifelse :unquote.splicing [",@] [",]) ~ fput (` (list :unquote.symbol) :unquote.depth-1) ~ (` :unquote.depth) end to backq.combine :this :those output ifelse :unquote.splicing [se :this :those] [fput :this :those] end to backq.all.commas :word if emptyp :word [output "true] if equalp first :word ", ~ [if emptyp butfirst :word [output "true] if equalp first butfirst :word "@ [output backq.all.commas bf bf :word] output backq.all.commas butfirst :word] output "false end bury [` backq.word backq.unquote backq.combine backq.all.commas] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/\?rest ;;; -*- logo -*- to ?rest [:which 1] output bf item :which :template.lists end bury "?rest ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/backslashedp ;;; -*- logo -*- to backslashedp :char op vbarredp :char end bury "backslashedp ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/backslashed\? ;;; -*- logo -*- to backslashed? :char op vbarredp :char end bury "backslashed? ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/buryall ;;; -*- logo -*- to buryall bury contents end bury "buryall ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/buryname ;;; -*- logo -*- to buryname :names bury namelist :names end bury "buryname ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/cascade ;;; -*- logo -*- to cascade :cascade.limit [:cascade.inputs] 3 if numberp :cascade.limit ~ [if lessp :cascade.limit 0 ~ [(throw "error (se [cascade doesn't like] :cascade.limit [as input]))] ~ make "cascade.limit `[greaterp :template.number ,[int :cascade.limit]]] local [cascade.templates template.vars] make "cascade.templates [] make "template.vars [] make " [?1] cascade.setup :cascade.inputs op cascade1 1 :template.vars end to cascade.setup :inputs if emptyp :inputs [stop] if emptyp bf :inputs [make " first :inputs stop] make "cascade.templates lput first :inputs :cascade.templates make "template.vars lput first bf :inputs :template.vars cascade.setup bf bf :inputs end to cascade1 :template.number :template.vars if apply :cascade.limit :template.vars [op apply :template.vars] op cascade1 (:template.number+1) (cascade.eval :cascade.templates) end to cascade.eval :cascade.templates if emptyp :cascade.templates [op []] op fput (apply first :cascade.templates :template.vars) ~ (cascade.eval bf :cascade.templates) end bury [cascade cascade.setup cascade1 cascade.eval] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/cascade.2 ;;; -*- logo -*- to cascade.2 [:cascade2.inputs] 5 op apply "cascade :cascade2.inputs end bury "cascade.2 ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/case ;;; -*- logo -*- .macro case :case.value :case.clauses [:caseignoredp "true] catch "case.error [output case.helper :case.value :case.clauses] (throw "error [Empty CASE clause]) end to case.helper :case.value :case.clauses if emptyp :case.clauses [output []] if emptyp first :case.clauses [throw "case.error] if or equalp first first :case.clauses "else ~ memberp :case.value first first :case.clauses ~ [output butfirst first :case.clauses] output case.helper :case.value butfirst :case.clauses end bury [case case.helper] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/closeall ;;; -*- logo -*- to closeall foreach allopen [close ?] end bury "closeall ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/combine ;;; -*- logo -*- to combine :this :those if wordp :those [output word :this :those] output fput :this :those end bury "combine ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/cond ;;; -*- logo -*- .macro cond :cond.clauses localmake "cond.result cond.helper :cond.clauses if equalp first :cond.result "error [(throw "error last :cond.result)] output last :cond.result end to cond.helper :cond.clauses if emptyp :cond.clauses [output [[] []]] if emptyp first :cond.clauses [output [error [Empty COND clause]]] if equalp first first :cond.clauses "else ~ [output list [] butfirst first :cond.clauses] ignore error catch "error [localmake "cond.result run first first :cond.clauses] localmake "cond.error error if not emptyp :cond.error [output list "error item 2 :cond.error] if not memberp :cond.result [true false] ~ [output list "error fput :cond.result [not TRUE or FALSE]] if :cond.result [output list [] butfirst first :cond.clauses] output cond.helper butfirst :cond.clauses end bury [cond cond.helper] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/crossmap ;;; -*- logo -*- to crossmap :cm.template [:cm.lists] 2 if emptyp bf :cm.lists [op cm1 first :cm.lists 1 []] op cm1 :cm.lists 1 [] end to cm1 :cm.lists :cm.level :template.vars if emptyp :cm.lists [op (list apply :cm.template :template.vars)] op cm2 first :cm.lists end to cm2 :cm.thislist if emptyp :cm.thislist [op []] local :cm.level make :cm.level first :cm.thislist op se (cm1 bf :cm.lists :cm.level+1 lput first :cm.thislist :template.vars) ~ (cm2 bf :cm.thislist) end bury [crossmap cm1 cm2] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/dequeue ;;; -*- logo -*- to dequeue local "result make "result first thing make butfirst thing output :result end bury "dequeue ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/do.until ;;; -*- logo -*- .macro do.until :until.instr :until.cond op se :until.instr (list "until :until.cond :until.instr) end bury "do.until ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/do.while ;;; -*- logo -*- .macro do.while :while.instr :while.cond op se :while.instr (list "while :while.cond :while.instr) end bury "do.while ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/edall ;;; -*- logo -*- to edall edit contents end bury "edall ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/edn ;;; -*- logo -*- to edn :names edit namelist :names end bury "edn ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/edns ;;; -*- logo -*- to edns edit names end bury "edns ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/edpl ;;; -*- logo -*- to edpl :names edit pllist :names end bury "edpl ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/edpls ;;; -*- logo -*- to edpls edit plists end bury "edpls ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/edps ;;; -*- logo -*- to edps edit procedures end bury "edps ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/emacs.debug ;;; -*- logo -*- to emacs.debug :file_elisp_code :trace_or_step localmake "wr_elisp_code writer if namep "printwidthlimit [ localmake "pw_elisp_code :printwidthlimit ern "printwidthlimit] openwrite :file_elisp_code setwrite :file_elisp_code bury [[] [wr_elisp_code pw_elisp_code file_elisp_code trace_or_step] []] (foreach contents run (list :trace_or_step) [PROCEDURES: VARIABLES: PROPERTIES:] [[names debugged title] [pr :title pr [] pr map [[name] [op ifelse memberp :name :debugged [(word "\( :name "\))] [:name]]] :names pr []]]) close :file_elisp_code setwrite :wr_elisp_code if namep "pw_elisp_code [make "printwidthlimit :pw_elisp_code] end bury "emacs.debug ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/ern ;;; -*- logo -*- to ern :names erase namelist :names end bury "ern ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/erpl ;;; -*- logo -*- to erpl :names erase pllist :names end bury "erpl ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/filep ;;; -*- logo -*- to filep :filename ignore error catch "error [openread :filename close :filename] output emptyp error end bury "filep ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/file\? ;;; -*- logo -*- to file? :filename ignore error catch "error [openread :filename close :filename] output emptyp error end bury "file? ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/filter ;;; -*- logo -*- to filter :filter.template :template.list [:template.number 1] ~ [:template.lists (list :template.list)] if emptyp :template.list [op :template.list] if apply :filter.template (list first :template.list) ~ [op combine (first :template.list) ~ (filter :filter.template bf :template.list :template.number+1)] op (filter :filter.template bf :template.list :template.number+1) end to ?rest [:which 1] output bf item :which :template.lists end bury [filter ?rest] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/find ;;; -*- logo -*- to find :find.template :template.list [:template.number 1] ~ [:template.lists (list :template.list)] if emptyp :template.list [op []] if apply :find.template (list first :template.list) [op first :template.list] op (find :find.template bf :template.list :template.number+1) end to ?rest [:which 1] output bf item :which :template.lists end bury [find ?rest] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/for ;;; -*- logo -*- .macro for :for.values :for.instr ~ [:for.var first :for.values] ~ [:for.initial run first bf :for.values] ~ [ run first bf bf :for.values] ~ [:for.step forstep] ~ [:for.tester (ifelse :for.step < 0 ~ [[:for.initial <]] ~ [[:for.initial >]])] local :for.var catch "for.catchtag [op for.done runresult [forloop :for.initial]] op [] end to forloop :for.initial make :for.var :for.initial if run :for.tester [throw "for.catchtag] run :for.instr .maybeoutput forloop (:for.initial + :for.step) end to for.done :for.result if emptyp :for.result [op [stop]] op (list "output "first (list first :for.result)) end to forstep if equalp count :for.values 4 [op run last :for.values] op ifelse :for.initial > [-1] [1] end bury [for forstep forloop for.done] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/foreach ;;; -*- logo -*- .macro foreach [:foreach.inputs] 2 catch "foreach.catchtag ~ [op foreach.done runresult ~ [foreach1 bl :foreach.inputs last :foreach.inputs 1]] op [] end to foreach1 :template.lists :foreach.template :template.number if emptyp first :template.lists [throw "foreach.catchtag] apply :foreach.template firsts :template.lists .maybeoutput foreach1 bfs :template.lists :foreach.template :template.number+1 end to foreach.done :foreach.result if emptyp :foreach.result [op [stop]] op (list "output "first (list first :foreach.result)) end to ?rest [:which 1] output bf item :which :template.lists end bury [foreach foreach1 foreach.done ?rest] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/gensym ;;; -*- logo -*- to gensym if not namep "gensym.number [make "gensym.number 0] make "gensym.number :gensym.number + 1 output word "g :gensym.number end bury [[gensym] [gensym.number]] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/ignore ;;; -*- logo -*- to ignore :stuff end bury "ignore ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/invoke ;;; -*- logo -*- to invoke :invoked.function [:invoke.inputs] 2 .maybeoutput apply :invoked.function :invoke.inputs end bury "invoke ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/iseq ;;; -*- logo -*- to iseq :a :b if not (:a > :b) [output iseq1 :a :b] output map [[x] -1 * :x] iseq1 (-1 * :a) (-1 * :b) end to iseq1 :a :b if :a > :b [output []] output fput :a iseq1 :a + 1 :b end bury [iseq iseq1] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/localmake ;;; -*- logo -*- .macro localmake :name :value output (list "local (word "" :name) "apply ""make (list :name :value)) end bury "localmake ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/macroexpand ;;; -*- logo -*- to macroexpand :expr local [name inputlist macro.result] make "name first :expr make "inputlist bf :expr if not macrop :name [(throw "error (se :name [is not a macro.]))] define "%%%$%macro.procedure text :name make "macro.result run fput "%%%$%macro.procedure :inputlist erase "%%%$%macro.procedure op :macro.result end bury "macroexpand ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/map ;;; -*- logo -*- to map :map.template [:template.lists] 2 op map1 :template.lists 1 end to map1 :template.lists :template.number if emptyp first :template.lists [output first :template.lists] output combine (apply :map.template firsts :template.lists) ~ (map1 bfs :template.lists :template.number+1) end to ?rest [:which 1] output bf item :which :template.lists end bury [map map1 ?rest] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/ ;;; -*- logo -*- to [:template.lists] 2 op map.se1 :template.lists 1 end to map.se1 :template.lists :template.number if emptyp first :template.lists [output []] output sentence (apply firsts :template.lists) ~ (map.se1 bfs :template.lists :template.number+1) end to ?rest [:which 1] output bf item :which :template.lists end bury [ map.se1 ?rest] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/mdarray ;;; -*- logo -*- to mdarray :sizes [:origin 1] local "array make "array (array first :sizes :origin) if not emptyp bf :sizes ~ [for [i :origin [:origin + (first :sizes) - 1]] ~ [setitem :i :array (mdarray bf :sizes :origin)]] output :array end bury "mdarray ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/mditem ;;; -*- logo -*- to mditem :index :array if emptyp :index [op :array] op mditem bf :index item first :index :array end bury "mditem ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/mdsetitem ;;; -*- logo -*- to mdsetitem :index :array :val setitem last :index (mditem bl :index :array) :val end bury "mdsetitem ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/name ;;; -*- logo -*- to name :name.value.input :name.variable.input make :name.variable.input :name.value.input end bury "name ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/namelist ;;; -*- logo -*- to namelist :names if wordp :names [output list [] (list :names)] output list [] :names end bury "namelist ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/pen ;;; -*- logo -*- to pen op (list (ifelse pendownp ["pendown] ["penup]) ~ penmode pensize pencolor penpattern) end bury [pen] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/pick ;;; -*- logo -*- to pick :list output item (1+random count :list) :list end bury "pick ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/pllist ;;; -*- logo -*- to pllist :names if wordp :names [output (list [] [] (list :names))] output (list [] [] :names) end bury "pllist ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/poall ;;; -*- logo -*- to poall po contents end bury "poall ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/pon ;;; -*- logo -*- to pon :names ignore error catch "error [po namelist :names] local "err make "err error if not emptyp :err [(throw "error first bf :err)] end bury "pon ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/pons ;;; -*- logo -*- to pons po names end bury "pons ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/pop ;;; -*- logo -*- to pop local "result make "result first thing make butfirst thing output :result end bury "pop ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/popl ;;; -*- logo -*- to popl :names ignore error catch "error [po pllist :names] local "err make "err error if not emptyp :err [(throw "error first bf :err)] end bury "popl ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/popls ;;; -*- logo -*- to popls po plists end bury "popls ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/pops ;;; -*- logo -*- to pops po procedures end bury "pops ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/pots ;;; -*- logo -*- to pots pot procedures end bury "pots ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/push ;;; -*- logo -*- to push :the.item.value make fput :the.item.value thing end bury "push ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/queue ;;; -*- logo -*- to queue :the.item.value make lput :the.item.value thing end bury "queue ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/quoted ;;; -*- logo -*- to quoted :stuff if wordp :stuff [op word "" :stuff] op :stuff end bury "quoted ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/reduce ;;; -*- logo -*- to reduce :reduce.function :reduce.list if emptyp bf :reduce.list [op first :reduce.list] op apply :reduce.function (list (first :reduce.list) ~ (reduce :reduce.function bf :reduce.list)) end bury "reduce ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/remdup ;;; -*- logo -*- to remdup :list output filter [not memberp ? ?rest] :list end bury "remdup ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/remove ;;; -*- logo -*- to remove :thing :list output filter [not equalp ? :thing] :list end bury "remove ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/reverse ;;; -*- logo -*- to reverse :in [:out ifelse listp :in [[]] ["]] if emptyp :in [output :out] output (reverse bf :in combine first :in :out) end bury "reverse ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/rseq ;;; -*- logo -*- to rseq :a :b :n output map [[x] :a + :x * (:b - :a) / (:n - 1)] iseq 0 :n - 1 end bury "rseq ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/savel ;;; -*- logo -*- to savel :cont :file [:oldwr writer] openwrite :file setwrite :file po :cont setwrite :oldwr close :file end bury "savel ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/setpen ;;; -*- logo -*- to setpen :pen_data ifelse equalp first bf :pen_data "reverse ~ [penreverse] ~ [ifelse equalp first bf :pen_data "erase ~ [penerase] ~ [penpaint]] ifelse equalp first :pen_data "penup [penup] [pendown] setpensize first bf bf :pen_data setpencolor first bf bf bf :pen_data setpenpattern first bf bf bf bf :pen_data end bury [setpen] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/transfer ;;; -*- logo -*- to transfer :transfer.limit :transfer.template :transfer.init output cascade.2 (ifelse emptyp :transfer.limit ~ [[emptyp ?2]] ~ [list "transfer.end.test :transfer.limit]) ~ :transfer.template [] [butfirst ?2] :transfer.init end to transfer.end.test :the.condition.expression if emptyp ?2 [output "true] output run :the.condition.expression end to ?in output first ?2 end to ?out output ?1 end bury [transfer transfer.end.test ?in ?out] ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/unburyall ;;; -*- logo -*- to unburyall unbury buried end ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/unburyname ;;; -*- logo -*- to unburyname :names unbury namelist :names end bury "unburyname ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/until ;;; -*- logo -*- .macro until :until.cond :until.instr if run :until.cond [op []] op se :until.instr (list "until :until.cond :until.instr) end bury "until ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/while ;;; -*- logo -*- .macro while :while.cond :while.instr if not run :while.cond [op []] op se :while.instr (list "while :while.cond :while.instr) end bury "while ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/xcor ;;; -*- logo -*- to xcor output first pos end bury "xcor ENDOFFILE cat << "ENDOFFILE" > logolib/ycor ;;; -*- logo -*- to ycor output last pos end bury "ycor ENDOFFILE